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词汇 example_english_formally

Examples of formally

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
However, such correlations are based on the use of formally equivalent texts across listening and reading.
The results of this survey indicate that none of the countries has formally established a structured program for prostate cancer screening.
The first of these is the sample data, expressed formally by the likelihood function.
The fact that not all the agreements were formally certified increased the uncertainty of the credit relationship.
Many collections of papers on development projects are not formally published but exist only in photocopies or as ' grey literature ', almost impossible to locate systematically.
From a legal standpoint, the shared ownership and coordination of formally ' competitive' entities introduces the risk of antitrust campaigns.
The proof formally assumes that is not bound between zero and unity, that is, there are no short-sale constraints in the non-mandatory private portfolio.
Event mappings are formally defined as relations on scope "boundaries".
The other assertions of the proposition follow formally as in the torsion-free case.
Veto-powers can be formally enshrined or can operate by convention.
Though formally still in the public sector, these firms were an integral part of the restructuring process.
To suppose that all formally valid laws are morally obligatory is a moral error.
Although formally the responsibility of the sheriff, it was his officials, shadowy figures in the records, who probably played the larger role.
Is it formally 'business friendly' while 'doing good by stealth' - or is it in the pockets of financial capital?
More formally, each sentence, except the ®rst sentence of a dialogue, has a main element with respect to the previous sentence.
Spending on primary education actually outpaced spending on university education in 1985, when the military formally abandoned politics.
Ultimately, the adult grammar will be a totally ranked one, in which formally each constraint forms its own mini-hierarchy.
However, they have been shown to be formally equivalent granted they are uniform.
We define the machines using a small step operational semantics, by formally describing for each machine instruction the state transition produced by it.
Of course, the modification has to be justified formally.
In this article, we present a simple, formally justified, semantics for interrupts.
Again, the presence of lifting in strictness analysis meant that the two analyses were hard to compare formally.
We show in this section how these optimisations can be described formally in our framework.
We cannot formally separate the effects of density and other features of insular populations.
In addition, there is a need for nurse practitioners, and the work that they undertake, to be recognized formally by their professional body.
Since both are formally valid arguments, the question becomes whether either of them is sound.
Eventually, we hope to develop a reasonably efficient and formally verified library for mathematical computation.
Among its operational properties there is a standardisation theorem that formally establishes the adequacy of implementation in functional programming languages.
A tree form is formally defined as follows.
To accomplish this task, we first need to introduce a class of models hitherto not studied formally in time-series analysis.
As a result, the definition of a cosignature turns out to be formally the same as that of a signature.
The results formally justify the slogans: weakening is index-updating, cut is explicit substitution.
The notion of a production occurrence is formally defined as follows.
The officers of the group, whose decisions were communicated informally or formally at the annual assembly, conducted all other meetings.
The distribution patterns of the different noun types considered here coincide in those subparadigms that are formally and functionally identical in the two languages.
Let us rephrase the above more formally for possible future use.
We then formally construct steady-state solutions 2x via a nonlinear oscillator formulation.
The two have some functional overlap, and predicate nominals in identity statements and nominal predications can be formally identical.
The medium-term strategy of monetary policy, formally adopted in 1998, envisaged bringing inflation below 4% in 2003.
Although formally the dowry remained in the complete control of wives, husbands apparently relied on these dowries as available credit.
The second, 'more marked ', construction is not formally related to the first one at all - it only has greater phonetic length.
The term "rule" should not be nar rowly construed here to refer only to formally adopted or ver y abstract norms.
In short, whenever two things are formally identical, but numerically distinct, then it is their matter that individuates them.
Neither representatives of kanganies nor labourers, who were also not yet formally organized during this period, formed a part of it.
If, say, phonological and semantic bootstrapping occur in ontogenesis, they rely on producing formally consistent meanings.
Often robots are a hodge-podge of gizmos not easily described formally.
The purpose is thus not to formally present any par ticular domain problem and its solution.
On this basis, the link between a basic precedence constraint and the corresponding canonical forbidden-state formula has been formally established.
They are linked in order to form multiple design relations, formally represented by digraphs.
All students then wrote up their individual responses to be assessed formally by the course tutor.
