词汇 | example_english_partition |
释义 | Examples of partitionThese examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Users can select up to seven partitions of the phylogenetic tree, or choose any set of nodes. Almost all nutrients are partitioned within the body into different pools which exist in some form of equilibrium. The content of these sessions is not, however, entirely partitioned by discipline. In this manuscript, we focus on nutrient partitioning genes potentially involved in grain filling. All three partitions distinguish between the positive and the negative real numbers. Fit-out will proceed immediately with non load-bearing block or stud partitions. All other partitions were made with a system of movable units, 20 or 60cm wide. A subsample of 20 randomly chosen plants was partitioned into stem, leaf, petiole, peduncle and fruit components and oven dried. Theorem 4 considers partitioned subgroups, concluding that only a little freedom is gained. The set of boundary partitions is a partially ordered set (poset). There are many possible partitions, but many are of the same type. We can create new partitions from old by conflating blocks. When the lattice is planar, the only partitions with non-zero probability are non-crossing partitions. Permutations and random mappings are logarithmic assemblies; set partitions are not a logarithmic assembly. If there is no significant heterogeneity between partitions, then all the data are combined and analysed. At the top is a line of similarly sized rooms divided by loadbearing partitions, and with the possibility of inserting non-loadbearing partitions to define circulation. Sampling formulas describe probability laws of exchangeable combinatorial structures like partitions and compositions. Constraints from partitioning experiments on the composition of subduction-zone fluids. Equivalence among these are discovered using pair partitioning algorithm. In the case of ten-fold cross validation, each of the twelve dictionaries was divided into ten partitions (folds), as described in the previous section. The model is built by ®tting of the splines to the overlapping input space partitions, followed by pruning using cross-validation. Arithmetic construction of sofic partitions of hyperbolic toral automorphisms 365 is a genuine rectangle. Within the standard framework of a branch-and-bound algorithm, there are many dierent strategies for partitioning subproblems, node selection and preprocessing constraints. In contrast, one quantity that increases with increasing recombination rate is the number of different partitions defined by adjacent pairs of congruent segregating sites. Neighbouring aquaria were separated by grey opaque partitions to prevent visual interactions. The strategy requires that all run-time influence is removed from the decomposition (partitioning and deployment should be regarded as separate unrelated activities). At each step, one of these partitions is used as the test data, and the remaining part is used for training. Several explanations have been proposed to explain the transverse partitioning distribution of gill ectoparasites. Clustering and clique partitioning - simulated annealing and tabu search approaches. Here it means that they are partitioned much faster than a semiperiod. Each area is partitioned in parallel and duplicated border sites are eliminated. Further, we have clearly partitioned the sub-controllers (function groups) and bestowed data awareness on them. In this approach the data are partitioned into visible and hidden parts, with the latter representing the objects in the object-oriented paradigm. We apply the multiset partitioning algorithm to find all equivalence classes amongst these. Since we are considering non-dependent nets, we will assume that the types corresponding to ports in input partitions are input types. We divided this data set into two partitions: 90% for training and 10% for tuning (development set). Using the feature vector representation, tree frames are partitioned into tree families which are subsequently used for smoothing a supertagging model. The proportional declines that can be accounted for by the educational, racial, and urban-rural partitions are, of course, not additive. The reason that recursive partitioning algorithms are discontinuous, because of the use of the step function. The lab had twenty computer terminals separated by partitions which limited subjects' ability to see each other. Table 3 shows the results from calculations using the non-crossing partitions and symmetry reduction. A pairing is a perfect matching of dn/2 pairs with dn points which are partitioned into n cells, each containing exactly d points. The set of variables can be partitioned into k blocks of size d each. Construction 1 can be transformed into a construction of partitions and provides the upper bound. The remaining active sets are partitioned into pairs. We now give the various algorithms for constructing two-cycle partitions. Using a genetically informative paradigm allows partitioning the genetic and environment contributions to phenotypic variation. What alternative is favored by security criteria may depend on how the space of possibilities is partitioned. He proved that weakly independent partitions are dense in the set of all partitions. However, it is important to emphasize that this cumulative offset is probably partitioned among subparallel fault zones forming the graben-facing step-like pattern of the margin. When the lengths