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词汇 example_english_less

Examples of less

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
One argument sometimes raised against it is that it would lead to plea-bargaining, and thus to offenders escaping with lesser convictions and lesser sentences.
Such theories still move us from lesser to greater conditions of intelligibility.
They had some support amongst officials at court, but they had not troubled to build up support amongst the magnates or the lesser landowners.
Given women's lesser upper-body strength as compared with men's, a positive evaluation of violence helps to legitimate male domination.
One is simply moved in one direction or the other in greater or lesser awareness.
Clearly, as with the existing" subjective" and" departmental" analyses so the clinical analysis of expenditure may be provided in greater or lesser degrees of details.
To a lesser extent material was supplied from the south.
On the contrary they are a natural feature of the human condition, present in everyone to a greater or lesser degree.
There is reasonably full evidence for a number of lesser gentry, yeoman and tradesman estates.
Under these conditions, there is a greater chance of detecting taxa that are spurious and a lesser chance of detecting taxa that truly exist.
Student comments evidenced a high deg ree of task and strateg ic knowledge and, to a lesser deg ree, person knowledge.
Sentences that consist of multiple clauses, or coordinated (and to a lesser extent also subordinated) clauses, might contain multiple topics.
The result is usually a compromise mixture of three disparate goals that satisfies the various stakeholders to a greater or lesser extent.
Intrafraction errors are due mainly to the respirator y system and to a lesser extent to cardiac motion.
A relative decrease in expenditures on nondurables reflects the lesser importance of basic goods.
The last two years' indices are low because of regional governments' lesser share of expenditure.
Indeed, some observers have argued that it is only when security is achieved that other lesser national goals can be pursued.
Each seasonal flood deposits greater or lesser amounts of new sediment, enhancing fer tility.
Beneath the level of the head jobber were to be found an array of lesser jobbers.
All of these themes are indeed picked up, to a greater or lesser extent, by the authors.
Despite their enormous numbers, the role of the lesser gentry in the epic battle of commercial versus gentle mores is virtually never mentioned.
All of these to a greater or lesser extent are founded upon birth, familial relations, and/or identity politics.
By increasing the consumer awareness of organic foods and the positive attributes associated with organic foods, price could become a lesser consideration with nonorganic consumers.
A judicial decision can be precedent for later and lesser courts deciding the same sort of situation in the same way.
Under the monungwa were several ' lesser chiefs ' or banyampara.
Traditional social groups, keen to entertain lesser visiting luminaries, were politely indifferent towards the eminent physicist.
Responses are generally elevated and prolonged, but to a lesser degree than with picrotoxin.
In such cases, interviewers can and do treat interviewees' lesser displays of knowledge as accountable matters.
The formation of towns recommenced, however, in the first half of the fifteenth century, but to a much lesser extent than in the thirteenth century.
Characteristically, variationists handle these data quantitatively, specifying distributional constraints in terms of a greater or lesser likelihood of occurrence rather than as categorical.
The concepts of race and, to a lesser extent, ethnicity are controversial.
Conversely, the lesser globalized countries tend to foster a stronger nationalistic ideology within the public.
Do they induce greater or lesser representation of the people?
A lesser factor causing intrafraction error is cardiac motion.
Thus, this assumption states that voters of lesser party candidates are more likely to switch their support to another candidate under the alternative strategy.
5 are prohibited, they are seen as a lesser evil than /tl/ onsets.
Then fronting central vowels would be a lesser violation of faithfulness than changing [back] to [front].
The 2006 limit is the lesser of $44,000 and 100 % of salary and is scheduled to rise with inflation.
The psychosocial impact of other forms of cancer, including melanoma and lymphoma, has been investigated to a lesser degree.
We recognize that other kinds of texts might challenge the summarizers to a greater or lesser extent.
Just as there are lesser and higher shamans, cannot there also be lesser and higher actors?
A basic rasa identified in rehearsal and presented on stage will seldom be unmixed with other transient ones of greater or lesser effect.
Why this would be a lesser option for men remains to be determined.
The rulers of today are perceived to a lesser degree than in the past as benefactors, albeit still as the most efficient potential protectors.
The students themselves seemed to consider revision of content important but saw it as of lesser importance to the teachers.
In the past, much of it has consisted of laborator y studies, classroom-related studies and to a lesser extent larger-scale evaluations.
Addition of astrocyte-conditioned medium also increased glutamate-stimulated spike rates, but to a lesser extent than added astroglia.
As such, the vocality index should be able to identify a greater or lesser proximity of the sound phenomenon to the voice.
