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词汇 example_english_prosody

Examples of prosody

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Understanding prosody's role in reading acquisition.
Greek prosodies and the nature of syllabification.
Both syntax and prosody provide holistic construction schemata that are realized with flexible beginnings and ends, as well as flexible details of their internal structure.
If this is right, then there should be a correlation between a preference for the prosody in (20a) and finding sentences (25a-d) fully acceptable.
Our instructions invited the judges to provide an overall subjective impression of the language samples that incorporated both content and prosody.
The first part details three instances in which prosody and intonation have non-local effects on the pronunciation of speech segments.
Although deliverers are often more influential than recipients in determining the valence of a delivery, recipients use more intense prosody in ascribing valence.
The prosody of good and bad news also displays iconicity with the affective referents associated with positive and negative experience.
Non-restrictive relatives are constructions in which the prosody is present independently of any adverbial expression.
Again, the first two constituents of the prosody do not correspond to syntactic constituents of the sentence.
The two behave similarly with respect to (internal) agreement, but differ with respect to prosody, lexical range, and number inflection.
We have however not explicitly addressed the question of what counts as word prosody.
At the same time, this prosody has been stable for the dialects in question for at least several centuries.
As there has been virtually no discussion of this type of prosody in the general linguistic literature, the data are of typological interest as well.
The frames were varied to avoid special prosody that might be induced by a repetitive frame sentence.
Extrapolating from spoken to signed prosody via laboratory phonology.
Their discussion, however, does not offer any more detail on how prosody may work to shape the different evaluations of teachers.
The most neglected of these is prosody, a topic to which we now turn.
After a brief introduction and literature review on semantic prosody, the main research based on an analysis of corpus data is presented.
We now give a brief overview of the kind of linguistic information that is relevant for prosody computation.
In this system, the computation of prosody is done during speech generation.
Fourth, what light can the study of prosody shed on the place of pragmatics in the architecture of the mind?
One striking aspect of sign language prosody is that the different phonological segments get expressed simultaneously.
Listeners' ability to identify languages by their prosody.
In one set of cases, prosody seems to override syntax; in the other, syntax seems to override prosody.
Prosody is better at conveying emotions, whereas words are better at reference.
In addition, how would feedback be provided by instructors on prosody only?
Another question concerns the type of units that prosody may serve to highlight.
The three developmental phases are characterized in terms of the relative salience of the first three types of cues : prosody, semantics, syntax.
However, little attention has been given by child language researchers to the possible influence of prosody on the acquisition of grammatical morphemes.
What are the relative roles of phonetics, prosody, and recognizable ' words ' in allowing the learner to segment the speech stream ?
Several descriptions of the transition from single to multiword utterances use prosody as an important diagnostic criterion.
A crucial facet of the morphology/prosody interface is the inclusion of morphosyntactic elements in the prosodic hierarchy.
Gradient alignment at the morphology- prosody interface is not only superfluous, but wrong.
We are still far from having a unified view of how prosody works.
The metrical strength of the rhyme position allows more violations of the prosody than would be acceptable elsewhere in the verse line.
Employing prosody skillfully, one of the cornerstones of fluent reading, is an indicator of text comprehension.
The contribution of prosody to spoken word recognition.
Given the long-standing belief that prosody is an important aspect of reading skill, there has been surprisingly little study of how prosodic skills develop.
To ensure natural prosody, each of the words was recorded as part of the sentence in which it might be heard.
Each item was read out loud to the child with normal prosody such that the error was not emphasized.
However, utterances containing medial actually are not necessarily disambiguated by the prosody.
To be sure, prosody has become deeply entangled with contrastive phonology in modern languages, but they do remain easily distinguishable.
However, this prosody lacks the system of contrastive phonology that is characteristic of language.
The findings of this experiment confirm the importance of word prosody for spoken word recognition.
In the onset plus prosody condition, this was the case in 34.1% of the error responses.
We use the term "prosody" to include both the correct number of syllables and the correct syllabic stress.
Infants also appear to be sensitive to the relation of prosody and grammatical morphemes.
Attempts to base such a definition on prosody founder on the fact that closed class items are sometimes stressed.
Alternatively, if prosody and grammatical morphemes each contribute independently to sentence comprehension, there should be a main effect of each variable and no interaction.
With this study we hope to have opened the window towards a more systematic investigation of the prosody of children's early multiword speech.
When does prosody start to indicate different speech acts by rises or falls at the end of the utterance ?
