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词汇 example_english_holiday

Examples of holiday

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As children were assumed to spend weekends and holidays with parents, no school-related clothing was included.
The second cause was due to public and statutory holidays.
In addition to public holidays, one day a month was lost for machine servicing.
On the holidays, wherever he camped, one hundred tents would join him.
They protested over immediate or relatively shortterm issues like ad hoc demands over wage hikes, holidays, dismissals or restoration of allowances.
Moreover, there are 52 weeks in a year, and excluding holidays and planned and unplanned downtime, there were approximately 50 possible procedure weeks per year.
Across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the number of religious holidays was gradually reduced, sometimes by the state and sometimes by the churches themselves.
Education and holidays also feature largely in this selection of theses on children and cities.
Except for limitations on work on religious holidays, official regulation of the daily and weekly round declined.
Thus, a trade union might offer discounts on holidays to its members, and threaten non-members with ostracism.
Events like remembering visits by relatives, birthdays or holidays were used by another 18 % to aid memory.
We asked children about their school, family, home, holidays, and medical history.
She says they ' caught up ' at weekends and on holidays.
Which friend did the man repair the roof for during the holidays?
Which ladder did the man repair the roof with during the holidays?
An operator is affected to a workstation in function of their capabilities and had constraints applied, such as their breaks, holidays, or work duration.
A very high proportion of carers (84 per cent) who responded to the survey reported that they were looking after children in the school holidays.
No childcare or school costs were allocated on the assumption that contact children visit during the nonresident parent's holidays and on weekends.
Due to family holidays we missed one monthly questionnaire for 3 children, and two monthly questionnaires for another child.
Excessive production of foods for holidays or special events represents a potential public health threat.
Shared meals were organized both on these days and on holidays.
In a few cases, where the grandparent continued to be in good health, grandchildren subsequently brought great-grandchildren to stay for holidays.
As regards their use of public space, holidays were an area of major change.
There, too, the price of gold would rise before holidays.
Which friend did the man repair the very long roof for during the holidays?
Work on the farm is not permitted on religious holidays.
They work on public holidays and weekends, and factory work is known to be tedious and demands employee attention and attachment to the shop floor.
Indicator variables were used to control for the effect of public holidays (typically rates were low during holidays, and high following them).
The postsummer peak is likely to correspond to holidays and family visits to shigella-endemic countries.
Also, a strong seasonality of the parliamentary agenda is apparent, amongst other reasons, due to the structural absence of debates during parliamentary holidays.
Parents with school age children who were interviewed reported the stresses of organising and managing the childcare jigsaw during the holidays.
Planned interruptions arose from public holidays and routine servicing of the machine.
My considering holidays as days of leisure sounds a little too artisan-like for me not to have to give you an explanation.
Instead, we found a substantial proportion of respondents saying they were using flexi-time and leave entitlements as cover for school holidays and children's sickness.
The secretary saw the driver of the manager who was dreaming of holidays.
Several participants said that weekend trips and short holidays had been made possible by the extra income.
Which ladder did the man repair the very long roof with during the holidays?
Students likewise criticised reforms which had imposed a set schedule of classes and robbed them of summer holidays.
Camp meetings were often held to celebrate special events and to coincide with holidays.
Undoubtedly, some people return to the scenes of happy family holidays, but very few are moving to be with their families - quite the reverse.
Where they did think and plan ahead, it tended to be for positive events such as weddings and holidays.
Many commented that they had no entitlements left to take family holidays where the whole family could be off together.
Predictable gaps in treatment may occur owing to bank holidays and machine service days.
During school holidays her oldest son helps in buying and selling the vegetables.
Selling cards in one's neighbourhood is also very popular among pupils during their summer holidays.
The story comes out of discussion of holidays and the task of telling stories.
They had time off, fixed work hours and paid holidays.
In the past decade the concept of ' popular culture ' has become steadily more embracive, and its connection with holidays and play has weakened.
Models are adjusted for trend, seasonality (up to the 6th harmonic), public holidays and relative humidity.
Thus, it seems likely that holidays are a major cause of the greater seasonality of upper-class births observed at present in this country.
Since then and up until his death, he spent much of his summer holidays there.
In turn, the wage was multiplied by a factor of 52/48 to account for holidays (2 weeks) and vacation time (2 weeks).
Another chapter covers the basic customs and associated vocabulary surrounding holidays and daily activities, including eating and shopping.
What holidays can you find, and the songs they are in.
The material routines of capitalist discipline on this landscape probably also included churches, schools, celebrations of national holidays, ceramics, cutlery, tobacco pipes, clothes, and foodways.
