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词汇 example_english_maladaptive

Examples of maladaptive

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Our approach allows the evolution of learning to yield maladaptive behavior and can be extended to characterize dynamic social interactions.
Clearly, conditioning fails to protect us from acquiring maladaptive habits.
There is no reason to believe that implicit learning is not flexible enough to produce outcomes that are potentially maladaptive genetically.
What is it that shows a clamping to be maladaptive?
Several maladaptive ways of coping with identity deficit are illustrated in this case.
Aggression and delinquent behaviors could also be characterized as maladaptive coping strategies to deal with the emotional arousal created by peer victimization experiences.
Regrettably, human behaviour with respect to the use of antibiotics has been maladaptive since the start.
Examination of the neurobiological sequelae of child maltreatment should enhance our comprehension of the mechanisms underlying maladaptive development in maltreated children.
Not only is pathology typically not simply an endogenous given, but even when a maladaptive pathway is enjoined, return to positive functioning often remains possible.
Finally, it is necessary to conduct investigations that ascertain whether maladaptive neurobiological structures, functions, and organizations are modifiable or are refractory to intervention.
The therapist looks first to comprehending the appropriateness or reasonableness of actions before considering their costs or maladaptive aspects.
There is one behavioural pattern seen in group-living cetaceans that is individually maladaptive but could have arisen within a system of conformist traditions: mass stranding.
Moreover, rediae must be adapted to avoid consuming their own kind because it would be maladaptive to do otherwise.
Later events or experiences can maintain or deflect a child from a maladaptive path established by exposure to early developmental risks or hazards.
Moreover, social learning theory is limited in its capacity to explain the array of maladaptive patterns that follow from exposure to partner violence.
793 drive continued maladaptive behavior, even when a child "knows" the correct behavior in a hypothetical situation.
Thus, the mental representation of ideas tends to become rigid, maladaptive, and inappropriate, and consequently may be partially or largely abandoned.
Figure 1 illustrates that reactive coping methods may be of two types: maladaptive solutions to the dilemma of stress engagement or adaptive solutions.
Ironically, this maladaptive characteristic actually suggests developmental specificity.
There are several mechanisms that can be considered to explain this association between maladaptive and adaptive genes.
Specifically, consumption of alcohol may be maladaptive in early and middle adolescent years, but may not necessarily hold the same maladaptive value in young adulthood.
Although some of these behaviors are developmentally appropriate, others can be viewed as the precursors to later maladaptive behavior.
They did not differ significantly from other maladaptive young people in terms of disadvantages on these core resources.
An anger perception bias could contribute to the perpetuation of the maladaptive emotion-cognition-behavior cycle.
Change produced by intervention provides evidence that maladaptive paths can be modified.
Specifically, we found that change in maladaptive maternal representations over time was dependent on intervention condition.
Maladaptive representations were predictive of rejection by peers in a pathway mediated by emotion dysregulation and aggression.
Moreover, recent research has shown that relatively common variations in early experience related to stress and maladaptive parenting can have long-term effects on development.
High levels of distress regarding a mild disciplinary interaction may have been maladaptive.
Environmental and genetic variance in children's observed and reported maladaptive behavior.
Notably, and appropriately, however, the authors caution that an exclusive focus on either the adaptive or the maladaptive is limiting.
When maladaptive, the behavior may be viewed as the misapplication of learned strategies that have been successful in the past.
Few studies have shown that maladaptive beliefs relate to treatment outcome.
Indeed, increased mortality would be maladaptive for the tapeworms, because only live copepods are ingested by the subsequent host.
If this were more directly addressed, the maladaptive behaviors of patients, families, and staff might diminish.
Self-reported romantic attachment style was significantly associated with personality dimensions, with fearful adults showing the most maladaptive personality profiles.
Results supported the prediction that fearful participants would show the most maladaptive personality profiles of the four selfreported adult attachment styles.
Each style may give rise to different maladaptive outcomes.
The preschool chronic group, in particular, emerged as the developmental timing subgroup with the most extreme maladaptive scores.
Chronic maltreatment, especially with onset during infancy - toddlerhood or preschool periods, was linked with more maladaptive outcomes.
Then, discrete maternal representation codes were combined to create two composite variables reflecting children's representations of adaptive and maladaptive maternal figures.
Maladaptive outcomes of person- environment interaction can result in mental health problems.
Likewise, these stressors may exacerbate parental depression, resulting in a negative cycle of depression, adverse circumstances, and maladaptive parenting.
Such interventions clearly must draw on research in developmental psychopathology that identifies critical turning points or life events that maintain or disrupt maladaptive trajectories.
Depending on children's characteristics and experience, the intersystem links allow for adaptive or maladaptive thoughts and behaviors in emotion-eliciting situations.
Second, maladaptive development can be fully understood only when juxtaposed with adaptive development.
Thus, a generally maladaptive child of elementary age might have conduct problems, peer problems, and academic problems.
The emphasis on negative outcomes leaves the powerful impression that the underlying psychological processes must be intrinsically maladaptive.
The second hypothesis is that, depending on the context, the same cognitive strategies may be maladaptive when they undermine investment and substitution behaviour.
Reactive coping responses include problem-solving strategies that can lead to either adaptive or maladaptive solutions.
If these belief systems are maladaptive, then the child with good attention may face an increased risk.
Maladaptive emotion activation and experience of negative emotions that lead to internalizing behavior occurs through faulty intersystem (emotion - cognition) connections.
Parents could be aler ted to this possibility and to the fine line between adaptive and maladaptive parentification.
The strategies used, however, become increasingly maladaptive over time as their usefulness, when employed in varied contexts, becomes unchallenged and less flexible.
Truly useful systems of conditioning must deal with maladaptive as well as adaptive conditioning.
Other animals also acquire maladaptive habits both in the laboratory and under natural conditions.
Secondly, thought stopping and self-instructional training were demonstrated and practiced in an effort to reduce maladaptive thoughts associated with anxiety.
Errorless embedding in the reduction of severe maladaptive behavior during interactive and learning tasks.
If a patient 's denial is maladaptive, the therapist must nonetheless respect the patient 's position and proceed slowly to avoid causing overwhelming anxiety.
306 bond, they may lead to maladaptive patterns of interaction that, in turn, maintain separation distress.
Limiting behaviour in the short term may well be adaptive, but prolonged use may prove to be maladaptive.
Each patient follows a personalized intervention program in order to build on areas of good coping, reduce maladaptive coping, and address relationship and family issues.
In recent years, a number of researchers have sought to adopt an evolutionary perspective to explain the continued persistence of clearly maladaptive psychiatric disorders.
Cognitive restructuring and systematic desensitization also were used to alter maladaptive maternal perceptions and reactions to their children that interfered with effective parenting.
Although early developmental hazards might divert a child onto a maladaptive pathway, continuity in maladjustment depends on the impact of subsequent life events and experiences.
However, they also affect the environmental and social responses produced by the individual, thereby inflating the chance of adverse outcome and maladaptive experience.
Recent theory posits that adaptive or maladaptive outcomes for high risk populations cannot be predicted from any single factor.
Maladaptive behavior is evident when the diathesis is triggered by stress.
Clinical theories usually focus on "what can" and developmental theories on "what does" lead to change in maladaptive behaviors.
Individuals who avoided the maladaptive outcomes associated with risk were traditionally referred to as invulnerable or invincible.
Inefficient or maladaptive coping may be due to the child's motivational systems, attentional systems, or cognitive representations.
Consistent findings have emerged that maltreatment increases the risks for maladaptive outcomes and the development of psychopathology.
As such, exaggerated stress reactivity is generally viewed as a maladaptive, monotonically harmful heritage of an ancient preparedness for endangerment.
Their interaction in producing either adaptive or maladaptive social behavior may be a function of the context in which they are measured.
Maladaptive habits, often socially maladaptive habits, persist in spite of repeated negative consequences.
The present study examines the extent to which normlessness and isolation 0selfestrangement mediate the relation between community violence exposure and maladaptive outcomes.
Disruptive behaviors may be associated with maladaptive ideas and feelings about interpersonal conflict and distress.
Furthermore, maladaptive behaviors may be underreported by youth because of shame, denial, or lack of trust regarding confidentiality.
Unlike deficit-driven intervention programs, resilience-based treatments seek to increase adaptive behavior, rather than decrease maladaptive behavior.
Lower religiousness and greater maladaptive coping were associated with greater burnout.
The underlying premise of early intervention was to limit the establishment of maladaptive and disruptive cognitive or behavioral patterns in response to the crisis.
The maladaptive winner's curse phenomenon would then disappear!
A simple, genetically mediated, aggregation response is unlikely to produce such behaviour as it is so individually maladaptive.
At the pathologic opposite ends, patterns of under- or overexpression of anger may represent maladaptive behavior.
Although generally adaptive, this system becomes maladaptive when the response fails to extinguish after the actual environmental threat has dissipated.
Then with each new loss along the way the family may become troubled and their maladaptive responses become more entrenched.
Thus, the maladaptive patterns of behavioral and emotional self-regulation, and reactivity to the demands of the surrounding environment, become more entrenched.
As such, exaggerated stress reactivity has been conventionally viewed as a maladaptive, monotonically harmful legacy of an evolved preparedness for threat.
Because we are guided by a functionalist framework, we do not want to imply that anger, per se, is a "dysfunctional" or maladaptive emotion.
Additionally, the continuity of maladaptive functioning exhibited by maltreated children across the 3 years of this investigation was substantial.
Thus, an information processing approach is used to explain the development of maltreated children's adaptive and maladaptive coping responses.
Concomitantly, maladaptive behavior or failures in competence could result from different kinds of problems at different levels in the interaction of organism and environment.
Just as underregulation of arousal and emotion is maladaptive, overregulation also suggests a risk for future disorder.
Thus, early neglect may result in a number of different maladaptive outcomes, or it may, in some instances, have no obvious harmful effect.
Such simplistic, "main-effects" models assumed a direct, linear relation between a pathogenic process and a maladaptive outcome.
In this instance, we might expect overactivity of these subcortical structures in a maladaptive response.
Improved comprehension of the neurobiological processes that increase risk of maladaptive development may also suggest novel targets for preventive intervention.
Mutually influential biological, environmental, and social risk factors may contribute to later maladaptive outcomes in some children.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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