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you-must-be-joking you must be kidding you name it you-name-it you never can tell
you-never-can-tell you never know you-never-know young young adult
young-adult young aspiring professional young-aspiring-professional young at heart young-at-heart
young blood young-blood younger youngers youngest
youngish young lady young-lady-man young lady/man young-love
young love youngly young man youngness youngnesses
young-offender-institution young offender institution youngs youngster youngsters
youngsters you pays your money and you takes your chance you pays your money and you takes your choice you pays your money and you takes your choice/chance you-pays-your-money-and-you-takes-your-choice-chance
your your apologies your ass your average bear your-average-bear
your beauty sleep your-best-bet your-best-bib-and-tucker your best bib and tucker your best card
your best/strongest/trump card your daily bread you're you-re your ears must be burning
you-re-a-star you're a star! you're getting colder you-re-getting-colder you're having a laugh
you-re-having-a-laugh you-re-joking you're joking! you remember you-remember
you're on! you-re-on yourer yourest you're telling me!
you-re-telling-me your every move your every need your every word you're welcome
you-re-welcome your eyes pop out of your head your guess is as good as mine your guess is as good as mine your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine
your hard luck your heart aches your heart goes out to your heart goes out to sb your heart goes out to someone
your heart isn't in it your heart misses a beat your heart skips a beat your heart skips/misses a beat your-his-my-etc-ass
your/his/my, etc. ass your honor your hour has come your lips are sealed your lord and master
your luck's in! your-luck-s-in your marbles your-mileage-may-vary your mileage may vary
your mind is a blank blank your mind is a blank/goes blank your mind is a goes blank your mind is on your mind is on something
your mind is on sth your name is mud your nearest and dearest your number is up yourrer
yourrest yours your secret's safe with me yourself yourselves
yours ever yours-ever yours faithfully yours-faithfully yours sincerely
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