词汇 | example_english_efficiency |
释义 | Examples of efficiencyThese examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. To attain efficiencies of over 10% obviously requires elimination of the electron beam losses in the vacuum diode. Once the practical limit of abbreviated inpatient stays is reached, further efficiencies will be attainable chiefly by addressing clinical practices themselves. Among the many efficiencies gained in intensive rotationally grazed systems, 60-99% of minerals and nutrients are recoverable14. The findings on costs and abatement efficiencies are similar to those reported in section 2 of this paper. Compare the efficiencies of the implementations when used by the application with the efficiencies of the implementations when used by the dug evaluators. All the proteins are functional in both solubilizing lipids and binding with all appropriate receptor proteins, albeit with different efficiencies. The highest radiation efficiencies and energies are attained in chain lasers pumped by chain reactions. Technical and allocative efficiencies are necessary conditions, and when they occur together they are sufficient for achieving economic efficiency25. Guidelines have the potential to reduce treatment variation, which can lead to two different kinds of managerial efficiencies. The implementation of automated systems also provides the capability to do real-time decision analysis and could thereby improve efficiencies and hasten clinical follow-up. The power and energy efficiencies obtained in the experiment are, respectively, 8.7% and 6.8% with 50 ns pulse width. The efficiencies of these two systems have been compared and the under-reporting evaluated in relation to each other [43] ; no gold standard was available. More surprisingly, the blocking efficiencies are virtually identical with each other and with the unsheared case (table 6). The penalty values were obtained from inspection of house solutions with acceptable and near acceptable circulation efficiencies. Thus, the revised schedule models reflected the tasks able to be completed by each of the resources considering their respective newly forecasted performance efficiencies. Even the most skilled theorists can fail to see that certain quantum efficiencies are possible. 62 mations to be provided and the desired efficiencies and temperature rises and then proceeded to explore the space of possible transformer designs. Just as a programming language can implement any given algorithm, a cognitive architecture can instantiate any cognitive theory (albeit with some variations in time efficiencies). A more sustained discussion might have helped develop the costings and efficiencies of increasing low-level services. The channel helps in achieving higher efficiencies of harmonic generation by providing higher fundamental wave power density over a long length. Calculated efficiencies are found to be insufficient for propulsion applications that require short periods of acceleration but ion-beam propulsion shows some potential for prolonged flights. Current cook stoves in rural households have very low thermal efficiencies. Intercrops produced more dry matter than sole crops and therefore had consistently greater water use efficiencies. Methods of building were largely unchanged from centuries earlier save for incremental efficiencies at construction sites. In the absence of city free delivery efficiencies, however, the plateau of railroad payments would not have been sufficient to eliminate the deficit. We cannot rule out the possibility that differences in labelling efficiencies of distinct antibodies could produce different densities of colocalized puncta. Feeding methods and efficiencies of selected frugivorous birds. Third, because there is a single ' payer ', there are significant administrative efficiencies which can be achieved. While it may not necessarily create efficiencies in terms of time and resources, many authors outline the considerable benefits of peer assessment procedures. The electrical design of the different inverter-transformers compared in the present study was essentially the same and gave overall efficiencies of around 45%. The introduced strains proved to be more efficient although some local rhizobia revealed high potential efficiencies. There is also evidence of costs declining and abatement efficiencies improving with innovation in important cases. In these studies, there were some variations in estimating the light-trap efficiencies. Moreover, if flies are making repeated passes about the trap, both net and trap efficiencies are cumulative. No matter what is suggested it is all about efficiencies, maximising resources and priorities. Measurements on cell surfaces will yield transfer efficiencies averaged over individual cells, if carried out using microscopy or flow cytometry. The sole maize crops in both seasons had lower water use efficiencies compared to the intercrops but higher than the sole pea crops. Insufficient investment challenges infrastructural renewal and the generation of new efficiencies. With excitation power decrease, the maximal efficiencies of emission radiation were 20%. However, the antimatter energy conversion and heating efficiencies are typically high due to the short mean path between collisions with core atoms he ; 85%!. Due to resonance absorption and diffraction effects, both maximum ion energies and transformation efficiencies are higher for p-polarization. Just as word processors opened the door to markedly increased efficiencies for office workers, robot assistants promise the same for caregivers. Such a systematized approach will bring measurable efficiencies as well as a reduction of avoidable morbidity and mortality. Our results show for the first time that conventional approaches to tropical floristic inventory vary greatly in their relative inventory efficiencies. Increasing cloning efficiencies requires a better understanding of developmental abnormalities and gene expression in manipulated embryos. Improvements in cloning efficiencies may be possible by increasing uniformity in recipient oocytes and donor cells. The mechanical system was tested for general performance, such as combustion efficiencies, duct leakage, air-change rate, and comfort measurements. As is normal in most languages, efficiencies can often be realized through macroexpressions, and descriptions are no exception. However, they do not attempt to decompose these environmental efficiencies into pollution-income linkages. Depending on the target cell, they have the potential of high transduction efficiencies and low immunogenic potential. Very high relative efficiencies are obtained only with drastic selection pressures and for traits highly correlated with the selected trait. In this case, knowledge of the wall shear stress distribution under an