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词汇 example_english_sentiment

Examples of sentiment

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In other words, it was a new emotional fashioning involving a different model of the association and privileging of sentiments.
Rather, it presupposes the existence and the authority of such sentiments.
At every juncture there is a seamless connection between private moments and public events, intimate feelings and collective sentiments, personal goals and national ambitions.
Such programmes have become a platform for senior civil servants wanting to understand public sentiments on government policies.
Although much of the internal anti-colonial pressure of the 1950s was urban based, the leaders of the anti-colonial movement drew heavily on rural ethnic sentiments.
Even as fine sentiments make bad literature, excellent evidence-based studies regularly hit practical impasses.
Specifically, the research is aimed at appraising the sentiments and trends that have been in place since 1993 to prevent a return to authoritarian government.
Such sentiments emphasise the importance of being locally accessible and knowing the community in which organisations are active.
They must show off more rigorously the ideas of sentiments already expressed in its verses.
The anticipated division between the partisan sentiments of urban and rural voters shows the predicted pattern among core voters.
While both groups share the general sentiments of the national population, the difference between the two groups suggests some rising awareness among civic education recipients.
How did people feel about the sentiments, events and images pictured in these songs?
What if the subordinate particularities pull the sentiments in different directions?
Interpretations, sentiments, and claims, even allegedly private thoughts and feelings, draw from the growing public cultures of the ageing body.
There is very little, for example, on the ' sentiments approach ' to family history.
Uncovering such sentiments requires a detailed understanding of the complex interplay between local economic, topographic and cultural factors.
You never see those happy parties gathered at tables, where the spirit of sociability and the softest sentiments are displayed.
Across all this, pacifist and antiimperialist sentiments found considerable support.
Marjoribanks proved herself capable of preferring her great work to her personal sentiments, which is generally considered next to impossible for a woman.
The notions of natural and nature carry a heavy load of ideas, and values, feelings and sentiments.
Next, partially overlapping this, the female continues to sing a reprise of the aforementioned sentiments, ending on a high, 'wailing' note.
Such a view is a staple of creation ' scientists ', but even cosmologists and biochemists have been overheard murmuring similar sentiments.
Due to the intense polarisation of ethnic sentiments, there is no guarantee that a pluralist (competitive) system will generate stability in the short run.
Elsewhere, the poet deploys some substantial passages conveying a range of reflective and quasi-homiletic sentiments.
The bandits are recast as reacting against elite suppression, their acts expressing social protest reflecting the sentiments of the poor.
The maps made the past tangible, and the reading of the past on the maps was used to ignite emerging national sentiments.
Before 1866, this elite had been uninterested in responding to sustained public sentiments.
Carruthers appears to suspect this, and he asks the reader to hold in abeyance any sentiments against the assumption.
There were no differences in sentiments surrounding traditional filial piety beliefs by age or gender.
Indeed, punitive sentiments must go hand in hand with a preparedness to risk cooperation if cooperation is to survive the process of natural selection.
Whatever their personal circumstances, most individuals articulated sentiments of personal responsibility for later life.
Such sentiments are assuredly at the radical end of the spectrum, and they only find resonance at times of crisis.
Our sentiments cannot immediately aspire to encompassing the entire political community.
Most commonly, however, white musicians deliver these critical sentiments with a sharply satirical edge.
In a sensational and well-publicized trial in 1999 the author of these sentiments was fined for causing unnecessary suffering to a chimpanzee. 62.
The bilingual presentation is an excellent way of preserving not only the sentiments and wisdom of the elders, but of their language, too.
We first assess orientations toward authority, and then link these sentiments to support for democracy.
Efficacious sentiments run demonstrably lower among working-class than middle-class identifiers, especially among those with stable attachments.
Graduates prove to be the least likely to express nationalist sentiments while the unqualified are the most likely to do so.
Naturally this system helped to maintain and to reproduce the ideological sentiments already present in the court system.
There are good and bad sentiments and passions (just as there are good and bad forms of "imagination").
The sentiments in the text at these points (anguish and hope) take on a more delicate emotional appeal than before.
Now let's see how well these fine sentiments are enforced.
While he is speaking specifically of the housing project he designed, his sentiments encode a general rejection of progressive taxation or government welfare projects.
More generally, a credit association presented a variety of challenges to customary practices, as well as to individual and collective sentiments.
Thus, an on-the-spot mixture of economic needs, material practicality and social sentiments of the negotiating agents moulded ganyu contracts.
When such conclusions involve sentiments of persecution, actions taken may inadequately address the actual sources of problems.
The morality described in such sentiments was a morality of familism.
