词汇 | thesaurus_beside-oneself |
释义 | beside oneselfadjective These are words and phrases related to beside oneself. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FRANTICSynonymsfrenzied frenetic distracted overwrought distraught nervous frantic excited agitated hectic raging impassioned rabid raving furious infuriated wild violent ungovernable crazy mad insane deranged delirious berserk Antonymscalm collected cool unruffled composed ECSTATICSynonymsecstatic full of ecstasy joyful joyous overjoyed happy glad delighted rapturous enraptured rapt transported entranced blissful elated exalted ebullient enthusiastic excited delirious Antonymsunhappy wretched miserable sorrowful grief-stricken downhearted joyless saddened displeased unexcited unenthusiastic indifferent blasé RHAPSODICSynonymsrhapsodic ecstatic elated thrilled transported rapturous overjoyed excited walking on air blissful in seventh heaven exhilarated on cloud nine beaming delirious Antonymssad morose depressed disenchanted MADSynonymsinfatuated in love with distracted distraught mad enthusiastic wild excited fanatic avid devoted to frenzied impassioned ardent Antonymscalm cool collected composed unexcited uncaring nonchalant disdainful HYSTERICALSynonymshysterical overcome with fear distraught distracted uncontrollable frenzied crazed raving worked-up wrought-up overwrought carried away Informal crazy Informal out of one's wits Informal Antonymscalm composed poised self-possessed RAGINGSynonymsraging angry incensed enraged furious infuriated frenzied fuming irate mad raving DISTRAUGHTSynonymsextremely troubled distraught distressed agitated anxious distracted frantic mad seething frenzied Antonymscollected calm serene cool composed |