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词汇 example_english_elongate

Examples of elongate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Each lateral canal consists of an elongated cell embedded in the cytoplasm of the lateral hypodermal cord.
Clearly, the turbulent cells are almost isotropic and not particularly elongated in the radial direction.
The fastest growing wave appears to be a zero-frequency mode, elongated perpendicularly to the plasma inhomogeneity.
Other possible mechanisms of reconnection may be via magnetic streamers [17], which are radially elongated magnetic structures.
The winter thermal benefits of elongated atria are thus offset by additional cooling requirements.
A-type horizontal cells of the superior edge of the linear visual streak of the rabbit retina have oriented, elongated dendritic trees.
The paraspermatids were similar to parasperm in their retroflux shape and elongated nuclei, although, in the culture, those with fused nucleus were not observed.
However, the approximate elliptical vortices become elongated to an arbitrarily great extent in this limit, whereas the actual solutions do not.
However, tomato plants had highly elongated and complex canopies that could not be easily measured from either a nadir or horizontal orientation.
However, the surface dispersion properties of the dust-acoustic wave in a dusty plasma containing elongated and rotating dust grains have not been investigated as yet.
I n general, large amplitudes are obtained for structures highly elongated in the streamwise direction.
Most tubers from cultivated yams are elongated cylinders rounded at both ends.
The overhang shape is regular, elongated, and conical or barrel-shaped with a flattened or slightly convex end.
By making the scattering volume highly elongated one could, in principle, determine each velocity gradient component separately.
When the sheet is sufficiently elongated, the profile of the free surface shows an upward bulge near the leading edge.
The structure that develops consists of a strong, practically axisymmetric central vortex surrounded by four weaker azimuthally elongated vortex satellites with alternating signs.
They are elongated with two adjacent loops at one end and a single long loop projecting in the opposite direction.
The left atrium was dilated, had an elongated and enlarged appendage, and received all four pulmonary veins.
The vesicles are rounded to slightly elongated and sometimes connected by thin stringers.
However, the effect depends strongly on the plasma elongation, and fast ions in highly elongated plasmas are less affected.
As the helix elongates, the main band dominates the spectrum and its frequency decreases by 20 cmx1.
Many plant species respond to shade by elongating the main stem and repressing lateral branch outgrowth so as to outgrow competitors and capture more sunlight.
Note the switch between elongated and blebbing phenotype (f) and the transition from blebbing to ruffling (g).
Rounded to slightly elongated fenestrae are abundant in this facies.
The sporangia are longitudinally elongated (1.5 0.5 mm); they are dehiscent and devoid of spores.
Morphologically, trematosaurids are distinctive in possessing narrow, moderately to highly elongated snouts with conical, uniformly sized marginal teeth, suggesting a predominantly or exclusively piscivorous diet.
The double-pass grating stretcher two holographic gratings, 1800 lines 0 mm!, elongates the pulse to about 0.5 ns.
First, elongated aper tures can bias the early phase of tracking eye movements in humans.
Oocytes were added to the elongated drop in the row.
The cells have an elongated shape and possess numerous zona-spanning foot-like projections, typical of expanded cumuli, but they are still tightly packed around the oocyte.
The dark staining highly heterochromatic elongated nuclei are 15.4-23.2 m long and 10.5-12.2 m diameter.
The paired ovaries of these caecilians are elongated sac-like structures each including numerous vitellogenic follicles.
The regional gravity field is characterized by an elongated northwest-southeast large positive anomaly with the steeper northeastern gradient and a gentler southwestern one.
The surface dust-acoustic wave is investigated in a semi-bounded dusty plasma containing elongated and rotating dust grains.
If the signs were multimorphemic, elongating the prosody would function to allow the child more time to assemble the word.
13 distinct joints, of which numbers 6 and 7 are moderately and 2 and 8 more elongated.
The nose is narrow; the eyes are elongated diamond shapes and may have pupils; and the ears show only cursory incisions to represent anatomical details.
We consider the problem for the steady inviscid potential flow past an elongated (slender) body of revolution.
The echocardiogram showed severe tricuspid regurgitation with an enlarged and elongated right atrium.
With each passage through the hair cycle, the duration of the anagen phase decreases whereas the telogen phase elongates.
The eddy shapes are examined, and only the u-component, longitudinal eddies are found to be elongated in the downstream direction.
The wavenumber combination that leads to the largest amplitude corresponds to structures highly elongated in the streaniwise direction.
Note the narrow elongated structures enhancing significantly the chance of extinguishing one or the other life form.
The chromatin mass increased in size and frequently becomes elongated.
They are elongated oval bodies, measuring 0"22 x 0*14 mm.
Following this approach, highly elongated plasmas can be easily handled as well as various separatrix configurations.
Flow structures at this low shear rate are not highly elongated in the streamwise direction.
On other occasions, witnesses reported that he handled red-hot coals, elongated his body, caused the room to tremble, and levitated to the ceiling.
