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Examples of reality

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Later the parties reformulated their goals in accordance with what they regarded as new social realities.
Presumably, their theory was that their formulae represent not only historical realities but synchronic realities of some sort as well.
Family associations have adapted and changed in accord with their audiences and markets, their potential kinship bases, and the economic realities they address.
The predominant model of an ethics consultant, a sort of "beeper" ethicist available to different hospital units, is inconsistent with the realities of rural life.
Beginning in the late 1970s, policy-makers began to rethink welfare state strategies in light of economic stagnation, international pressures, and new demographic realities.
Meanwhile, seaside humour now appears to lie more in exposing the realities beneath the old archetypes.
The author seems strangely distanced from the realities of the country on which she writes.
One aspect of project planning relates to the extent to which e-government designers are or are not exposed to the realities of the user context.
Slyomovics invokes the idea of a palimpsest, a canvas on which layers of painted realities reveal underlying layers through the dominating, top image.
The more recent realities in my own career, however, were begun either by chance remark or unforeseen happenstance.
Such a possibility requires a condition: the capacity of realities to be transformed without being destroyed in the process.
Any anti-corruption policy must face up to these realities.
Idealizing the positive defensive and protective aspects of warriorhood may also involve a denial of the destructive, senseless realities of modern warfare.
During future refinement of this technology, it is important to bear in mind the operational realities of using such a pupal separation system.
Many of those faced with the practical realities of enforcing proclamations or other regulations of this nature were much more lenient.
Reforms, instead of indicating current realities, have instead addressed only past concerns.
We feel it when thinking about great and complicated realities, and we also feel it when seriously considering nonsense and contradictory claims as true.
However, one must reflect on the harsh realities.
The contributions strikingly showcase the blindness of honour-obsessed elites to the social realities of their day.
Any judicious policy approach to the specialty hospital debate will be cognizant of these economic realities.
Design features require careful scrutiny as employers come to terms with the new realities of the labor market.
All that the view of truth as correspondence requires of future-tense statements is that the realities described will exist.
The realities of the clinical landscape in which such requests ar ise have not, and perhaps cannot, be addressed in any leg islation.
To do so, we need to address the medical and legal climates and the realities of a clinical situation that detract from empathic care.
Patients ref lected on new realities of daily existence and the future post transplant.
She'd rather be somewhere else, but doesn't realise the realities of being somewhere else.
Their grasp of social realities cannot then inform either forecasts or speculation.
The realities of rural lifestyles, family and community networks, life satisfaction, health and access to services are briefly discussed.
He argues that to divide women into those who rejected and those who apparently submitted to patriarchal authority is to misunderstand local realities.
The realities of the book trade, where every musical example increases production costs as it simultaneously restricts the market to specialists, also factor in.
They hammer at the physical realities with technology.
Unless institutions can adapt quickly and constructively to rapidly changing economic realities, the opportunities which the latter present may produce more disappointments than achievements.
They show too how music becomes part of the routine realities of the world depicted through fiction, and how musical lives are constructed in autobiographies.
Any study based on employment rolls or strictly institutional figures would ignore the realities and vulnerabilities of information gathering and collating.
The challenge is to face up to the realities of organisational life and to the intractability of age-stereotypes.
The second concerns the coming together of demographic pressures with the economic, social and political realities of contemporary life.
Failure to do this sacrifices accuracy for simplicity; realities get replaced with poor simulacra of themselves.
Although specific enough, they tend more towards eulogies and are disconnected from social and political realities.
Professors were able to balance the idealism of their teaching goals with the occasionally harsh realities of the concert platform.
Our divergent realities are in fact closely intertwined in ways that elude categorical explanation.
From the syndicalist perspective, moreover, culture or civilisation could not be separated from the economic and political realities of the warring states.
However, the same euphoria also exposed problems when post-war realities failed to match up to pre-1918 expectations.
By the end of 1991, these realities had become inescapable, thereby dooming the confederation.
Other social science paradigms suggest there are multiple realities since our external world consists merely of representations, and is a creation of the mind.
Similarly, liberals claim that the realities of politics and the instability of markets will prevent conservatives from disassembling big government without chaos.
In view of these multiple realities, a reinterpretation of forestry policies are called for.
However, the remaining eth' ' nocentricity of the terms tends to force multiple realities into a single and foreign category.
The category of realities can change and thereby rule their interactions.
In pursuing its goals, however, the movement faces a formidable obstacle: how to address political realities without sur rendering some of its ideological constancies.
