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词汇 example_english_equilibrium

Examples of equilibrium

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As we might expect, models with social norms easily give rise to multiple equilibria, one with low and one with high welfare-state spending.
Surely, these macroscopic equilibria are ultimately the result of the complicated dynamics of the underlying system of particles including collisions and dissipation.
The authors propose a simple model with linear random technologies and look at the competitive equilibria as the number of commodities and techniques increases.
Pareto-ranked multiple equilibria exist with the extent of the market and circulation of private liabilities endogenously determined.
The logical quantity theory is about the relationship among sets of competitive equilibria.
Note that competitive equilibria also exist in my economy, at nominal prices high enough.
We study monetary equilibria with and without binding reserve requirements.
We confine ourselves to studying monetary equilibria in which a reserve requirement is binding at each date.
In the equilibria that we describe, the players' ability to threaten each other credibly does not help them narrow their differences.
He finds that a multitude of equilibria are possible.
Of particular interest is that ministerial restraint equilibria generally require a certain degree of difference in the ministers' levels of ambition.
Additionally, as our proof shows (see end of article), as the magnitude of affinities increases, alternative equilibria disappear.
In a game theory model, the outcome of the model can be represented as a set of mathematically specified equilibria.
The conditions for ministerial restraint equilibria are somewhat more restrictive than when the reshuffle regime is exogenously determined, but not overly so.
In fact, for vanishing gravitational field, these equilibria have no well-defined limit.
Two points should be noted in connection with the third class of equilibria.
Nevertheless, we want to mention some possible applications of the new equilibria.
The second issue is to construct more realistic equilibria for the initial condition of simulation.
A way of constructing more plausible equilibria from the physical point of view could be by considering flows less restricted in direction.
Resistive equilibria, in a similar spirit of minimum external sources, were investigated in [15, 16, 20-24].
In future work, the stability of the multiple interface equilibria presented here will be studied.
However, since the eigenvalue problem for equilibria with flow is very complex in general, the calculation of the spectrum is very difficult.
We consider only equilibria that are translationally invariant along the z axis (the vertical axis).
Not only are these equilibria of great practical value, but, in addition, their mathematical description is (relatively) straightforward.
Zero-flow equilibria could be found only by choosing a somewhat artificial, and likely unphysical, spatial profile for that resistivity; otherwise, velocity fields were required.
Transformation (20) was employed in [10] for quasi-static isodynamic equilibria.
A characterization of the local dynamics of the steady-state equilibria is summarized in the following proposition.
In this section, we provide an example with two locally stable interior equilibria.
Section 2 specifies the model and describes the equilibria without aid.
Second, it explicitly checks for dynamic stability of the long-run equilibria.
However, we show later that wealth-recursive equilibria do not always exist.
Of course, our example would be of limited interest if there were other equilibria in this economy that are wealth recursive.
In these equilibria, last-period prices and shock must be included in the state space.
We now show that there are no other equilibria in this economy.
There lies the scope for intervention offered by the continuum of short-run equilibria.
The new feature is the multiplicity of macroeconomic equilibria.
The main contribution of this paper is to show that even weakly recursive equilibria do not always exist.
In our model, indeterminacy and multiple equilibria are the byproducts of an economy with money and capital.
Possible existence of moving equilibria in series not showing asymmetry is investigated and modeled with another smooth transition autoregressive model.
The capital stock rises 66% across the stationary equilibria, with three-quarters of this rise taking place in only 46 years.
The model has a unique monetary steady-state and two-period cyclical equilibria.
Thus, in an empirical application, it would be more straightforward to choose between the two equilibria than in our purely theoretical framework.
We restrict attention to symmetric equilibria in which all firms charge the same price.
However, because generating multiple equilibria is not our goal, we further assume that the borrowing constraint binds in every period.
Theorem 4 does not come close to being a complete characterization of the set of stationary rational-expectations equilibria.
The examples of sunspot equilibria that were known at the time were highly stylized and involved, for example, only a finite number of random states.
The first dynamic implication concerns stationary-state equilibria, equilibria in which public commitments, their shadow price, and inflation all remain constant over time.
They use the idea that fixed points are equilibria.
The first is based on (a finite number of) multiple equilibria as a result of nonlinearities in the underlying dynamic system.
We show that there are multiple equilibria for large regions of the space of parameters and some of them are not efficient.
The model stalled about the same time as research on multiple equilibria did.
