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词汇 example_english_moment

Examples of moment

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The parameters d and n denote two moments of time relative to the time of the initial paddle movement.
Although evident throughout the century, the unevenness of this system manifested distinctive characteristics at various moments and in various parts of the empire.
There are, however, strong moments in the book.
Each of these nonparametric bounds provides insights regarding different aspects (moments) of proxy discount factors.
Figure 9 documents how important these deviations are for the bond price and the transition of the moments of the cross-sectional distribution.
Given the chosen functional form for the density, the first n moments capture the same information as the n + 1 coefficients of the density.
At different moments public health reformers depicted workingclass women as either the most vulnerable group or as the primary agents of contagion.
She argued that these moments help us understand what separates icons from other images.
As soon as garbage collection comes into play, one has to take into account that systems with different block sizes trigger collections at different moments.
After exploring the geometry of the problem, we analyze the forces and moments applied to the pegs by assuming quasi-static conditions.
We turn to it now, by focusing on "snapshots" of crucial moments.
The controller design was based on a six-degree-of-freedom dynamic model with forces and moments as the actuation means.
How great then must be that being to whom the thoughts of all these orders of beings are known at a moment's glance.
I wish to dwell for a few moments on the circularity of this situation.
Also, there is a very occasional tendency even in the best of papers to retreat into technical language at crucial moments.
Books are not objects desired in and of themselves, but for the interpretive opportunities they present, and because of the pleasure inherent in those moments.
Dramatic climaxes built up irresistibly and the narrative held attention throughout as it moved through prearranged moments of clarity.
The turning point came in one of those public moments of humiliation commonly undergone by prima donnas.
Therefore, when all of them meet at a common point while all the actuators are locked, the end-effector cannot sustain the applied moments.
Generally, the degrees of freedom of contact forces/ moments that can be controlled is limited by the number of joint actuators.
Even the climactic moments of the evening substitute teasing collections of imagery and text for a tidy conclusion and denouement.
Caring labor, in these situations and at these moments of telling, is unredeemed by closeness.
The teacher can also apply concepts of musical dynamics and expressiveness, indicating different sonic structures in different moments of the prototyped musical discourse.
The dipole moments of all the protonated molecules are large enough for the radio spectra to be seen.
Let us consider a walking robot during its motion, where gravitational, inertial and manipulation forces and moments become significant.
Evaluating at zero shows that the maximum likelihood estimator is found by equating the sample moments with the theoretical moments.
The constraints enable to shareout these total forces and moments between the different limbs as long as the total solution can still be reached.
Both look at situated moments of "talk" - moments of code-switching, for example - as locations for identity work.
Instead of rejecting the concept of frailty, the women tended to speak of moments where they ' felt' frail.
Hedging ke9ilu is often employed at "uncomfor table" moments, such as moments of embarrassment about the topic discussed, or about imposition on the addressee.
The asymptotic bias is shown to be a finite quantity that depends on the second moments (of service requirements) and weights of the other classes.
In a more realistic model the reflected field is generated only at specific moments of the electron trajectory.
Our existential moments f ind their power in directing our attention to these fundamental issues.
They are claimed to be unacceptable in the past tense with modifiers specifying definite past moments.
They recorded the reactions of carers to six vignettes that describe contrasting examples of 'difficult moments'.
Wrench capabilities represent the maximum forces and moments that can be applied or sustained by the manipulator.
His intellectual biography represents a trans-national life that intersected and engaged with the dramatic moments of the early twentieth century.
Thematising projects have tended to add together all the musical moments of the novel as though there were some coherent and natural progression between them.
Lighting was used with precision to create carefully timed dramatic moments in particular songs.
To modern sensibilities these key dramatic moments that withhold opera's defining force, the virtuosic voice, may seem odd.
Reaction moments caused by the normal reaction forces applied by the mobile robots is calculated about the center of gravity of the object.
They conclude that climate exerts a significant influence at crucial moments in that history.
Apart from these three moments and other slight alterations in the recitative, the 1812 libretto closely resembles the 1806 version.
Finally, the conditional moments of the excess returns are obtained from forecasts of the mean and volatility of the dynamic factor.
Table 3 reports a number simulated moments related to the money-to-income ratio and the interest rate together with their empirical counterparts.
His creative devices are monotonous and there are many ' 'hollow' ' moments.
Test pulses (with duration 7.5 ms) were presented at moments that correspond to various phases f of the modulation of the adaptation illuminance.