What sort of holidays do you like?
Many therefore require and find it difficult to find after-school care (rather than day-care), and face extra problems during school holidays when they do not coincide with university breaks.
In most cases, strikes began as an attempt to induce managers to grant holidays on religious festivals, increase wages, shorten working hours and dismiss corrupt supervisors.
Meat production for household consumption was mentioned as the second important objective of keeping small ruminants; however, the majority of households consume meat only during major holidays.
In the end, the college authorities recognized the value of student organizations and began to accord them official status, for example by granting holidays for cricket matches.
Here we don't have public holidays.
Chapter 13 describes some rather grand meals that were enjoyed for holidays and celebrations, whereas chapter 14 concentrates on the beverages that were used to wash down these dishes.
In addition, they were given several holidays.
Workers visualized any change in the work conditions, such as denial of holidays during religious festivals, as unwarranted infringement of their customary rights by the authorities.
As many holidays are packaged with particular age-cohorts in mind (in this case the over 55s), travel agency assistants need to display a sensitivity to age-characteristics of clients.
Workers who have mastered the technique of colour photography and slide projection are now considering going into fields other than portraying their annual holidays in photographs and films.
Given that the desire to enjoy the seasons and celebrate seasonal holidays are important for terminally ill patients, there is value in a hospice-based program of seasonal events.
The main exceptions are the possibility of family holidays abroad, school exchange trips, and, in recent years, some growth of informal language classes and clubs for primaryschool-age children.
Because they care about their friends, people want to be with them, to do things together: have dinner together, go on holidays together, and so on.
Massive increases in state capital spending and measures such as more public holidays and higher welfare payments to stimulate household consumption were used to stimulate domestic demand.
Habits, hobbies, celebrations of festivities despite illness, spending of weekends and holidays, and the company of f r iends all were sig nif icant and apprec iated attr ibutes.
Moreover, only about one in six older people took part in resolving family issues such as where to spend leisure and what to do during holidays.
Outings and holidays were restricted.
A school (60 pupils), located in the village, had remained closed for holidays during the winter sports break, and several schoolchildren were also affected soon after returning to school.
Our research focuses on the scenario that contact children are in the care of the non-resident parent for half of the school holidays and every second weekend.
Their periodic carnivals on public holidays were always under the watchful eyes of the police ; they needed permits for their carnivals, first from city officials and later from the police.#!
Since it is difficult to date onset, particularly if insidious, a calendar including neutral markers like national and local events, holidays, birthdays of close relatives was used to anchor them.
Assuming that obstetricians would not be expected to answer in fractions or decimals, it assumes a baseline of around 45 requests a year, allowing for holidays.
The female world of cards and holidays : women, families, and the work of kinship.
While grandchildren are still living with their parents, visits to the grandparents are constrained by the school holidays and visits tend to be concentrated into these periods.
A 15-page checklist of leisure favourites covers a myriad of topics ranging through friends, food, crossword puzzles, household chores, holidays, sports, making love, religion and ethics.
He developed a deprivation index that included responses to questions about lack of food, refrigerators, indoor baths and holidays, and other items and activities, both social and material.
Also, the data contain some systematically missing observations because of weekends and holidays.
There may be surplus assets, but these are typically limited by tax regulations, and may be run down by the sponsor (via ' contribution holidays ') in order to boost its profitability.
Staffing levels are also difficult to predict, and holidays or sickness may leave a ward very short of nurses, both trained and untrained.
The most common target events were trips, birthdays, holidays, and family0 social events.
Maximum time available for farm work is determined by subtracting religious holidays from the total number of days in the period.
In any case, the prolonged enjoyment of leisure (weekends, holidays) takes place as much as possible outside the city.
To prevent excessive frugality, they shall receive allowances for holidays (free days) in addition to the above provisions.
The year as well as the week was punctuated with holidays.
Even though you get these nice holidays, it doesn't compensate for the rest of the time.
Middle-class couples were also more likely to go to friends' houses for meals and on holidays together.
While children are single they continue to think of their parents' home as home, and to make regular visits back for weekends and holidays.
Thereafter, in semi-monthly and annual holidays, the son is expected to perform acts of worship at the domestic altar.
Therefore, strikes which began over the issue of holidays could become a more general means of protest against a range of work-place related grievances.
We also adjusted for public holidays to account for the artifactual drop in reporting during these weeks.
They instead tended to be accessed in school holidays, and when emergencies or unforeseen circumstances arose.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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