are equal, the energy in each mode is equally partitioned between the two pendulums. The elements of these partitions can be chosen arbitrarily small. Moreover, since these partitions refine (generate) the topology, the system appears as the inverse limit of the level factors. Clearly, a better knowledge of the relation between entropy of covers and entropy of partitions was likely to help solve this question. The displacement of the tilted interface is partitioned between a background seiche and an initial condition for evolution of a long-wave packet. We partitioned the estimates by false positives and true negatives. An extension of the concept of partitioning hereditary variance for analysis of covariance among relatives when epistasis is present. An extension of the concept of partitioning hereditary variance for analysis of covariances among relatives when epistasis is present. The overall test statistic can be partitioned into three subtests, each testing a particular variance component. All partitions which will be considered in this section are assumed to be measurable. Note that partitions of unity provide a localization strategy which helps with the scaling dilemma and mimics a stationary situation. The plausible sibships were then partitioned into a putative (single-generation) population based upon a score function. The ranked types were then partitioned by their percentile score. As with low level activities, pixel based data eases partitioning. We have looked at some alternative methods for partitioning a random number sequence. Anxiety can be partitioned into three distinguishable elements. General programs can be partitioned into a set of subprograms where rules in every subprogram defines a set of mutually recursive predicates. Frontal views of inner and outer coat surfaces showed that the dorsal vascular tissue and lateral tube-cell layer partitioned between both coats. As revealed by the variation partitioning procedure, 29.7% of variation in species abundance is explained by gradient and ecotones combined. We assume that deductive database predicates are partitioned into base and derived (view) predicates. The specialisations are partitioned based on two factors. The constants in the language are partitioned into non-logical and logical ones. In order to generate a uniform distribution of the finite viewing directions, the unit sphere is partitioned into equilateral triangles. The study estimates resource partitioning between impala, kudu, giraffe and elephant. The analyses also suggested how the correlation matrices might be partitioned to show up the relationships among the original variables. From this they concluded that semantic knowledge is partitioned not only into independent modules for sensory and functional knowledge, but also for input modality. A notable numerical approach was adopted in ref. [7], where a solid sphere representing all orientations is partitioned equivolumetrically for a high calculation accuracy. Assemblies are constructed by partitioning an underlying set of n elements into blocks and putting some structure on each block. While we have proved the theorem for partitions of the finite set [n], the result is easily extended to infinite partitions. To avoid confusion about indices we use colourings instead of partitions. Since all partitions of the boundary vertices are non-crossing, partitions with crossings have identically zero probability polynomials. We also give variants of the algorithm for partitioning matrices and hypergraphs. The profile of individuals' information partitions is the information structure. The final theorem and corollaries consider several partitioned subgroups, demonstrating that only a little freedom is gained. Clustering the documents is then equivalent to partitioning the graph. The two types of algorithm for partitioning differ in the way they estimate the centroid. The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum that has no inherent partitions. The omission of ceilings and the lack of intermediate partitions also combine to create a spatial continuum unique in the upper class residence. Figures 7a-f describe the geometric structure, starting from the structural grid and moving gradually to the geometric construction of partitions. Path analysis is a potentially useful approach to partitioning relative importance, if adequate data can be developed. Because they are allowed to be mutually recursive, modules allow a program to be partitioned freely without regard to dependencies. The arguments to a function are partitioned into static arguments that are known in advance and dynamic arguments that will become known later. The syntax-driven approach can be further partitioned according to whether or not the syntactic relations at play are taken to be lexicon-internal. They are occurrence nets in which places belonging to the post-set of the same transition are partitioned into families. The reason behind this confidentiality undoubtedly stems from the fact that these partitions are intended principally for interpretation and not for analysis. Treatment of supra-permafrost water and melt-water runoff with permeable reactive barriers and partitioning bioreactors is now possible. As the original problem is partitioned, its overall complexity becomes manageable. Variables can be partitioned into subsets that play different roles. The constant values of leaves or partitions are generally determined by averaging. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |