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词汇 example_english_monetary

Examples of monetary

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Estimates of profit require that all elements that enter into the production and marketing of a commodity or service be expressed in monetary terms.
Last, but not least, it had some vague powers as far as international monetary policy was concerned.
All goods and services were systematically evaluated in monetary terms.
Also, it stimulated long-distance trade and had the effect that the provinces became more and more integrated into a monetary economy.
State support, itself based primarily on the need to maintain monetary incentives, rather than to compensate for inequalities ensures that these differences are perpetuated.
We also asked from whom the respondents received monetary and material support at both the individual and the household level.
Village had a strong significant effect on the number of monetary support sources.
Finally, we attach a monetary value to the health impact figures (see table 1).
We find that the author became fascinated with the determination of monetary values of the benefits of preserving the region's ecosystems.
They are calculated as the ratio of the coefficients for the attribute of interest and that of the monetary attribute.
Often, short cuts may be taken because of time, information, and monetary constraints, and the implications of these short cuts need to be well understood.
Thus, expressing total impacts in monetary terms does not satisfactorily address the comparison of the impacts of climate change and control policies.
Nevertheless, we would argue that monetary estimates of climate impacts can provide useful information to decision makers.
Both parents and teachers received monetary compensation for their ratings.
Nearly all of these children are adopted into families with adequate monetary and educational resources.
Before eliciting monetary values, we asked the respondents if they thought a tax or permit system was a good idea.
In order to prevent that from happening, the effects of projects should be evaluated not only in physical but also in monetary terms.
However, extremely low or zero monetary values for labour are necessary for the rotation to be remotely pro®table.
Central bankers now viewed political pressure as unwarranted interference into the central bank's legal and moral prerogative to conduct independent monetary policy.
A revived agriculture was essential to national well-being, but reform of the monetary system was essential if there were to be an agricultural revival.
In contrast, the policy of maintaining a constant rate of monetary growth does not suffer from this problem.
Would any of these alternatives constitute a better means of conducting monetary policy?
The results suggest that the effects of structural shocks are substantially different in the passive monetary-active fiscal regime.
Which relation is in effect depends on how monetary and fiscal policy are designed.
There are four types of structural shocks in the model: aggregate-demand shocks, aggregate-supply shocks, monetary policy shocks, and fiscal policy shocks.
Second, the effects of monetary policy and government spending shocks are also substantially different.
In that sense, the fact that inflation reversal is not found does not necessarily provide evidence against the passive monetary-active fiscal regime. 22.
First, the natural rate falls, and so, for a given actual real interest rate, monetary policy is tighter.
The monetary authority is assumed to control the nominal interest rate using a policy rule.
We have shown that this implies a unique level of demand for cash reserves, which in turn generates a unique stationary monetary equilibrium.
When this happens, monetary policy must lower interest rates in response to price rises in order to produce a unique equilibrium price level.
They may thus be important in obtaining a correctly specified monetary policy reaction function.
No rent, monetary or otherwise, is demanded or paid.
Because of propagation, households expect a high level of output in the periods following the monetary expansion.
The monetary authority creates new currency by injecting reserves into the banking system.
Though the liquidity effect is not entirely transient, the output effects of monetary shocks outlast the interest-rate effects.
Households are unable to change the nominal quantity of deposits held after the monetary shock.
If intertemporal externalities strongly affect future production possibilities and the externalities depreciate quickly, short-term monetary shocks can have long-term real effects.
The increase in the monetary price level caused by the growth shock is permanent.
A monetary h policy is given by a collection of sequences of transfers.
The only monetary metal produced domestically was copper.
In a micro-founded monetary economy, there is always a deep friction that motivates the use of money in that environment.
In that paper, the optimal monetary policy is not fully characterized.
What is an optimal monetary policy in this environment?
In other words, the planning problem corresponding to a decentralized monetary economy is always nonmonetary.
To illustrate the power of such analyses, we solve such planning problems in three monetary environments with limited communication.
The results give important information for monetary policy and the monetary transmission mechanism.
Monetarists had in mind an economy with serious credit market imperfections that monetary policy can mitigate or worsen.
Knowing how monetary policy shocks affect risk premia, therefore, may be critical for understanding the dynamics of exchange rate movements under such shocks.
We assume that nominal interest rates are the instruments of monetary policy.
In our model, there are three component monetary assets within the exact monetary aggregate.
Consider first the following case of utility that is quadratic in consumption of goods, conditionally on the level of monetary asset service consumption.
Similarly, monetary instability or shortages of specie often have adverse effects on credit, production, and trade.
Of course, adopting such a monetary stance made fiscal consolidation an even greater imperative.
Treatment is considered efficient if the benefits derived, valued in monetary terms, exceed the monetary value of the costs.
However, to capture this loss in quality of life in a monetary amount seems difficult, if not impossible.
Micro-costing means that all separate resource items consumed are identified, measured, and translated to monetary units in great detail on a patient-specific basis.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of bootstrapped trial data using net monetary benefits and acceptability curves.
To the best of our knowledge, no studies have analyzed the benefits of obesity treatment in monetary terms.
Superior court hears civil cases exceeding $75,000 or requesting nonmonetary remedies.