Changes in the first component-the pure inequality effect-are the unexplained changes, due to greater or lesser inequality within the groups.
Moreover, sentence structure influences the use of relative markers in each variety to a greater or lesser degree.
Ferrous materials and paper recycling, and, to a lesser extent, plastic, are a well-established business in the region.
The suggestion that cremations represent individuals of lesser social status is consequently questionable.
As noted, the latter groups tend to be placed in positions of lesser prestige within relief sculptures and in architectural space.
The female was at least fifty years old, and also wore shell jewelry, but in lesser quantity than the principal personage.
Of these, three were celestial events, whereas the other five were magical or miraculous in greater or lesser degree.
Unexpectedly, the quality of the relationship also associated with age, but to a lesser degree than the other two dimensions.
All four health measures were coded such that a higher score indicated better health or lesser disability.
The principal destinations are residential care homes and, to a lesser extent, child's households.
All the mechanisms or their triggers are to a greater or lesser extent gender-specific.
In contrast, in weaker social settings, adopters can be expected to influence their peers to a lesser degree.
Finally, and of lesser importance to the central hypothesis, the relationship between the continuous psychometric data and the biological data was examined.
As can be seen, no significant interaction was found for any variable except the variables : being unmarried and to a lesser extent, a recent divorce.
Depending on these characteristics, actors are expected to make choices which are to a greater or lesser degree value-rational or instrumentally rational.
The second boy is also a loner, though to a much lesser extent than the first boy.
Today such roles are often deleted or minimised and allocated to performers considered past their prime or of lesser ability.
Going and, to a lesser extent, go are used to encode intent more frequently than the other forms.
Conceptually, a context is marked by several decisions that determine the situation to a greater or lesser specificity.
One is the distinction between the moral impetus to avoid and prevent harm versus the lesser, more confined, impetus to bestow benefits.
Because this is redirection from greater harm to lesser harm, it may be permissible.
The same was true, if to a lesser extent, of needy elderly people who had children but lacked a partner.
Where possible, we matched the participant's and the interviewer's ethnicity and, to a lesser extent, gender.
Their parents choose for them to a greater or a lesser degree.
The identi®ed categories were further analysed, placing like categories together, leading to a lesser number of distinct categories.
Cues which are frequently available, reliable and perceptually salient win over cues of lesser strength.
The structure of the project gave pupils collective autonomy in the decision-making processes relating to musical content and, to a lesser extent, form.
The current findings suggest that neighborhood density may play a lesser role when learning high frequency or long words.
However, the information obtained pertains more to the diatom population and to a much lesser extent on the cyanobacteria populations.
Past efforts to train physicians have emphasized a concept of professionalism with a predominant emphasis on autonomy and benefit (with a lesser nod to justice).
We refrain from hasty conclusions about the greater generosity and lesser dependency needs of women, but clearly these gender differences invite greater scrutiny.
In contrast, strong resistance was found to pirimicarb and oxydemeton-methyl, and to a lesser extent also to cyfluthrin.
Households living in the hills are therefore understandably reluctant to use manure, and to a somewhat lesser extent crop residues, for fuel.
However, this should be lesser than in the case of immediate dominance.
The remaining chapters are of lesser but varying interest to those whose primary work is in fluid mechanics.
Therefore, a lesser uncertainty relates to possible variations in sedimentation rate.
In par ticular, the mapping between function and structure is explored and, to a lesser extent, its impact on behavior is noted.
The lesser complexity of a sub-problem is often such that an automatic proof is entirely feasible.
The other measures (frequency, familiarity, visual complexity and word length) also correlated with name agreement, albeit to a lesser extent.
The first concerns the organizational interests of the militia, and, to a lesser extent, the army.
Urban dwellers (and to a lesser extent, women) were most likely to report a perceived decline in society's living standards under democracy.
In the absence of any viable alternative, most secular women chose the lesser of two evils: the state.
Moreover, comparison of these two panels indicates that the preference shock model would require a lesser such rise than the model driven by technology shocks.
A multi-criteria evaluation of the environmental performances of olive-growing systems environment to a lesser degree compared to conventional agriculture.
The major factors are likely to be an overactive bladder and, to a lesser extent, voiding disorders.
Predominant symptoms upon inclusion and patient age have an impact on effectiveness and, to a lesser degree, on costs.
As a (mainly) non-contemporary term, distinct from (but related to) small town, the concept of lesser town still has much to recommend it.
Several of the differences between years probably resulted from lesser and desynchronized flowering, due to heavy unseasonal rains in the second year.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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