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词汇 example_english_seize

Examples of seize

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The same theory of franchises that justified granting and seizing corporate privileges also justified modifying them by these means.
Two further oxen were seized as heriots, one compounded for £10 and the other for £15.
They use strong words like seizing and pinned, while mutant implies that what we know can suddenly become unknown.
Moreover, legal actions were instituted and property and buildings were seized from non-payers in an attempt to recover some of the payment arrears.
His book is intellectually stimulating; he delights in seizing an idea and worrying at it, like a cat toying with a mouse.
Critics of talk of distributive justice have seized upon this "handout" element as a reason for avoiding such talk.
Moreover, on the day that ' ' it seized power in 1976, the military junta issued a decree removing all justices.
They were active innovators who seized political opportunities as they unfolded during this critical historical moment.
The histories also record the cases of emperors who seized women for their court harem.
In many cases those collectively held accountable for debts were also seized and even sold.
Faced with political marginalization he acted against the clique who controlled the capital and seized the throne in 1290.
If they strayed across the line, they could be seized by the police or stolen by villagers on the other side.
In 1966 a military junta committed to moderately liberal economic policies seized power and began to plan a complete overhaul of the pension system.
Rather, groups only need repeat the already existing symbols that the media have seized upon as the most important in the current crisis.
Rather, it has been seized upon by authors from various countries and disciplines who are concerned with broader issues of governance.
In the 1970s, the middle tercile seized this modal role instead.
As mentioned, the two capitalist farms were seized and parceled out among former sharecroppers, farmworkers, and its two landowners.
Subsequently, the landowner's house and furnishings were seized by his creditors.
In 1965, he seized power a second time and remained in power until his overthrow in 1997.
They seized the assets of many wealthy families and under took other redistributional measures.
The editors have seized the opportunity to make the new edition even bigger than the already enlarged 1983 edition, and also to use bigger type.
The analysis has not yet exposed the forces that drive economic action : which opportunities are seized, rather than others ?
They found various pretexts and seized all kinds of opportunities to achieve this goal.
The check, however, was seized from the contractor under a defective warrant.
Over the next twelve years, the profound sectional polarity seizing the nation would insinuate itself into the basic structure of the congressional election season.
He seized the lightning from heaven and the scepter from tyrants.
As time went on, they reputedly seized cattle, crops and money at will.
Any opium seized as the result of illegal activity was to be confiscated.
In turn, the middle and upper peasantry seized the opportunity to replace the older rural aristocracy's authority.
Many dance leaders have simply seized the opportunity offered to them by government policy to augment and publicize their project initiatives.
Suddenly she feels herself seized by the 'demon of chromaticism'.
Thereafter, livestock seized from the herdsmen was quarantined and their owners compelled to pay for the cost incurred.
Seeking an alternative authority to absolutism and religion, liberals seized upon utilitarianism as a modern philosophy capable of giving them the intellectual credibility they wanted.
They mobilized the former sharecroppers against the landowner by seizing the farm piece by piece.
In 1989 the factory was seized by the military.
By the mid1910s many corporations had seized control of apprenticeship from the craft unions.
Groaning and screaming throughout the sessions, he was neither willing nor able to verbalize the terror that seized him.
Second, they seized upon evidence that passive smoking caused health problems to show that the activity harmed non-smokers as well as smokers.
When he complained, they seized him, bound him, and hung him upside down from a tree.
After a time, it was discovered and seized by certain warriors (2248 f.), who made good use of it.
Most of the villagers were exceptionally poor but a minority seized the opportunity the expansion of markets provided to become self-employed businessmen.
By seizing the moral high ground older people not only hope to set an example.
In taking some responsibilities formerly exercised by architects, it appeared that new competitors were seizing pre-existing market opportunities.
Houlding's political opponents eagerly seized upon such comment.
The tract first and foremost advocated international peace, but it seized the opportunity to denounce duelling as well.
Even though government newspapers were unlikely to be seized by the police, government journalists could still be taken to court.
The original letters and papers seized by investigating officials may now be lost.
If a defendant fails to pay damages, his or her assets might be seized and sold on the plaintiff's behalf.
The sublime, however, works on us with hammer-blows; it seizes us and irresistibly overwhelms us.
Innovations, new instruments, new effects were all seized upon.
Liberal federalists, who seized power in 1823, raised rates and multiplied prohibitions.
