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词汇 example_english_fragment

Examples of fragment

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Probes nick-translated to yield denatured fragments primarily ranging in size from 500 bases to 100 bases yielded strongest and cleanest signals.
Just as post-structuralism fragmented the subject, ecological theory objectified biological contexts as stable systems.
Two are made on flakes, two on pieces of tabular quartzite and the remainder on irregular fragments or broken flakes.
The majority consist of flakes or broken flakes but there are also some thin fragments of tabular quartzite.
In common with two of the pointed fragments of elephant bones described above, this specimen bears many longitudinal cracks.
If too small a unit is chosen the data will be hopelessly fragmented; a division into departments, for example, would be impossible to interpret.
Elsewhere, however, the dominant impression is of a piecemeal, even fragmented network, in which many roads had been started but few entirely finished.
Every group of human beings has a set of agreed emotive fragments.
From some points of view it does not really matter whether these fragments originated as invading parasites or breakaway rebels.
The different fragments, however, each manifest more and less progressive variants and show marks of the new social movement heritage of the 1970s.
From government to fragmented local governance or more integrated urban governance?
In major cities where local government is fragmented and has little ability to represent the urban area, employers' organisations may play a more important role.
Particular minerals can be recognised by their characteristic optical properties so fragments can be identified.
No significant sequence conservation was observed in these short removed receptor fragments of variable lengths.
Restriction fragments were visualized on 3% agarose gels containing 1% ethidium bromide.
The pumiceous tuff is characterized by flattened pumice pseudomorphs, although some fragments are unflattened because of calcite infilling, that is, they are fossilized.
The leaf fragments are quite flat except for a central ridge which runs the length of the underside of the leaf.
Most of these sedimentary rock fragments are restricted to coarse arenites and fine diamictites.
Conversely, inbreeding depression is a well-established threat to fragmented populations with limited dispersal.
The apparent serendipitous isolation of these fragments is difficult to explain.
Thus, these matrix proteins and fragments may be extremely useful in the directed delivery of therapies.
Moreover, at the bases of thick sandstone beds, mollusc fragments are present.
A lack of input from higher order association regions would lead to a cognitive processing style that is fragmented and incomplete.
Hybridization with other fragments was in agreement with this conclusion.
He is all for looking at our way of life as a whole and not just at fragments of it.
Slightly larger differences are seen when dissociation is allowed and the dissociation fragments are recycled into the achiral substrate.
We focus here on the model where the polymerization fragments are recycled back into the achiral substrate.
The non-commutative variant we consider combines non-commutative, commutative, and intuitionistic fragments.
Similar remarks apply to directly constructing relationally parametric models of rank-2 fragments of suitable polymorphic calculi.
The splitting algorithm cuts out all the unwanted subtrees and recombines the fragments left over.
Subject wh-questions, embedded wh-questions and question fragments were excluded because they were not recorded systematically in the diary data.
If necessary, this established fact can be taken as an indication for the age of the remaining fragments.
In fact, the exhibit was a fairly crude paste-up, in which fragments of different fingerprints had been collaged.
Modern society, he says, is fragmented by the division of labor into numerous specializations.
The decision to produce a predominantly fragmented sound world is nevertheless one brought to the score; it is not inherent in it.
Further inspection, which we do not carry out here, suggests the same results beyond the corresponding fragments.
The priorities are used to order the code fragments.
All of these four groups of semantics differ on certain language fragments; but they coincide on aggregate-stratified programs.
The study farms were within 2 km of 10-20-ha primary forest fragments.
Though these differences largely reflected differences in bird communities between fragments, some of the variation was also due to differences in habitat structure.
In the present study however, frequency of occurrence of individual species in flocks showed high variation across fragments resulting in substantial differences in flock composition.
Only one of these two areas was fragmented by the rise in water levels, the second area thus providing a post-flooding control.
Changes in the frugivorous bat community may have indirect consequences on both the demographic and the genetic structures of plant populations inside forest fragments.
A pragmatic requirement is that the errors found are as small program fragments as possible.
Searching semantically equivalent code fragments in logic programs.
We selected four study sites in each of two states, namely rain forest fragments and continuous rain forest.
Although larger forest patches may provide core habitats and metapopulation sources for bats, small fragments support the same species assemblage found in the largest remnants.
Overall, this area is characterized by forest fragments interspersed within a matrix of deforested territory unsuitable for vipers.
Unlike the lemurs, this species can cross the gaps between isolated forest fragments and helps to ensure exchange between plant populations.
