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within within-an-inch-of within an inch of within an inch of something within an inch of sth
within a short space of time within-budget within budget withiner withinest
withing within-limits within limits within living memory within-living-memory
within-memory withinner withinnest within reason within-reason
within-rights withins within shouting distance within-shouting-distance within someone's/something's capacity
within spitting distance within-striking-distance within striking distance within-the-capacity-of within the capacity of
within the capacity of sb within the capacity of someone within the capacity of someone/something within the capacity of something within the capacity of sth
within the reach of sb within the realm of possibility within the realms of possibility within the space of six weeks, three hours within your memory
within your rights with-it with it with knobs on with-last-dying-breath
with-malice-aforethought with malice aforethought with might and main with-might-and-main with no thought for
with-no-thought-for with no thought for something with no thought for sth with-one-accord with one accord
with one voice with-one-voice with open arms with-open-arms without
without a backward glance without a care in the world without-a-care-in-the-world without-a-doubt without a doubt
without a murmur without-a-murmur without a shadow of a doubt without a shadow of doubt without-cause
without cause without-cease without cease without-ceremony without ceremony
without delay without-delay without demur without-demur without doubt
without-engagement without engagement withouter withoutest without fail
without-fail without-fear-or-favour without fear or favour without-further-ado without further ado
without further ado without-further-more-ado without further/more ado without-incident without incident
without issue without-issue without let or hindrance without-let-or-hindrance without more ado
without number without-portfolio without portfolio without prejudice without-prejudice
without-prejudice-to without prejudice to without prejudice to something without prejudice to sth without-profits
without profits without-recourse without recourse withouts without so much as a backward glance
without-so-much-as-a-backward-glance without so much as a by-your-leave without-so-much-as-a-by-your-leave withoutter withouttest
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