The literati re-oriented the primordial sentiments seen as embedded in past samajs in the nineteenth century.
Their primordial sentiments were the primary shapers of their psychological ties.
Nevertheless, he estimated that maintenance of the status quo had less potential to inflame antigovernment sentiments.
As the locale of social dispositions and sentiments, the mind was the place where affiliation resided, and where the battle of affections took place.
In this kind of case, we clearly do not have a lively consciousness of the other person's sentiments, based on imaginative identification.
Voters arrive at the polling booth with sentiments, preconceptions and preferences that they have held over time.
The four most prevalent realms are those of consciousness and sentiments; societal transformation; politics and power relations; and ideas and ideology.
He has challenged future local scholars, who may know the innate sentiments more intimately, to explore fully the prevalent differences at the time.
On the contrary the business class often used them to assuage and manipulate popular sentiments to promote its business interests.
A glimmering of these sentiments is evident from events in the 1580s.
He recalled with great pride how his former pupils still cherish the song and the sentiments it expresses.
As has been shown above, these sentiments extended to the areas of the party press and the cultural and social provision of leisure facilities.
If they felt anger towards the regime, they lacked the channels for mobilising their sentiments into action.
The experience of the period between the wars had taught the painful lesson that this would just breed resentment and vengeful sentiments.
The pleasures of mutual fellow-feeling can be enjoyed in any joint activity between people whose sentiments are suitably aligned.
Rather, he represents, in an idealized form, the correspondence of sentiments that is induced by social interaction: he represents the mirror of social approval.
While religious sentiments can never be ruled out entirely, it seems, based on the time frame, that they did not constitute the prime catalyst.
The lack of rigid hierarchy enabled him to recruit warriors regardless of the sentiments of the larger community.
Obviously, the higher the average rating, the greater the tendency of the group as a whole to agree with the sentiments expressed in the statement.
If we stick at this level, these sound little more than rather high-flown sentiments dignified by the claims of their divine origin.
Similar sentiments and notions are probably also present among the lowland population groups.
Apart from sentiments, ordinary people's livelihood is another theme in popular songs.
Our general assumption is that people have relatively stable and enduring values and sentiments which in turn will shape their attitudes towards transient political issues.
Administrators expressed both positive and negative sentiments regarding inclusion and separation.
Both used these salutations to end their letters, and these were much more than merely courteous or formulaic sentiments.
Their opposition to such sentiments can clearly be seen in the strategy of counter-demonstration adopted in late 1938.
Such sentiments, however, were based on surreptitious motivations.
Our basic assumption is that party strength in each region will reflect sentiments favourable toward ethno-regional interests.
Indeed, he claims that our moral sentiments are partially constituted by and rational on the basis of a pertinent set of beliefs.
In the nineteenth century ruins became "more proximate and more dense, and they evoked more precise and terrifying sentiments" (pp. 99, 98).
The neglect of the esoteric dimension turned the church into a degenerated, static body, engendering antireligious sentiments among educated people, he asserted.
Sentiments like empathy and self-respect, for example, are positive sentiments because they foster sound interpersonal and sociopolitical relations.
On medical insurance, however, provincial sentiments were not as conducive to federal innovation.
The female persona in this text is therefore voicing sentiments that are appropriate in a certain poetic and cultural idiom.
An economist by training, his game-theoretic and experimental work addresses the origins and evolution of languages, moral sentiments, conventions, and organizations.
Most of what people read contains the thoughts and sentiments of others.
Appealing to rather different sentiments, there are strong grounds for arguing that scientists should take social responsibility for the technology they develop.
Ever since, numerous writers have paraphrased these sentiments, either in their fiction or through their own self-scrutiny.
Most people today are puzzled by such sentiments.
The reaction to some sentiments simply will not change.
In this way, we become conscious of our own sentiments, and of other people's approval and disapproval of them.
There is no suggestion that we are necessarily at fault when we do not enter into the other person's sentiments.
To take the viewpoint of the impartial spectator is to bring one's own sentiments into correspondence with what other people can go along with.
The more sophisticated the technology becomes, however, the more alienated the instruments of the hand become from the sentiments of the heart.
Considering that academic bioethics is often viewed as a captive of liberal academia, which is presumed to harbor anticapitalist sentiments, this result is ironic.
His sentiments towards the government had changed, however.
Positive sentiments regarding later-life appearance were relatively uncommon.
In contrast, it exhibited the reluctance of local officials to implement laws and regulations that went against local sentiments.
Singaporeans don't have any sentiments left for it.
Of course one could argue that a private sanction inflicted by individuals in the community may even better express the community's sentiments.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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