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词汇 example_english_label

Examples of label

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In addition, gustatory nerve fibers did not appear to be labeled.
Overall, the rejections of adult labels seem to reflect a labeling preference on the child's part, rather than a rejection of synonymy.
The quest for labels is signaled around this time by two other changes in children's own word use.
The single-level assumption itself may stem from the importance of categories at the level where they receive basic labels, namely categories at that level.
One lexical item labels a part of the entity picked out by the other.
According to the whole-object assumption, they should also be easy to assign labels to.
Another primary point has to do with labels or names of personification figures: are they named?
At the self-consciously intellectual level, scientific thinking, labeled as such, won supporters for its coherence and rationality, reinforced by usable results.
Such subjects, as a consequence, might not differ in their test performance from those who were explicitly trained to apply labels.
However, in all these embryos there is diffuse labeling of the membrane of the yolk cell rather than labeling of platelets.
The neurons labeled by virus from the prostate were larger than those that were labeled by virus from the bladder.
Virus from the bladder labeled a mean total of 3629 neurons.
The first neurons to be labeled from either the bladder or the prostate were located in the major pelvic ganglion.
Although this 'direct' analysis does require a single round of synthesis to incorporate dye labels, no amplification is involved.
The equipment could work faster, the mould was sealed against the ingress of dirt, and it was no longer necessary to provide paper labels.
Call-type labels for the same caller intent may have different names across different data collections/applications.
However, there are no musical labels or leitmotifs; all three 'voices' use material that the others have used.
As the trend expanded, small artist-owned and operated labels burgeoned and another tier was added to the industry.
Also, they are more expert at linking novel labels to novel referents and, possibly, this superior fast mapping ability is one basis for their precocity.
Verbal labels were defined as any count noun that was used uniquely to identify the object depicted.
Apparently, a default belief that things have multiple labels is unnecessary for polynomy.
The linear logic resources used for semantic composition are node labels in semantic structure instantiated by the s projection function from f-structures.
The tradition labels these frequently occurring combi- nation meters by distinct names as well.
Cases in which multiple labels are given just indicate that these names are used interchangeably to refer to the same thing.
In social gerontology, making one's value base explicit has come together in what is now labelled the ' critical gerontology ' movement.
In the very act of labelling a transition as being one from localist to distributed coding, one is assuming a dichotomy between the two.
All behaviors, whether labeled normative or non-normative, are influenced by learning.
However, the "typing" must not give different labels to reflectances that are indistinguishable under any given light.
The container was labelled with the date of egg production.
Response labels were counterbalanced along with response handedness (right vs. left).
In all but one case, the translation pairs they labeled cognates were rated higher than the pairs they labeled non-cognates.
The filter paper in the dish which had held no larvae was also labelled with a 'zero'.
Successful parsing involves segmenting speech into phrases, assigning category labels to words, and determining syntactic dependencies and hierarchical organization.
The arc is labelled by the smallest possible factor relating the insertion radius of x to that of its parent.
The children's application of novel labels to objects also varied by race; the race main effects were similar to the class main effects.
Again, the decrease in accuracy reflects the burden of being taught two additional labels.
We created labels for three of the target objects.
Presumably the burden of learning additional labels for additional novel objects depressed performance.
I see this as a matter of labelling.
She has been labeled "the most valuable sheep in the world" as the protein is used to combat emphysema.
Each trap was collected in less than 5 s, and placed in an individual labelled plastic bag.
They responded by indicating which sentence they prefer red by pushing a button labeled "first" or "second".
The majority of the immigrants had a migration pattern that cannot easily be labelled.
In times past such individuals were labeled "freaks" and appeared in circus sideshows.
Moreover, letter names, by virtue of providing common labels for graphic signs, can help in building a mental model of the alphabet.
The labels can also have a sociocognitive function.
The term ' labelling ' refers to a social process by which individuals or groups classify the social behaviour of other individuals.