The forest fragments were isolated in the early 1980s by creating cattle pastures.
At this time, the isolated deforested areas increased in size and number and connected, resulting in the first forest fragments.
Inbreeding could have already been detected in these fragments.
We hypothesize that populations of small isolated fragments have lower genetic diversity than others.
The net pressure from bird cleptoparasites will depend, in part, on the distribution of resources (prey) in continuous versus fragmented forest.
The material was sorted, and food item remains such as seeds, arthropod fragments, teeth, hair, nails, feathers, and scales, among others, were selected for analysis.
Such fragments have to be changed in order to obtain a correct program.
We frequently observed dropped fragments remaining briefly on the main trail that were then collected by other foragers and transported to the nest.
Following this, the ovarian cortex was divided into 11 fragments of approximately 3 x 3 mm (1 mm thick).
The surface of cell fragments, common in the human embryo in vitro, differs in having few microvilli and numerous cytoplasmic blebs.
The visual world we see is a structured and cohesive "whole" rather than a group of isolated and independent fragments.
The volume of oocyte fragments used as a fusion partners varied, but was approximately of one-quarter of the oocyte.
No blebs are seen between the two laminae of the nuclear envelope, but fragments of intermediate laminae could still be observed between them.
A minority of apoptotic cells showed only fragmented nuclear morphology or fragmented nuclear morphology with the presence of active caspase-3 in the cytoplasm.
What is the minimal set of fragments that achieves maximal parse accuracy ?
Ever since the earliest generative work on fragments, two possible approaches towards answering this question have been explored.
Mosaics can end up as collections of fragments ; this one is more than the sum of its parts.
In our case, chunks are also the sentence fragments for which the spans are not influenced by any verbal syntactic projection.
Nevertheless, large numbers of easily identifiable bone fragments gave us clues to the general orientation of the deposits.
Amazonian forests are being rapidly cleared, and the remaining forest fragments appear unusually vulnerable to fire.
In a general case "foam" can consist of both from those fragments.
Clearly defined are the individual phalange impressions, and there is no evidence of distortion or disruption with separated lumps and fragments.
Only fragments of both rami of the mandible are preserved.
Two specimens show fragments of similar-sized, curved leaves, partly preserved as fusain.
Other fragments on the specimen suggest leaves which were considerably larger.
The electoral institutions introduced after 1985, it is argued, have led to a weak and fragmented party system that fails to aggregate broad interests.
Out of the 3000 fragments amplified in this study, 82 were observed to be differentially displayed (approx. 2.7 %).
Two fragments were amplified on either side of this region.
The presence of albitic phenocrysts (or xenocrysts) and angular fragments of quartz is also consistent with a volcanic ash source.
Fragments were teased apart, but no identifiable female fragments were found.
Hence, we are not giving new code fragments.
Separation of fragments was carried out by agarose gel electrophoresis (0n8 %).
The variables considered were the number and size of the electrophoretically separated nucleic acid fragments.
Recent policy has left fragmented selectivity intact, when not intensifying it further.
Thus, the comparison between both approaches should be fair and underline the very use of fragments as guidelines for improving a solution.
Each of these model fragments relates a particular scenario of a subsystem to its equivalent representation in the target modelling language, under certain conditions.
First, careful attention was given to selecting interior fragments to be used for obtaining the isolates.
Probably implanted oxygen ions act as scavengers of electrons or of atomic and molecular hydrogen, promoting the formation of water molecular fragments.
The surviving fragments appear highly shocked and display clear signs of cracking.
There is very little feldspar, only occasional volcanic fragments and little matrix or cement ; the quartz grains often have sutured contacts with one another.
One of these factors is the probability of release of entombed organisms from the surviving projectile fragments.
The expected characteristic of fragments that originated in an explosion is seen.
Thin fragments of the polyester insulation are visible around the expanding wire.
A program was developed so that it determined fragments sizes of one of the liquids, namely that liquid whose fragments at positive image were light.
On the one hand, fragments often display connectivity effects linking them to a clausal source.
The various fragments interact with each other, but only in limited ways, as we will see in the description of each one.
The possibilities offered by photography and sound recording to collect fragments of daily life are already proving invaluable to historians.
There are fleeting moments where fragments become phonemes and a vowel sound leans towards the possibility of speech.
Location of the gelatin and heparin-binding fragments which were used in the attachment assays, are in bold.
In the present study, we conducted correspondence analysis on fragments pertaining to age, gender, and disease stages.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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