Even those with little background in infinite series should be able to formally follow most of the arguments that employ infinite series.
Furthermore, outcome data are prospectively collected on these patients so that the team can formally evaluate treatment decisions and outcomes.
On this view, names for particular languages act as variables for bundles of features which formally characterize them.
Unlike the development of drugs and medical devices, "innovative surgery" is neither clearly defined nor formally regulated by governing bodies.
In an urban sense, open form connoted aformal organization, open endedness, and the break with formally constraining orders.
A second reason is the failure to formally settle the rights of local villages.
In the next two sections we analyse formally the intertemporal allocation problem assuming closed and open economy conditions respectively.
When done formally, it provides a sound reference for each partner included in a common project.
At the same time, it should still be admitted that formally, the economic model is very flexible and its scope is vast.
A single specimen has been recovered, and although noticeably different from any species so far described, it is not named formally here.
I n the limit of step sizes going to zero, the approximations become centred, and the whole method is therefore formally of second order.
We can express this argument formally as follows.
The goal of this section is linking the equivalence relations 'being formally conjugated' and 'being formally conjugated by a normalized transformation'.
At the same time, different structures may have very different components, arranged in what are formally the same way.
We are now placed in a position to formally express the remaining static consistency properties about the supplementing process.
The few variables describing housing and socio-economic characteristics which could contribute a formally significant degree of specific information were then added.
In this section the notations involved in the communication lifting program transformation are formally introduced.
Ideally, one would like to search by specification, but even if library functions were formally specified, it would be undecidable whether two specifications were equivalent.
More formally, figure 2 presents a typing rule2 for try along with its natural semantics rules.
First graders were formally taught to read and write, though invented spelling was still welcomed.
We define this predicate recursively, first informally, then formally.
Our result uses a more general form of treelessness, called extended-treeless form, which is formally defined below.
At the same time, however, the content is neither precise nor complete, due to a lack of formally correct and organized structures.
The social epistemologist's own position as science accountant will then be formally presented in terms of four accountability conditions for critico-instrumental rationality.
The principle of optimality is formally stated in the following proposition.
Over the last 200 years, as philosophy has increasingly become an esoteric inquiry pursued formally in the university, these battles have had less social significance.
Certainly, significant bureaucratic procedure is stipulated and much of the consultant's time will now be more formally committed to this.
The associations were stronger for formally organized relationships (classes, lectures, spectator events, etc.) than for visiting friends, relatives or neighbours, which were generally not significant.
Many of the machines which have been purchased have not been formally evaluated by robust criteria.
The remainder were cost consequence analyses where the incremental costs and outcomes were not formally calculated and/or compared.
The following theorem formally establishes two key properties of the procedure false.
More formally, the notion of uniform proof is as follows.
Similar factors remain to be formally identified in plants.
Reading the poem against the grain of the typical epithalamium, we see that its presentation of the wedding night is formally subversive.
We cannot define the exemplum formally until we free ourselves at least somewhat from the modern predisposition to separate narrative form entirely from ideological function.
They replied formally that that was exactly their object.
We have no need formally to be told to avoid ambiguities.
We have not formally considered other potential sources of bias in our analyses.
A more worrying element was the requirement to assess the progress of each pupil formally at the ages 7, 11, 14 and 16.
Besides the intermediate stage of setting up protectorates over local political units, there was considerable open interference in the affairs of some formally independent countries.
Once the teaching has been carried out, it remains to test formally or informally that the objectives have been achieved.
Now, however, they are being formally recognised as mild, but genuine, variations of full-blown psychosis.
The latter two are formally published periodicals, and should therefore be obtainable through libraries.
Most communal business was transacted formally or informally within the precincts of the synagogue around which communal affairs revolved.
One of their guiding principles is that place and type are remembered formally and materially, and then selectively reconstructed as images specific to each project.
Functions comprise not only formally assigned tasks but also informal roles, such as spreading enthusiasm, providing critical feedback, and mediating between different viewpoints.
Thus, it is desirable for test designers to formally examine the reliability and validity of tests and develop procedures that minimize measurement error.
Moreover, the formally organised layout emphasises the public aspect of a visit rather than encouraging a more private appreciation of the paintings.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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