Thus, overall model 13 provides strong evidence in favor of the collection of ideas we have labeled the new growth theory.
By labeling coffee, consumers can now distinguish production methods used for coffee growing, and they can also evaluate its taste relative to the non-labeled coffee.
They are labeled as 'costs' due to the prevailing notion that ranching leads to negative environmental impacts.
What is needed are carrots that are well labelled.
We all get labeled as one group, but there are actually many different types.
Our field is labeled with a concern for pathology - that is, disease.
Studies have yet to elucidate the long-term effects of having been labeled with a disorder as a child.
Is there reason to be more hesitant in labeling children?
At the request of an adult, the child labels an object with which he is engaged.
Both groups of fathers rated infants labeled as normal higher on sociability, social behavior, and cognitive competence.
Accordingly, these families were labeled as 3 isengaged.
At the start of the task, experimenters read a set of six emotion labels that corresponded to the six categories of emotion-eliciting events.
Therefore, they may fail to process relations among cues, situations, and emotional experiences and labels.
In each vignette the emotion was labeled for the child.
The sealed vials were time/date labeled and stored in a ziplocked bag in the family's refrigerator until collection was completed.
Based on their physiological reactions, 12 of the children were labeled high reactors and 12 as low reactors.
The results showed that labeling had a powerful effect on inductive inference, often overriding perceptual similarity.
From now on we shall refer to tips by these finite labels.
In this section so far we have defined the system of infinite signed binary substitution labels.
As indicated in the title, the book is divided into two parts, which might be labelled tools and inferences.
Subject and object after all are more than grammatical labels.
As it stands, only entries with more than 10 meanings were considered, and even then not all of those got further labels.
I patiently considered them as labels which could or could not fit my heroine.
Inflected forms, dialect labels, and status labels (such as "non-standard," "archaic," and the new "offensive") are clear yet unobtrusive.
All special usages, such as slang terms, are labeled and grouped together at the end of each synonym list.
However, data points are also labelled 'hot ' if the time derivative of the temperature exceeds a certain small value.
I n figure 16 the line, labelled second wave line, represents the region where the thickening has caught up with the leading edge.
Figure 2 (c)shows a constant vorticity saddle and it can be seen that the eigenvectors labelled aand b are non-orthogonal.
A loop design includes exactly two replicates of each treatment, one labelled with green and the other with red.
Each edge represents a level set times an interval and hence can be labelled with topological invariants of the level set.
Emotion labels were not provided in the stories.
The resulting aggregated behavior was labeled maternal sensitivity.
Four cluster groups were identified and labeled multiproblem high-risk, smoking high-risk, normative, and low-risk groups.
Accordingly, there have been various attempts at adopting new labels to avoid the stigmatizing effect of the term plagiarism itself.
In place of the feature labels, the labels conjunct and disjunct are used, with the values as feature structures.
The simplest is to utilize labels and markers.
The terminal rule typically removes all labels and markers.
In this grammar, a combination of parametric shape recognition and labels are required for many of the rule applications.
The labels drove the grammar and prevented the rules from creating forms that did not hold the necessary functionality.
In other words, functions are used no more than as labels for physical structures.
Thus, social task demands might relax children's criteria for accepting multiple labels.
In the present studies, we examined the role that object shape plays in restricting infants' hypotheses about the meaning of novel labels.
Thus, it was predicted that children would readily supply compound labels.
Thus, the use of compounds in that study may be influenced by the familiarity of the labels.
Rather, they can be labelled with short noun phrases including one simple adjective.
Finally, the study provided a strong test of whether children distinguish between the metaphoric and literal labels for the object.
Again, non-deterministic behaviour can be expressed by giving a predicate on deterministic labelled stream processing functions.
We usually think of labels as being represented by code addresses.
The info pointer of a closure points to a table containing a number of code labels.
A store is a finite function from locations to labelled values.
We will choose the numbers to be different from the labels of expressions.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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