In 2000-03, the media have seized power over parliament, while the reverse influence remains absent.
Conservative opponents of government intervention seized the opportunity and attempted to rollback social spending.
The social composition of the groups that seized the squares on election day corresponded to that of the marches during the electoral campaign.
Computationally, this derivation amounts to seizing the current continuation and then immediately invoking it.
Women calypsonians seized the historical moment to initiate a challenge to the politics of manhood that was the very essence of the calypso.
One omission in the book might be seized on by such a reader.
By the late seventeenth century, fermiers seized on the economic opportunities opened up by the increasing commercialisation of straw and fodder.
I stop; the heart seems seized in an iron grip.
Are we seized, possessed, alienated?
The extent to which the notables responded by seizing the symbolism of nationalism as a political resource is a measure of the idea's popular appeal at the time.
They were seen as thieves ("robbers" or "squatters") who had seized vast tracts of land at the expense of yeoman farmers and the ideal of economic egalitarianism which they represented.
In addition to robbing victims of their money, many insurgents seized deeds and debt records testifying to an economic aspect of the violence that has been little studied.
The genealogies show how, in some cases, fate, in the form of reproductive chance (death without male heirs), was seized upon in order to further specific ambitions.
What was remarkable was that she seized that message and shaped it to suit her political style, a style that distinguished her from her male colleagues.
Meanwhile, both liberal and conservative critics have seized upon these practices as one more piece of evidence that bioethics has been coopted by the research community to legitimate its aims.
The success stories clearly made the government more sympathetic towards popular music, while the music business seized the chance to demand a more effective export policy.
The army, as in many other newly independent countries, saw itself as the guardian of the nation and of the political order, so it seized power when either appeared threatened.
In the famous combative stretto and its sequel, the latest comer bids fair to outdo the main subject, seizing the initiative as the race approaches its goal.
Promises of social change, moreover, helped provoke a revolution from below where workers sometimes seized control of their factories against the explicit wishes of their companero presidente.
However, the following year her goods were appraised by the overseers and on her death seized by the parish, even though she was not receiving a pension.
The lump sum tax credit can drop to zero at some point which would be a temporary tax credit that effectively seizes the property right at a point in time.
Communities of darkness - all-consuming attachments, of the sort which has so powerfully seized the recent world, to one's race or nation or religion - cannot pass their muster.
As soon as the teacher supplied the word, the student seized upon it and continued to use it in all of the appropriate places in subsequent discourse.
At any rate, he took the precaution of seizing the observation books, ostensibly in the interest of their preservation, even though he realized that his action was not entirely legitimate.
They are, however, people who have been given the power to render an authoritative decision on the merits of the case of which they are seized.
However, in the environment of this paper, contract enforcement is imperfect, in the sense that not all output can be seized in the event of default.
Answer : communities had ' seized available opportunities for selfgenerated development ' (p. 138) by establishing their own development programmes and\\or agencies, apparently before the infrastructure supply situation had become unbearable.
One thing, however, seizes your attention: the lips of all four characters are moving, and the sound that is emanating from their mouths is neither banal nor boring.
Revenue or the property itself may ultimately be distributed to the seizing entity, state or local law enforcement agencies, foreign governments, or the general fund.
I seized my pen with haste to write on such men.
He seized the assets of all those he held, doubtless exceeding his authority in cases of the very wealthy.
Whenever possible one or other authority on military affairs was eagerly seized on to substantiate the claim.
With confusion threatening, it is helpful to preserve coherence by seizing one particular perspective, that of construction history and construction historians.
They have seized their chance with both hands, and promoted the development of 'community services'.
Still, it is worth noting that even when it is a simple matter of seizing attention, the necessary actions are often coercive.
A transformation can mainly be expected if contradictions in the arrangement are seized upon by certain social actors who endeavour to bring about change.
At first the voter lashes out, complains, seizes the moment.
The occurrence of in the conclusion of the rule is needed because at this point the continuation is seized by the control operator.
In choosing the latter he opened up the possibility of drawing on alia tuna musical profiles, and seized the opportunity three times.
Falling rates of mortality and morbidity were seized upon as signs of the successful realisation of the party's programme.
A unique opportunity has been seized to gather information on the industrial landscape of shore whaling.
Once this report was published, its research-based call for music in the workplace was seized upon by other bodies within the human relations school.
Others were seized in raids and reworked for the corso or broken up for their wood.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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