impinging jet is necessary to predict removal efficiencies. Although energy utilization efficiencies are also high he ; 60%!, the flow rate and thrusts are typically very low. The uncertainties of the neutron detection efficiencies of all four detectors and neutron background were measured. Two sets of tests have been performed to determine the space and time efficiencies of these test schemes. Initial tests show that this facility eliminates the need for auxiliary solution lists and leads to better time and space efficiencies. The right axis shows the corresponding energy coupling efficiencies. The differences observed were attributed to ablation efficiencies. The productivity of the land, the cost of different activities, the thermal efficiencies, and the fuel substitution factors are all uncertain. The average age, size and efficiencies of the plant also change along with the switching points. Additionally, the ' 2+1 ' method does not work well for strong pumping efficiencies due to strong interference of pump and probe spins. Higher wages help achieve loyalty from workers, reduce turnover costs, reward firm-specific skill acquisition, and secure flexibility and efficiencies in the labor process. Different performance criteria can be defined to compare the efficiencies of the proposed controllers. Thus, multiple adaptive peaks for morphology are possible and different compromises may result in different flight efficiencies. The report gave guidance on how to calculate the financial implication of an extended working day, balancing the extra costs (especially staffing costs) with the efficiencies in use of capital. In short, there are psychological and epistemological efficiencies in using what is "of course the same" in "ever yone's" eyes as the law's categorizations in order to guide conduct. Net primary production, turnover and efficiencies of energy capture and water use. Viewing the practice of medicine through the prism of markets, although it might engender efficiencies, may also create distortions in care that in the long run will be more costly. The programme is working to increase the income of smallholder cocoa far mers through increased efficiencies in production, infor mation sharing, and marketing, while generating environmental services. While the associated costs to achieve these efficiencies will be influenced by numerous factors, there are advanced technologies that are cost effective, comparable with some existing plants and equipment. A comparison of efficiencies of longitudinal, mixed longitudinal, and cross-sectional designs. The quantity and quality of manure produced on-farm could be enhanced in the area by improving nutrient cycling efficiencies and the integration of crop and livestock activities. Further, the efficiencies should correlate linearly. The simplest case with higher efficiencies is expected from direct drive if the problems of 20 ps stochastic temporal pulsation can be overcome by laser-beam smoothing. Also, by conducting our experiments on a different task than dialogue act tagging, we can evaluate whether the efficiencies noted in our preliminary experiments carry over to other domains. Restorative justice models tend to diminish the tendencies for adversarial systems to encourage system efficiencies and standardisation and threaten notions of consistency and proportionality typical of desertsbased sentencing regimes. However, the varying hip fracture rates among different age and gender groups leads to different effectiveness rates (which accounts for both efficacy and hip fracture incidence) and efficiencies. We show that the leading inventory research methods have markedly different floristic efficiencies, and that these differences impact on the extent to which each method can detect ecological patterns. Well-managed grasslands based upon improving the perenniality of the ecosystem should retain species and manage water, nutrient and energy cycles with reasonable efficiencies, and still achieve suitable levels of production. In a period of 40 years, the plants adopt low-ash coal in different time periods, depending on the tax type, tax rate, and most importantly the plant efficiencies. There is no clear consensus at present about when each approach will be superior, or what the relative efficiencies of the approaches are in different situations. Increases in correction could come from having higher concentrations or efficiencies of correction enzymes, or from having more time available for correction, or from some accessory compounds stimulating correction. Brody (1945) played a major role by describing extensively the energetic efficiencies of growth, work and production of milk and eggs with numerous illustrations, tables and equations. On the relative efficiencies of context free grammar recognizers. Our first dug evaluator required more time for input-output and maintaining a lookup table than for adt operations, preventing us from accurately measuring their relative efficiencies. The above estimates of labor are conservative particularly given efficiencies realized in recent retrofit installations. There are some efficiencies that result when multiple systems are installed at one site. Moreover, the leading multinationals have been able to gain critical efficiencies in financing the whole system. Given these varied efficiencies, the cost-effective decisions regarding coal quality and technology choice will vary. Presently the best available coal and natural gas plants have efficiencies of about 45 per cent and 52 per cent respectively. Overall, depending on the plants efficiencies, there is the right allocation of abatement. If even lower net efficiencies are assumed, the expected ratios are slightly lower. They are often expensive for small user groups to acquire, and efficiencies are only found at larger scales of adaptation and use. Nonviral vector systems have low transfection efficiencies, and most of the viral systems have the problems of poor tumour targeting, immunogenicity and low transduction efficiencies. The main limitations in treating metastatic disease include poor vector transduction efficiencies and difficulties in targeting remote tumour cells with systemic vector delivery. The differences in heritability between crosses suggested that the efficiencies were different for genetic manipulation and progeny selection. Thirdly, one can estimate net efficiencies by procedures other than a simple feeding trail and so obtain independent confirmation of the response coefficients. The battery charge and discharge efficiencies were assumed to be 80%. The advantages of these systems include relatively high runoff efficiencies and a relatively low risk of soil erosion. A final point involves the dependence of coupling efficiencies on bond angles. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |