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词汇 example_english_endowment

Examples of endowment

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The reason is that the human capital endowments of new cohorts rise more strongly when persistence is higher.
In this section we study the limiting behavior of the economy when the spread of initial endowments is vanishingly small.
The intermediary is not part of the initial distribution of endowments, but his technology allows costless transformation of any good in his consumption good.
We also could consider the monetary equilibria of the model (the "outside money" case) with the redefined endowments or with the original specification of endowments.
In terms of village equivalents, endowments amounted to 5.5 entire villages (3.2% of 169 villages).
Private endowments (mawq'h khass) were leased for thirty years.
In particular, we show that when the initial distribution of endowments becomes uniform the volume of productive activity vanishes.
A preoccupation with ethics is one of the cultural endowments that seems positive because it separates men from animals.
The environment includes endowments like preferences, natural resources, environmental conditions, technology, physical constraints, property rights, and information structure.
In general, countries with larger forest stocks and land endowments also display higher rates of deforestation and agricultural expansion.
Sawmills also are likely to be concentrated in areas with greater endowments of commercial trees.
The model has, in effect, only one agent, whose actions are determined by a specification of preferences, endowments, and agent's expectations.
Obviously, technological effects do not depend on human capital endowments.
The worst off are those with zero wealth endowments.
To do that, initial factor endowments must be considered, and so the distinctions among the initial endowments of different individuals are relevant distinctions.
By the war's end, inflation had taken its toll on hospital endowments.
We inherit our genetic endowments from our parents, and they inherit theirs from their parents, and so forth.
The time is past when universities, with ancient endowments, were independent of the commercial world and academic freedom really existed.
Concerning ourselves thus with "certain devices inside us" places our position alongside those favouring attention to our genetic endowments regarding learning.
The apparently beneficial combination of increased endowments, deregulation, privatisation and industrial concentration quickly encountered limits to growth in the 1980s.
Cultural endowments, including religion and ideology, may exert a strong influence on the supply of institutional innovation.
Our capacity to model and test the relationships between cultural endowments and either technical or institutional change is relatively weak.
The assumptions made on preferences and endowments ensure that equilibrium contingent-commodity prices are always positive and finite.
We now must describe how endowments and taxes are distributed among households.
In this careful empirical study she has refuted some of the most negative truisms repeated about endowments.
Real bonds' inflation-hedging feature has interested a wide array of investors, including pensions, foundations, endowments, pre-paid tuition plans, and individuals.
Like wholesalers and final-product fabricators, banks are assumed to have no endowments, to operate at zero cost, and to be competitive and consume no goods.
I studied how these differences in endowments in a nonmarket system affect the amount of care given to different kinds of illnesses.
We will study how the shape of the iso-welfare curves depends on factor endowments, technology, and preferences.
Tourism is the most common vehicle by which local stakeholders can capitalize on their unique natural endowments.
We assume that the government does not have costless access to information about agents' preferences and endowments.
Within the discipline of economics, the ' new institutional economics ' has broken with the conventional neoclassical focus on factor endowments and technology.
Much about him has already been published : fourteen surviving enrolments and his register recording vicarage endowments and appropriations.
Consequently, it is wrong to imagine that one could address the growing inequality of earning power by identifying and correcting inequalities in people's internal endowments.
Two crucial factors are emphasised: the timepath of development and the intensity of factor endowments.
Merits are "acquired," that is to say, they represent what its possessor has made of her natural endowments and environmental opportunities.
No individual is responsible for the genetic endowments he or she is born with.
First, note that given the strict assumptions of the second theorem there is no role for macroeconomic policies, except possibly in redistributing initial endowments.
Econometric analysis suggests that income from the community forests is related to socio-economic attributes and private endowments of households.
Capturing the benefits generated from investments, such as irrigation facility, is again a function of socio-economic and private natural resource endowments of households.
Moreover, the crisis years 1315-22 began an era of economic difficulty in which past endowments proved inadequate.
Additional cash endowments above this threshold level had little effect on deforestation rates.
Also, communities had different subsistence and natural resource endowments, adding tension to the process.
The natural endowments of the two regions were quite different.
However, it is not too difficult to visualize the mechanisms that mediate the relationships among changes in resource endowments, technical change, and institutional change.
Our capacity to model and test the relationships between resource endowments and technical change is relatively strong.
Finally, anyone working on forms of urban organization and evolution will nd an important model for the role of endowments in an urban context.
In theory, the landdistribution data should have given extensive, if not exhaustive, information about the extent and number of endowments.
The administration of these most important endowments was vested in the person or the reigning shah, who was the mutavalli (administrator).
In architectural patronage, the large, central monumental endowments gave way to smaller architectural complexes, which now emphasized dervish lodges.
The parameters are = 0.05 and = 1, whereas initial endowments are drawn from an exponential distribution.
Who was linked as heirs or beneficiaries of religious endowments?
Thus, when seasonal impulses derive from endowments (income), the nominal interest rate should vary more, seasonally, than the exogenous driving variable.
In equilibrium, there is no trade in this economy (preferences and endowments are the same).
Women owned land, administered awqa f (religious endowments), served as midwives, extended credit, and worked in fields such as weaving, soap making, and agriculture.
By (1), banks do not have to fear low-quality entrepreneurs applying for loans, as they are always better off with saving endowments.
Prior to time t = 0, both agents have zero endowments of the three financial securities.
Then we show that this can only occur for a set of endowments that has measure zero.
First, income disparities across groups with different educational endowments have been falling, suggesting a secular decline in average returns to schooling.
The counterfactual scheme of natural reward thus has equal productivities and equal wealth endowments.
Natural endowments sustained urban communities by providing them with a resource base.
Monasteries, ecclesiastical colleges, chantries and religious fraternities that had played vital roles were dissolved, while schools, almshouses and hospitals saw their endowments abolished or threatened.
However, the restoration of temples in this period was a part of the traditional religious endowments by the king.
Moreover, asset endowments serve as proxies for risk aversion: wealthier households have more possibilities to smooth consumption between years.
Judicious management of natural resource endowments can prevent the generation of too much income too quickly.
Other problems such as higher population density or lower resource endowments complicate the interpretation.
Such constraints are more appropriately treated through the endowments of agents.
Furthermore, by setting endowments in the space of resources rather than outputs (or observations), bounds acquire their usual meaning of scarcity in resources.
Hundreds of provincial schools, temples and shrines benefitted from royal endowments.
Female members of wealthy elite households were sometimes appointed as overseers of their family endowments.
Therefore, we can recognise the importance of our genetic endowments without assigning the excessive weight to them that is promoted by the reductionists.
The pattern model outlined in this paper is built on recursive relationships among changes in resource endowments, technology, institutions, and culture.
Contemporary changes in institutions, for example, can be expected to 'harden' into the next generation's cultural endowments.
A charity inquisition of 1610 suggests that three endowments were active in the chapelry.
One is seasonal variability in income (here, endowments).
Convergence is relatively rapid in the pure life cycle model because the endowments of physical and human capital received by new generations are fixed.
Cohorts born after the date of the tax change start out with endowments that are consistent with the new steady-state.
Equilibrium quantities are random, because they depend on the draw of technologies and of initial endowments.
The total supply is matched to the demand of a single consumer with initial endowments drawn at random from a given distribution.
According to o-cial data, 137,173 tenants received ninety-nine-year leases to land that consisted of public endowments.
Individuals, pensions, foundations, and endowments face different flavors of inflation.
Consequently, accumulated debt holdings could become so large that their future stream of endowments would not be sufficiently large to repay this debt.
Both feature a strong and magnetic woman, of superior intellectual endowments, who loves a man her intellectual equal.
Parishioners took their responsibilities towards chantry and anniversary endowments very seriously.
They were in addition obliged to develop an expertise in property maintenance and management in order to preserve and capitalise on their endowments.
Pleas for the retention of cantarists are suspect as ploys aimed at keeping the endowments in the parish.
One important aspect is related to the regional differences in natural resource endowments and infrastructure development.
In turn, it is argued that this depends on a country's relative factor endowments and/or its relative environmental regulations.
Every region at the time strived to maximize the benefits of its natural endowments.
Bishoprics were in the royal gift and, as sizeable landed endowments, they were like fiefs.
Such family schools received no endowments from regional rulers.
The endowments and behaviour of households are taken as given, as are all pre-tax factor prices and producer prices.
The tax or expenditure is likely to lead to changes in endowments and may well affect the general equilibrium of the economy.
The formal models concentrate on differences in endowments, which are endogenous, and on the role of random factors.
I use the term cultural endowments to capture those dimensions of culture that have been transmitted from the past.
Essentially, the more endowments one has the more duties one should possess.
In this model, there is no production, but each agent receives endowments of a single, perishable consumption good.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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