词汇 | thesaurus_brooding |
释义 | broodingadjective These are words and phrases related to brooding. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of brooding. DEJECTEDSynonymsdejected depressed dispirited disheartened pouting dour low-spirited discouraged despondent downhearted sad unhappy miserable lugubrious glum gloomy grim wretched sullen sulky downcast down low crestfallen melancholy blue forlorn disconsolate sorrowful morose heartbroken down in the dumps Slang down in the mouth Slang Antonymshappy cheerful lighthearted SULLENSynonymssullen ill-tempered gloomy ill-humored grumpy out of humor out of sorts surly glowering sulky crabbed resentful grouchy sour morose scowling peevish petulant splenetic sore grim ill-natured temperamental glum saturnine moody unsociable crabby unamiable cross touchy Antonymscheerful happy gay smiling sociable merry amiable MOODYSynonymsmoody melancholy dejected gloomy pessimistic lugubrious despondent saturnine morose morbid dismal mopish unhappy down-in-the-mouth Slang mean irritable irascible sulky ill-humored sullen testy surly peevish crabby temperamental Antonymshappy joyful cheerful amiable personable compatible MORBIDSynonymsmorbid depressed gloomy glum sad morose self-absorbed dour saturnine moody melancholic lugubrious despondent somber grim pessimistic unwholesome preoccupied with death suggesting an unhealthy mental state Antonymscheerful optimistic vital life-centered broodingnoun INTROSPECTIONSynonymsintrospection self-analysis self-examination soul-searching heart-searching self-consultation self-contemplation self-observation meditation self-questioning deliberation rumination reflection self-scrutiny |