His suggestion that we attempt to generate stationary equilibria of this kind provided the initial stimulus for the work reported here. 10.
However, we show below that even when we restrict our attention to this class of functions, an extremely large number of stationary rational-expectations equilibria exist.
We address the problem of computing equilibria of large rational-expectations models.
I examine the robustness of monetary equilibria in a random-matching model, where a more efficient mechanism for trade is available.
Depending on the parameter values, this model can have different unique stationary equilibria, as well as multiple stationary equilibria.
In particular, trading regimes where valued money coexists with "mediated" exchange are also possible, and there may be multiple equilibria.
They are useful devices in the selection of equilibria.
Our interest, therefore, is in fiscal policies that permit equilibria where money has positive value.
What was fascinating to me about that was the number of equilibria that turned up near the full satiety point.
The conductivity, however, restricts the allowed equilibria to those that satisfy jpol = 0 and have pressure profile vanishing on the boundary.
The equilibria found range from tokamak-like ones to paramagnetic pinch configurations.
The main conclusion is that for the system under consideration the existence of equilibria depends crucially on the spatial dependence of the conductivity.
Using game-theoretic approaches, some equilibria have been computed for relatively simple auctions.
The solid line for lower values of s indicates that these equilibria are stable.
In contrast, except when = 0 and g = 0, the comparable equilibria for the closed-loop analysis vary considerably.
Table 1 also shows that the likelihood of multiple equilibria is fairly stable across bio-physical conditions and location.
A revised and internally consistent thermodynamic model for the interpolation and extrapolation of liquid-solid equilibria in magmatic systems at elevated temperatures and pressures.
Temperatures of granulite-facies metamorphism: constraints from experimental phase equilibria and thermobarometry corrected for retrograde exchange.
However, differences between the two market-clearing scenarios appear for large when fluctuations between both nonfundamental equilibria occur.
We show that the use of local steady-state analysis to detect the presence of multiple equilibria in this class of models can be misleading.
We study comparative statics results for the steady-state monetary equilibria of a simple random matching model of money with endogenous prices and no extrinsic uncertainty.
The results show that stationary rational expectations equilibria of this model are unstable under this type of evolutionary adaptation.
The certainty equilibria might not reappear as equilibria in the sunspots economy.
The government can affect the set of equilibria, but typically there will be many different self-fulfilling beliefs for each government policy.
Thus, there are some situations in which self-fulfilling expectations can support equilibria of each type for a fixed set of parameters.
In the present paper, agents have heterogeneous beliefs, but the existence of periodic equilibria is not threatened. 10.
However, the introduction of information diffusion leads to the possibility of multiple equilibria and can expand the parameter space of potential learnable equilibria.
I had not counted on large income effects, which permit many equilibria in static economies, and many laws of motion in dynamic ones.
Here, path-dependence is based on switching between multiple equilibria when extreme trigger values are passed.
The bifurcation occurring at rc is known as saddle node, or tangent bifurcation, and is associated with the sudden, catastrophic disappearance, or appearance, of equilibria.
Their analysis shows that two internal equilibria may exist in this system, depending on the magnitude of primary production.
Second, instead of solving central planner problems, decentralized equilibria could be considered.
Major regional equilibria do not alter overnight and there is something necessarily artificial about trying to date the moment of change.
Rather than attempting to find stringent restrictions on the uniqueness of steady states, we simply accept the fact of multiple steady state equilibria.
In 5, the linear stability of these equilibria is analyzed.
They are usually represented by non-linear systems which display multiple stable and unstable equilibria.
The largeness condition on for the existence of several layer equilibria is new.
A model without technological progress can exhibit multiple equilibria, with different welfare levels.
By looking inside the brain, it becomes possible to identify specific neuronal clusters that may be operating near different equilibria.
In this way, the usual center manifold theorem for equilibria translates into a center bundle theorem for relative equilibria.
Relative equilibria and relative periodic solutions also arise in flame experiments (and in the associated numerics), and in two-dimensional convection patterns.
The above defines a variational principal, the first variation of which yields the equilibria of the system.
Transitions from relative equilibria and relative periodic solutions have been analyzed in the above settings using equivariant bifurcation theory.
Additionally, not all equilibria find the same level of support in tests involving different sets of cases.
No equilibria were located for any degree of voter bias.
Apparently, one can speak of multiple equilibria here.
Note that allowing for several changes at the same time would permit an escape from inefficient local equilibria.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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