They merely indicate structural changes that affected the health sector in various historical moments.
Table 1 makes it clear that the government brought substantial numbers of prosecutions only at a few particularly stressful moments.
Divisions within the culture of the common people and moments of consensus across classes were widely recognized from the outset.
He noted that young children were especially likely to talk to themselves during moments of task difficulty in problem-solving activity.
A moment's reflection, however, reveals that this won't work.
Pantomime was also used routinely in balli by soldiers, gladiators, and fencers, as well as to depict other moments of violence.
In these cognitive models, subjective time units are only registered at moments when attention is drawn to time.
Here, forces and moments act on each element.
E: the ratio of the pitch moments is set as 0.7 for the trunk to shake largely front-to-back.
The moments of the normal finger forces were computed with respect to the point of application of the thumb force.
Although participants were unable to define transcendence, they used phrases such as "profound moments," "mystery," and "magical moments" to refer to it.
Clearly, the data shows that the transition-dipole moments of these two transitions are perpendicular with respect to each other.
The boundary conditions for the current and pressure moments are then imposed on the guard cells as with the case of the fluid.
Instead, what is required is that certain moments are emphasised, noted as significant, monumentalised and aestheticised.
The voice's entrance aurally opposes the studio skill present in the previous moments of music.
As v 4 j_, f 4 0, so that first moments of the function exist (since f is a distribution function).
At other moments their response to a situation seemed best reflected in a seesaw action, one actor lurching forward, another recoiling.
Of course these moments are a crucial aspect of our delight, and can be a rich source for interpretative ventures.
What drives the itinerant opera devotee is the desire for vocal and musical moments, never visual ones.
The explosion of onstage energy which this dance represents is one of the few moments of 'action' during the piece.
Performers move theatrical lights into place to reconstruct particular filmic moments in what appears to the spectator to be stark black and white.
Obviously, some of my characters would prefer, at certain moments, not to communicate, but that doesn't mean they can't.
Their 'performances', if they can be termed such, are often only moments when these shortcomings were exposed for the amusement of an audience.
Future study will therefore need to consider its specific function during collaborating as well as the moments of use and for what purpose.
The authors analyse the critical moments of professional development identified by the teachers in both contexts.
When does it have finite moments, like a well-defined covariance structure, for instance?
We begin with a discussion of the first moments.
One could use a more complicated deterministic volatility process to mimic the higher moments of observed returns.
We simulate the model for 100 periods with our benchmark parameterization and report the average moments over 300 simulations.
The straight line represents the value of the different moments in the data.
A comparison of the moments of the model-implied rates of return in the two cases suggests that the economic impact of modeling nonlinearities is small.
A moment's consideration should be enough to see that a similar tree is induced by expanding any expression involving exponentiation and products.
Frontstage borderwork would include those moments when cross-gender interaction actually occurs.
The analyst can determine the exact moments at which a gesture begins and ends, using the video window, and mark these points on the spectrogram.
I would argue that we cannot, even if we have to acknowledge a history of what has been identified as moments of noise.
Perhaps paradoxically, it is at these moments of heightened visuality that music is called upon to lend its essential contribution to the theatrical experience.
The illustration provided a commentary on the visual dimension of the drama's performance, capturing some of its most troublesome moments.
The moments of transition are marked by pillars - the previous sound example; the 'gifts' from outside the central exchange.
The text's moments of incoherence and disruption produce an architecture of massive and stable blocks.
The privileged moments in his poetry are often those when the world seems to be shut out.
Yeats saw himself primarily as a tragic artist, but at moments he longed to be otherwise.
He does not, however, enjoy such power during the moments when he meets personification figures face-to-face for the first time.
Understanding takes place only in the coinherence of these two moments.
A moment's thought reveals that this cannot be right.
One of his more exhilarating moments this same year was a literary discovery of some significance.
As is the idea of the succession of moments, the subsumption of them into the flow of time.
Joint attention refers to those moments in which infant and caregiver are focused on the same objects or events.
During moments of acute royal weakness they tried to re-establish their influence, but as a political force they were clearly in decline.
Over and over again, in the vital moments of the play, it is stated explicitly that language has failed.
We have in this quotation two moments of gift exchange.
Perhaps it is the moments of dissonance that actually expose the 'doing' of gender.
What matters in architects' writings - as in their design work - are those moments when we sense that we are overhearing a conversation.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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