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词汇 example_english_steal

Examples of steal

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In a 1984 case, jewellery was stolen from a house in which the defendant was a temporary lodger.
Throughout the nineteenth century there was some casual cattle stealing in most districts.
Thus, they exclude a range of offences, such as shoplifting and stealing from work, where the non-reporting is particularly high.
Making himself known, he was there to be stolen from.
Specifically, stealing was more strongly linked with other delinquent behaviors among boys than among girls.
Postoperatively, the collaterals shunt blood to the pulmonary circulation, effectively stealing flow from the abdominal organs.
In this case wives were stolen and transported to another region.
If he actually resolved to refrain from stealing, he could carry out his resolution.
Next a computer-simulated actor stole 10 points from one randomly chosen subject.
Strategy stealing does not give any hint about how to actually win.
The grocery store wants to stop carts from being stolen.
The stolen files have helped them attain success as, respectively, a business magnate and an actress.
People were stealing bread from those who went to the bakery.
People thought that we were stealing something that was general property.
They could be traded, hoarded, stolen, [or sold] and in these ways bring about [re]arrangements of power or status.
Another had nothing because [their possessions] had been stolen.
The paltry amounts of crops and hedge-wood taken indicate that what was in most cases stolen was intended for immediate consumption rather than for resale.
Unfortunately, some gathering chambers were stolen or destroyed during the study.
The only tape recorder in the institution disappeared from the director's office one afternoon, allegedly stolen.
The other causes were stealing of water, drainage problems, irrigation schedule, and ineffective law.
Engineering employers, frequently stealing workers from each other, dealt with the matter collectively by sharpening their rules against poaching.
He was stolen away by fate for ever...
People stole all manner of items from state factories and enterprises which they used themselves or exchanged for scarce goods and services.
A child who bullies others and steals from department stores has a social problem.
Significant risks emanate from stealing information, including private information such as addresses, bank accounts, credit card numbers, and an agent's goals and instructions.
One of the stories they wrote told of children who stole clothes in a supermarket, while the other customers watched them without concern.
In the past year, have you or any friends had their house broken into and something stolen?
More sheep were stolen in the winter months, when work was scarce, than in the summer when harvest led to temporary full rural employment.
Tenants refused to mark out their lands for survey, and maps and field notes were stolen.
The manager wants to stop parts from being stolen.
Stephens stole a schooner the other day, didn't he?
They stole from shops, market stalls, houses and washing lines.
Self-reports were used to gauge rule-breaking levels because adolescent behaviors such as stealing, lying, and cheating are, by definition, concealed from adults.
What of his claim to recover the stolen goods ?
Unfortunately the 'strategy stealing argument' doesn't supply any explicit strategy.
One leather-bound volume was stolen from the family prior to 1978.
The thief that stole the jewelry from the rich woman escaped. 13.
Again, lying and stealing were associated with food, but so also was mood.
The first factor extracted consisted of the severity of the eating behaviour, lying and stealing.
Political banks were created to channel stolen monies from public enterprises.
Such information can be stolen while in transit or in storage.
After having completed all statically pre-assigned tasks, a thread tries to identify heavily loaded threads with non-empty local task queues and "steals" tasks from them.
Their property and animals have been stolen and their villages burned.
Such assets are much more easily stolen than traditional factors such as physical capital and land.
Very serious cases of violating moral rules, such as stealing, bullying, and hitting, were seldom discussed.
The police share the valuables stolen by thieves.
Five bicycle thieves were arrested, and two men stealing from cars.
The museum wants to stop art from being stolen.
One case in which false references were used some £4 million was stolen from two banks.
Many made restitution for their sins, repaying employers for stolen goods or apologizing to neighbors for speaking badly about them.
Scroremoies testified that he harbored no ill feelings toward the victim and that she had not stolen from him.
By dawn, thousands were under arrest, abandoned buildings were ablaze and millions of dollars worth of consumer goods had been stolen.
Often the craftsmen used raw materials stolen from factories or building sites (building materials, metals, yarn).
Suppose a husband steals a baby and persuades his wife that it was legally adopted.