The achenes are black, elongated, have a pappus and weigh 0.23 ^ 0.05 mg (n 1⁄4 50) without the pappus.
In both those cases, amyloplasts in the columella cells were elongated rather than spherical or oval.
Seeds of all four species have underdeveloped spatulate embryos that are about 20-40% fully developed (elongated) when dispersed.
Fully elongated embryos were excised from 15 seeds and measured.
In this case, elongated seeds seemed to be best retained.
The endosperm appeared to stretch but did not break as the radicle elongated.
Surprisingly, the retina almost stops elongating between 115-180 dpc, despite significant histogenesis in peripheral retina during the early par t of this period.
The nuclei of pregranulosa cells are oval to elongated and densely heterochromatic with a continuous patch of dense heterochromatin underneath the nuclear envelope.
The late-stage spermatid used was oval shaped, which suggested that it was an elongating or elongated spermatid.
Using the snare technique to achieve proper placement of the coil within the duct, the coil becomes temporarily elongated.
The plasma cross-section is assumed to have a vertically elongated, elliptical shape, with minor radius a (horizontal) and major radius b (vertical).
A relatively weak signal is present around elongated nuclei of spermatids at the beginning of chromatin condensation.
According to table 1 the vortex blobs are initially a bit elongated in the x direction as one would expect.
Seeds were scored as having germinated if the axis had elongated and protruded through the seed coat.
The mitochondria differentiate structurally by elongating and becoming denser and crescent-shaped to surround the axoneme under the forming coarse fibres.
In 2 patients the device was elongated and narrowed after deployment.
In a companion paper we study whether interfacial instability might occur during the actual displacement, as the front elongates into a (pseudo-)parallel finger [14].
The antennae are elongated papillae, in length four times their width at base.
On the ventral surface of the head are two strong elongated spines.
Plagioclase forms elongated laths that define the lamination of the rock.
Body elongated, narrow and thin in post-ventral-sucker region (fig. 6a), 850 (800 - 950) length, 230 (200- 260) width.
On the skull this mainly consists of minute elongated tubercles, some of which merge into short ridges reaching a few millimetres in length.
Both samples contain euhedral, mostly elongated and slightly pinkish zircons.
At latter times, the main body of the cell continues being elongated along the x-axis, and the dimple begins to shrink.
The membrane tension is initially negative, but becomes positive when the cell has been sufficiently elongated along the x-axis.
Spermatocytes are elongated with a large nucleus, distinct nuclear membrane, and many granules.
In the high-strain region between the rings, the ribs become elongated by the strain field.
By contracting the transverse muscles (and the action of protractor muscles), the foot becomes narrow and elongated causing it to penetrate the substrate.
They may assume an irregular or elongated shape occasionally.
When the sight axis coincides with that of the line focus, the axial view, one observes brightness distribution at one end of the elongated source.
Each participant has an individual space in which every dimension of the common space is compressed or elongated.
The diffusion path is clearly much less affected in highly elongated plasmas.
An elongated groove that runs along one side of the protein is presumed to be responsible for substrate binding and catalysis.
The paired ovaries of both caecilian species are elongated sac-like structures with previtellogenic, vitellogenic or postvitellogenic follicles disposed like a string of beads.
If these reduplicated signs were single signs rather than sequences, then reduplication increases the time between the start and end of the sign, and therefore elongates the prosody.
Further, the calculations mentioned show that the anistropy is increased, with irregularities becoming elongated, not parallel t o the magnetic field but at right angles t o it.
Rather than dismissing the backlash thesis writ large, frontlash revises and elongates the view of post-civil rights developments and brings into view developments that have been treated as merely coincidental.
In this stage indentations between oocyte and granulosa cells become more numerous and the microvilli of granulosa cell elongated forming zona radiata, with similarly elongated oocyte microvilli.
They are similar in habit and have similar inflorescences that are slightly elongated.
The species has an elongated form, which is extended at one end into a shovel-like tongue; fine concentric ribs are nearly parallel to its margin.
Close to the pith border, these cells tend to be radially elongated in transverse section.
The footprint can be seen to be highly elongated.
Both the magnetic and the electric field are localized in a narrow domain elongated in the transverse direction.
Relying on public transport was not a viable alternative: it elongated journeys, and extra time was needed to walk to the final destination.
Wild-type embryos exhibited onset of neural tube closure and had an elongated narrowed body axis.
The radicle elongated but did not penetrate the intact aleurone layer.
Activity of the enzyme increases in the cotyledons and axis as the embryo elongates.
Through repetitive training, the controller obtains knowledge about the system and the tracking length is elongated gradually.
The terms designate the same thing: a small, green, elongated vegetable marrow (or summer squash, if you prefer).
In the maps for cones, we can see that the contours have a horizontally elongated conformation, a visual streak.
The relatively symmetrical circular shape found close the fovea has now become elongated and displaced towards the nasal retina, giving more of an egg-shaped appearance.
At regular intervals corresponding to the density of cone photoreceptor cells, these projections were elongated and extended into the outer segment layer.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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