In short, syntactic structures and derivations cannot be circumvented in an account of quantifiers and their scopes, however much we may rely on prosody.
However, these chapters lack any discussion of the exact relation between prosody, contrast and the scrambling of non-specific nouns in the languages under discussion.
The following investigation of interactional prosody is an attempt to put into practice the approach and methodology advocated there.
Understanding the prosody of some words may require the examination of more extended sequences of co-text.
Moreover, there are cer tain aspects of language use, such as semantic prosody (see below), that are simply not easily accessible to introspection.
What the two have in common is that they can make use of the prosodic marking provided by language generation to determine prosody.
Prosody has long been something of a neglected child in both linguistics and the sociology of language.
The analysis takes advantage of conversation analytic methods and acoustic analysis to uncover the prosody of repetition in an institutional setting, a high school classroom.
Another example in which prosody is par t of the construction of a positive assessment is seen in (4).
Word-prosodic typology 251 difficulties characterising the study of prosody.
Nevertheless, the results are sufficiently clear to constitute reliable indicators of the possible relationships between prosody and diphthongisation.
The same holds in the study of word-level prosody.
The full burden of the distinction between free and bound function words is thus placed on prosody, and implemented by lexical prespecification.
Hence, what applies to templates applies to prosody, including processes such as epenthesis, syllabification, stress, etc.
A well-attested pattern of prosody realisation in compounds is for only one member to have marked prosody, like pitch accent, while the other is unmarked.
In more complex situations, however, the equivalence between timing and specific units of prosody may break down.
In addition, the spoken modality employs prosody as a linguistic dimension that is lacking in the written production.
Other aspects of the communicative context, including gesture, movement, and prosody may guide the acquisition of non-nominals.
In some cases contextual factors, such as attentional variation, prosody and phonetic environment, may cause this phonetic variability.
In particular, both types of utterances were offered using identical carrier phrases and identical rate, volume, and prosody.
The prosody of the slots in the templates however, is most crucial, because there the variable (and usually most important) information is inserted.
English prosody is sensitive to syllable weight, it follows that the repertoire of words in the language must be minimally bimoraic, not disyllabic.
The prosody of an utterance is in many cases crucial for the interpretation of speaker meaning.
The negative attitude is therefore closely related to the proposition expressed, reinforced by the emphatic demand conveyed by the prosody.
The prosody of the two never mind s in (3) supports this inter pretation.
The findings reported in this paper are relevant to the larger field of the interpretation of prosody.
One of the difficulties associated with assigning ratings of this type is that judges may find it difficult to assess prosody independently of segmental factors.
The individual contributions of four accent features-grammatical and phonemic errors, prosody, and speaking rate-were assessed in relation to accent and comprehensibility judgments and intelligibility scores.
The recorded utterances were examined for the following accent features: grammatical errors, phonemic errors, nativeness of prosody, and speaking rate.
Punctuation marks offer only a rough and somewhat unreliable guide to prosody.
Thus, for example, a less skilled reader may read relatively fast, but with poor phrasing or unnatural prosody.
Instead, it affected aspects of phrasing and prosody, captured by fluency ratings and false starts.
Example 46 is a haiku, in which we should not be surprised to find usages which stand counter to typical semantic prosodies.
As phonologists, we are disappointed by the decision to sidestep prosody's profound role in language change.
I then consider how such expressions are used in constructing different kinds of argument, with a particular focus on the prosodies of value that are established.
Findings such as these suggest that the availability of a word's prosody primes the retrieval of segmental phonology.
If this is the case, this would imply that subjects can make use of word prosody to constrain the word-initial cohort.
The interaction of these two prosodic features allowed the researcher to examine prosody acquisition more fully than is usually the case in research studies.
The most provocative result of the study is the spillover effect of the prosody training.
The explanatory discussion will focus on inhibitory factors which are due to melody, rather than those of prosody, because the latter are generally better understood.
In this reading serves as a foil for the ironic twist brought about by stylized prosody.
Listeners efficiently exploit sentence prosody to direct attention to words bearing sentence accent.
Similarly, representations of phonology and prosody of speech need not be kept separate in order to process a discourse.
However, affective prosody is a right hemisphere, neocortical, function that allows graded and highly varied emotional expressions that are under considerable conscious control.
In contrast, the human anterior cingulate cortex is responsible for the control of prosody and intonation and for the coordination between speech and emotional content.
The findings establish a close link between the prosody and the motor system.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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