A lodger who worked for a sugar refiner had stolen from his room a cloth coat, a satin waistcoat, worsted stockings and leather breeches.
Alternatively, consider the rule allowing the use of force to recapture stolen property or to effectuate reentry upon land.
The government can prosecute a flag burner for stealing a flag, or for burning it under circumstances that create a danger to others.
If stolen property remains stolen property no matter how many hands it has passed through, then the colour of those hands should be irrelevant.
The strong have a duty to display sympathy for the weak instead of stealing their land and usurping their freedom.
There was a period fifteen, twenty years ago when stealing software was considered okay by many people, including many academics.
Article 3 is about a person who was caught stealing cosmetics.
Similarly, other early industrial artists create music by using instruments that were recycled, stolen or discarded.
He steals the clothes of the woman to whom he is most attracted, and she agrees to marry him.
The county's criminal women bought and sold stolen goods.
Both notes and orders could be stolen, banks might run short of currency, or, all too often, they could close their doors.
He had stolen their ports, and forced himself upon a country that had done well enough without him for forty centuries.
Both of the sentences in (1), for instance, can be said to be about the woman who stole the bread.
What is intertextuality to some, is straightforward stealing to those who do not have recourse to copyright and capital.
In another catchy cassette poem released several years later, another poet accuses an acquaintance, who has gained considerable fame through a recent cassette, of stealing his verses.
A thief is someone who steals things.
The first person gets the car by repossessing it when the owner stops making payments (and the sale contract allowed for repossession); the second steals it.
Hence, it does not matter that an act being an act of stealing is not a feature that the agent can replicate in a non-stealing alternative.
We conceded the analogous point in the lottery example, noting there that the agent may be able to grasp, in her yet-to-be-performed act of stealing, various features.
They stole the gold. 10.
First, this subtyping may be reflecting not discrete categories but the fact that the children are smoothly distributed over two dimensions, the second now being a stealing dimension.
Rosas from simply stealing everything ?
Hosts, agents and other entities are vulnerable to a number of attacks ranging from eavesdropping communications to stealing sensitive and private data and inflicting damage by design through viruses.
We know nothing beyond 'strategy stealing'.
The behaviours rated included : eating behaviour, skin picking, temper tantrums, repetitive questions, obsessive behaviour, violent or aggressive outbursts, mood swings, argumentativeness, stealing, lying, stubbornness and possessiveness.
In the case of property offences, the help of bystanders, neighbours or tavern proprietors in tracing thieves and stolen goods often made the appeal to the authorities unnecessary.
If he refrains from stealing, then, when the authorities catch up with him, his claims will be greater than they would be in the event that he steals.
However, nothing was stolen or ruined.
Arguably, one must have the concept of stolen in order to believe goods to be stolen, but the goods need not have the real nature of being stolen.
We have seen how norms of appropriate behavior within a particular group may involve expressing (dis)approval of transgression (going out and "pulling"; destroying stolen property).
If he were caught stealing, it might well be the case that his past moral performance could be so great as to cancel out or even outweigh the infraction.
A woman stole a loaf of bread.
How confident stolen goods would be returned?
During the experiment they were participating in a game in which they were vulnerable to theft, could punish the thief if they were stolen from, and could engage in exchange.
How then can her stealing harm him?
After his election, the new abbot complained about conditions during the recent vacancy when, as he observed, part of the plate and cattle had been stolen, the abbey 'sore decayed'.
They were charged with stealing, since 1940 and with the tacit or declared complicity of the mayor, hundreds of ration cards at each distribution of cards to the local population.
All his catties were stolen.
The survey also asked about theft by colleagues, and over one-half of the respondents reported that they had seen or suspected other employees of stealing money, credit cards and cheques.
Another told one of the interviewers that his cell partner had stolen a speaker from his radio and did so because he knew that retaliation was unlikely.
She had her telephone, her money, her credit cards and all her papers stolen.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
In practice this is, therefore, stealing the employee's time.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
We do not prohibit someone who has stolen a bicycle from using the roads.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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