Arguments appear as if from beyond a gossamer veil of abstraction and at once removed from the palpable realities the book addresses.
By participating, they gained a clearer understanding of farmers' perspectives and realities.
As a result, held up against historical realities, his analysis of the dynamics and output of the music industry is woefully reductive.
On the one hand, he recognizes the economic realities of the theater.
Their lost celibacy, which they had experienced as students, could be used as a model to hold against the realities of family life.
Thus even a solo performance is a type of montage, a combination of mimetic immediacy and diegetic distancing, a composite of dissected realities.
My aim was to preserve the integrity of women's voices that were open and revealing about the realities of their lives.
Patients describe a new existence where they integrate new physical realities.
The appalling realities of child labour were sublimated into an ideal that would appease the audience.
First, a biography by definition concentrates on a single individual, no matter how much that biography seeks to relate that individual to larger realities.
The construction of political realities by actors is an ongoing process.
What educated elites could do to promote this evolution was study their society scientifically, then develop political institutions and educational practices appropriate to national realities.
Any ' anticorruption ' policy must face up to these realities.
Rather, it plays out a correspondence between individual and tangible realities and idealities.
He was no ingenuous literary man unschooled in political realities.
Increasingly, pharmaceutical companies are committed to both meeting the needs of patients for better medicines and taking full account of the realities of healthcare economics.
Recognizing these realities, cost-effectiveness analysts often present cost-effectiveness ratios by age group.
Whatever the promotional quality of plans, as the realities of implementation - particularly financial - were considered after 1945, politicians withdrew their support.
A number of the essays use the poem to suggest its usefulness as a source on extra-literary realities.
In the traditional paradigm, these structures are regarded as independent physical realities, and much effort has been spent on their study.
At any time in history acronyms can hide more sinister realities condensed in them.
Here the mask, or persona, becomes both a bridge between internal psychological and external social realities and an element of social conformity.
Most striking of all it remains an essay in the incorporation of the metaphysical and corporeal realities - how a building can embody principle.
Instead, this section explores the realities of married women's access to property, and in particular, their rights to customary land.
We are interested in both the speaking practices employed by the participants and the discursive realities claimed, contested, or co-constructed.
Rather than exist as ahistorical incidents or policy initiatives, police controversies and reforms are historically determined outcomes and responses to policing realities.
However, it goes without saying that there was a significant gulf between these lofty ideals and more mundane realities.
Like essentialist myths about medicine, such perceptions help to inspire virtue and transcend the harsher realities of the marketplace.
As long as this misrecognition can be maintained, the conditions of felicity can serve as blueprints for social and cultural realities.
While many neo-liberals have been obliged to re-evaluate their blind faith in free markets, so have developmental state theorists had to adjust to new realities.
Their reports naturally reflected the current political realities.
The detailed data collection taken from these two reviews provided a unique insight into the industrial realities of the aerospace design control process.
The new demographic realities reflected this social interplay and its resulting social tensions.
Political and cultural realities are also likely to affect prospects for cooperation.
Upon their return, most yeomen were starkly reminded of the realities of their situation.
15 the dependencies and links of the local realities of the stakeholders, while their inconsistencies imply conflicts.
During the run-up to these deadlines, two realities soon emerged.
In this view, people exist in a world of multiple realities, equally plausible.
He believed that the realities of our practice settings help drive the development of new ways of delivering counseling, for example, computer-based methods.
They enter office clutching sheaves of policy intentions, but the translation of those expressions of intent into realities is another matter.
Nevertheless, the second surely comes closer to reflecting the realities and passions of the 1930s.
The same sense is induced in white collar workers such as book-keepers, who are manipulating symbols that have little connection with tangible realities.
Man is man because he can recognize supernatural realities, not because he can invent them.
To our minds, there are necessarily three distinct realities here, however close the relationship may be.
The other dangerous delusion from which those who are willfully or otherwise blind to realities suffer, is summed up in the word 'integration'.
The theoretical model proposed here anticipates its own irrelevance in the face of the realities of practice.
How does this relate to the perceptions of those who actually made these realities possible?
They were lived surrounded by such physical realities as monuments, fields, hills, valleys, and woodland.
Mediated realities are never synonymous with unmediated realities however, and architectural models are always but in different ways, abstract and partial.
The schools must reflect, and respond to, the contemporary realities of practice, if their relevance is to be maintained.
Essentialists argue that mental disorders reflect objective underlying causal realities that are independent of human values.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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