This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
Indeed, the paper embodies the narrator himself and thus the capacity for narrative and emotional meaning where rags had only monetary value.
The confusion takes on a third dimension when the issue of monetary form comes into play.
A household's satisfaction depends only on its own consumption of a single composite good and on transaction services from holding real monetary balances.
In actuality, inferior coins circulated within a limited locality sustained the local monetary market.
To compensate for differences in monetary resources across election years, each candidate's receipts were divided by the wealthiest candidate's receipts for that year and party.
When selecting their hospital patients do not face monetary prices (or prices do not vary across hospitals).
The simple-sum approach is invalid in such a case, because the method requires that the monetary components of the aggregates be perfect substitutes.
No attention was paid to the monetary aggregates.
We conclude that it is important to account for both nonlinearity and the behavior of monetary aggregates when forecasting inflation.
Therefore, we also purge monetary aggregates from residual seasonal variations before they are used in bivariate forecasting models.
Using these aggregates and the stock of durable goods, we estimate the elasticities of substitution between various consumption goods and monetary assets.
The monetary earnings of older employees have been much influenced by inflation over the last 70 years.
Prior to that, one has to recall that macroeconomists thought that monetary theory could not be formulated under rational expectations.
By the same token, politicians who choose restrictive fiscal and monetary policies over more expansionary alternatives are not necessarily defying the laws of political gravity.
A prime minister is better qualified to listen to and make judgments on meta-issues than on monetary issues.
Other non-monetary factors, such as managers' desire to avoid disgrace, probably play an important role.
After the war, a lively debate among politicians and economists started about the future of the international monetary system.
We discuss these non-monetary deprivation indicators in more detail below.
We study monetary equilibria with and without binding reserve requirements.
We confine ourselves to studying monetary equilibria in which a reserve requirement is binding at each date.
Section 2 reviews a barter equilibrium and a stationary monetary equilibrium in the standard search model of money with divisible commodities.
In a stationary equilibrium, however, money traders trade only in the search sector since monetary transactions do not occur anywhere else.
We now turn to a detailed description of the monetary authority's operating procedures.
Also, taxes and transfers are equal to zero, so, in particular, they do not depend on the monetary authority's liabilities.
Certainly, central banking was markedly different from our own day and monetary policy did not exist as an instrument of economic policy.
Monetary policy can not take account of the needs of different regions or countries and fiscal policy must not obstruct it.
With trifling exceptions the record is restricted to monetary values.
There seems no reason not to allow that monetary compensation may, at least in some cases, be a suitable remedy in public law.
Often these programmes are expressed in terms of agreed monetary and financial targets to which the member country is expected to adhere.
No profession wor-thy of the name has ever been impelled merely by the monetary reward.
Monetarists argue that without monetary growth to finance the increased payments, higher production costs will lead to unemployment rather than inflation.
The government also claimed to be able to control inflation through the use of monetary policy.
A third factor was a tightening of monetary policy and efforts to slow the growth of public expenditure.
Monetary control would operate through the effect of interest rate changes on bank lending.
The years 1870 to 1914 were years of relative monetary tranquillity, the heyday of the classical gold standard.
The threats of war in the late 1930s were more potent in this respect than the collapse of the international monetary system in 1931.
We are interested here in the role of money rather than the means by which monetary magnitudes came to be what they were.
The monetary fluctuations would have fed through to the long rate only if they led to expectations of inflation or disinflation.
Monetary stringency on such a global scale was decidedly deflationary.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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