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词汇 example_english_thorax

Examples of thorax

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
They have relatively large numbers of multilocular disc pores on the venter of the thorax, which may be a size-related feature.
Using the floating system, the computer superimposes both centers of mass and reference lines, thus correcting for movement of the heart inside the thorax.
The remaining organs of the thorax and abdomen were also arranged in their anticipated normal fashion.
The indirect muscles are usually the largest in the body, and are attached to the thorax and not to the wing-bases.
When at rest the wings slightly diverge and are elevated at a considerable angle above the thorax and abdomen.
The newly hatched larva is of a yellowish grey colour, with the head, thorax and legs brownish.
The thorax is not the only tumour site affected by breathing.
The trial includes the four most common sites treated at the hospital: head and neck, thorax, pelvis and breast.
As expected perhaps, these differences are larger for some sites (head and neck, thorax), than for others (breast, pelvis).
Another example is tumour localisation within the thorax.
The data from that study were combined with those on thorax length from the present study, to examine the correlations between them.
The lines were scored for their body size, measured as thorax length.
To be valid, however, this interpretation implies a positive genetic correlation with thorax size.
Four replicate lines were selected for large or for small thorax length, with four replicate control lines.
We immobilized mosquitoes by chilling them briefly on ice and then inoculated 1 bead with at most 0n3 l of saline solution into the thorax.
Scutellum with similar colouring to that of the thorax, the mid lobe with six bristles and the lateral lobes with four.
Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen brown, more or less extensively suffused and marbled with bluish or greenish grey.
The thorax is narrow and tapers posteriorly, the pleural spines of the last segment being long and directed backwards.
Following terminal anaesthesia the skin overlying the thorax was shaved, at the same time being sterilized with alcohol swabs.
Thorax with markings similar to those in the dark form, but the pleurae generally paler.
On the thorax of the female are the mycangia in which the spores of the symbiotic ambrosia fungus are transported.
The chest radiograph showed severe kyphoscoliosis and a massively enlarged heart which almost filled the whole thorax.
The ' wing ' selection lines were scored for wing area, cell area, body weight and thorax length.
Most control components are placed in the thorax and the battery is placed in the backpack.
The head and t he thorax were also lowered i n o rder to facilitate effective p iercing o f the syconium.
Sternopleural bristles were counted, on females only, on both sides of the thorax.
On the thorax and the abdomen many stellate hairs ; the tips of the branches of these hairs simple (not " fractured ").
The thorax also contained part of the upper lobes of both lungs and part of the small intestine.
Thorax and pelvis results highlighted a more favourable outcome with the majority of anatomical landmarks rating as 'visible' or better.
On the thorax and legs the colour becomes paler and softer and takes on a more pinkish tinge before fading completely.
Head and thorax with white pubescence, finely punctate ; front part of mesonotum slightly wrinkled.
When ovipositing, the female arched its abdomen under the thorax such that the host was in full view.
Thorax : scutelhim on each side of median spot, except basal angles, generally ochraceous or ochraceous-buff rather than dark brown.
Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen very pale orange, suffused with faint olive-green cloudings except on the prosternum.
With the floating system, both centers of mass and the reference lines were superimposed, thus correcting for movement of the heart inside the thorax.
Thorax with the anterior two-thirds bearing pale scales ... ... 14.
The number of parasites in relation to the stage was recorded separately for abdomen, thorax and head.
The fly's thorax and abdomen were fixed at 45 deg from horizontal, bringing the head of the fly to a horizontal position.
The head of the animal was fixed to the thorax with wax under light carbon dioxide anesthesia.
Secretions from live caterpillars were obtained by gently exerting pressure on their thorax with forceps.
On the thorax were placed several hundred shell, black coral, and ceramic beads.
The bristles are rather short and those placed on the head and thorax are approximately thicker than is usual in the allied fleas.
The two axial spines are located on the first and the third segments, indicating that one segment has been released into the thorax.
Thorax : dorsum shining black, with white pubescence, black on sides ; pleura and lower parts duller, blackish brown.
A single specimen, with very few scales left on the thorax or abdomen.
The pubescence (short appressed hair) on the dorsum of the thorax may be black or white, sometimes yellowish.
She has reached this impasse while dissecting the thorax, which is only a third of the way through the course.
Firstly, mobility of the heart inside the thorax may be higher in patients with atrial septal defects within the oval fossa than in normals.
The head is removed from the thorax, and the thorax from the abdomen.
The use of this ratio to correct for variation in general size implicitly assumes an isometric relation of wing length and thorax length between replicates.
The wing\\thorax ratio, which is inversely related to wing loading, also increased with latitude.
In the present paper we investigated genetic variation in morphometrical characteristics : body weight, thorax and wing length, bristle numbers and ovariole number.
The areas of the heart and thorax are measured and expressed as a ratio.
The heart is seen as a dark structure in the thorax and is displaced to the right.
In the sagittal section the thorax will be narrow and the abdomen protuberant, a configuration that has given rise to the expression 'champagne-cork appearance'.
The thorax and scutellum are black and somewhat polished; the humeri are lightcoloured.
The data show that selection in both directions on adult thorax length produced correlated responses in larval growth control and in mature larval body weight.
There is also evidence of symmetry in the rest of the thorax in most patients who have isomeric appendages.
Lower surface of thorax testaceous and that of abdomen marbled dark brown on a pinkish ground.
The longitudinal stripes of the thorax are faint and the abdomen, which is more pyriform than that of the male, has a slightly golden attachment.
The scales of the head are paler and the thorax is dark brown instead of reddish brown.
The disappearance of large muscles in the thorax is a useful indicator of completeness of clearing.
Prior to screening, each coccinellid was allowed to thaw at room temperature and the foregut extracted by teasing apart the thorax and abdomen.
The first experiment was performed in an anesthetized animal with an open thorax.
The cuticular phenotypes of these two mutants show the importance of the thorax in the control of hydrocarbon production.
Body size was quantified as thorax length (mm), using an ocular micrometer.
In addition, the thorax length of each fly was measured in order to investigate whether selection had resulted in a general change in body size.
Due to the use of axenic media between-vial variance in wing length and thorax length is generally small.
Thorax and wing length are expressed in millimetresi100 ; body weight in milligrams.
Predilection is the head and neck area as well as the thorax.
Thorax 0.34 mm long, 0.34 mm wide; prothorax reduced; mesothorax nearly triangular.
The exoskeleton bears 13 trunk segments, among which the anteriormost 10 segments may belong to thorax.
Subtracting heart volumes from thorax volume overestimates lung volume, since other organs (thymus, vessels, trachea and oesophagus) are included.
We stimulated the melanization response by inoculating a bead into the mosquito's thorax (this site was chosen for practical reasons).
Following the removal of the skin site of exposure, the thorax of the mouse was opened and the lungs removed.
The colouring is more distinctly grey with a faint longitudinal striping on the thorax; the transverse markings on the abdomen are also indistinct.
Under food-limited conditions, the response of wing length levelled off at low temperature, while thorax length showed a maximum at intermediate temperatures.
Temperature and food show a significant interaction in determining wing length and thorax length, affecting mean size per line and genetic variation between lines.
In that study, mosquito thorax extract, containing mosquito salivary glands, did not potentiate virus infection.
The effect of a study day on the subject of pain for nurses working at the thorax surgery department.
We used three linear measurements in order to estimate body or thorax volume: total body (or thorax) length, width and depth.
If the components remain unfused when the midgut returns to the abdomen during the tenth week of gestation, the viscera will herniate into the thorax.
Workers were marked on the thorax with a dot of red acrylic paint, and males with green.
The combination of a superficial location on the thorax and lack of intervening organs makes the breast ideal for ablative therapies, one of which is cryoablation.
Splanchnic flow during the hypothermic phase, while not numerically presented, was stated in the paper to be greater than values obtained prior to opening the thorax.
Having demonstrated some growth in size of the pulmonary arteries we then proceed with unifocalisation through each hemi-thorax avoiding the use of prosthetic material whenever possible.
Thorax with the pronotum equal in width to the frons, convex.
Thorax as in the two species mentioned.
Thorax with two tubercles on each side, the anterior one bearing two or three long slender spines.
Selection for reduced thorax length was associated with reduced growth rate, no change in duration of larval development and a reduced critical larval weight for pupariation.
In normal circumstances the thorax and abdomen should be approximately the same size viewed in the axial plane, and comparison can help indicate a small chest.
In the present experiment we studied the variation between isofemale lines in reaction norms of wing length and thorax length in response to temperature and food level.
Thorax with the groundcolour ashy-grey above, brown at the sides.
They share this characteristic with other quadrupeds whose breathing and running are closely synchronized (one stride per breath) so as to brace the thorax for forelimb impacts.
The parasite emerges from the head end of the host pupa by biting along a fairly regular line round the pupa, passing through the middle of the thorax.
In both the arista and frons are bare, the head is not short, and there is a well-developed greydusted pattern on the dorsum of the thorax.
The observed genetic correlations between thorax length and the bristle traits were so low that they are unlikely in themselves to constrain the standing genetic variation for these traits.
Drainage of cyst fluid (thoracocentesis) decompresses the fetal thorax but there is usually a rapid reaccumulation of fluid, presumably reflecting the failure to correct the underlying pathophysiology.
The breast is an ideal model for ablative therapies owing to its superficial location on the thorax and absence of intervening organs between it and the skin.
The wings were excised at the point of attachment to the thorax using a pair of fine scissors and then mounted as a pair on a glass microscope slide.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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