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词汇 example_english_distinct

Examples of distinct

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Our method incorporates sequential statistical tests, with each step focusing on a distinct property of conserved sequence templates.
Although endotoxin administration caused a significant induction of both of these transcription factors in adherent vascular neutrophils, the kinetics of their responses was distinct.
Many genes perform a multiplicity of subtly distinct functions, and selective pressures have resulted in a compromise between optimal sequences for each role.
Thus, similar input leads to distinct output as a result of different responses by target tissues, stressing the importance of competence in this inductive process.
There is no distinct resting stage, which is characteristic of diapause in many insects.
Although the mechanism of this expression heterogeneity is not clear, it is fortuitous in providing different lines that offer distinct targeting profiles.
Classes in our model represent distinct things or events, and each class may have attributes as well as associations to other classes.
In the absence of pressure from women members, the party could safely ignore women as a distinct group.
In order to establish a personal relationship therefore necessarily involves two distinct persons.
We are distinct individuals, each living his own life, each responsible for what he does.
In fact there were two quite distinct areas of conflict.
Lovers necessarily remain distinct individuals who in loving each other should acknowledge and respect each other's separate identity.
Researchers suspect that there are even more distinct subsets of autism patients.
The different cell lines were from distinct donors and karyotypically normal.
The ideological relation to the mode of production and the mode of production itself are analytically distinct.
The existence of multiple evolutionarily distinct families of homing endonucleases indicates several independent ancestral origins for these elements.
We therefore treated women's prisons and young offender institutions as two further distinct categories.
All it says is that [i] and [j] are not distinct in terms of features.
If it does, it makes sense to speak of stress as something distinct from accent.
Each schema has its own distinct identification knowledge, although schemata may share some commonalities.
Note that, as distinct from a finitedifference or similar calculation, there is no need to step forward iteratively in time.
From (2.5), the eigenvalues are real and distinct, with one being zero.
Savings in the taxable account (' other savings') are considerably smaller and exhibit a distinct bubble pattern from ages 42 to 65.
The stylet had acquired a distinct lumen as had the oesophageal duct and the oesophageal glands appeared to be fully developed.
Their results showed a distinct pattern of activation associated with each symptom dimension.
The other two types of patient, those in the depression class or bipolar class, are clearly distinct from these.
Nevertheless, it may include thoughts of death distinct from the wish to die, such as in the context of a life-threatening illness.
A more satisfactory solution is a character-set large enough to include two or more distinct alphabets.
Two distinct points are peers if they are in the same link.
Alternatively, adult astrocytes have properties that are distinct from fetal astrocytes, which are employed in most cell-culture studies.
Moreover, two distinct aspects emerge from such an approach.
Completely distinct senses of the same word convey indeed very different semantics and it is less likely to find semantic interconnections supporting the wrong sense.
Each class was used in a distinct context during the tool development.
The strophic text carefully distributes the content: each stanza contains a step in the narrative process; each has a distinct temporal reach and extent.
I feel there are two distinct parts to my brain, each with its own function and mode of operating.
With these distinct variables, we can place individuals in terms of a four-field typology.
In order to deal with partial assessments, it is convenient to consider two distinct but correlated preference relations.
Their ideal notion of femininity was more distinct here and represented through the image of the 'submissive wife', who should obey and please her husband.
Let v be any rational point in the interval a b but not in the interval a (and hence distinct from u).
Terms will be considered modulo -equivalence, and the so-called variable convention will be assumed: bound variables are all distinct and different from free ones.
Upon modding out the global phase, we find that, as with the entangled 2-qubit states, some phase-distinct states belong to different fibres.
First, a common part is presented and then two distinct ways are described.
The prog ramme was conducted over a per iod of three years in three distinct phases.
At the same time, it identifies classroom assessment as a multifaceted phenomenon with distinct identities linked to learning, teaching and bureaucratic functions.
Focusing on this lear ning process, as distinct from the delivery mechanisms, is changing our understanding of teacher education in important ways.
The significance of the rags model comes from the explicit articulation of the distinct levels of representation and their form.
Each document was truncated to the first 100 distinct words (including stop-words).
Two-level morphology provides three distinct types of rules and another one which is the combination of two of the rule types.
From the results, we find that distinct nouns have a great impact on compound noun segmentation.
Many languages include homophones which are distinct as written words.
To begin with, an actor deals with distinct sets of values in message passing and computation.
However, one might be disappointed that the preservation of the cbv and cbn evaluations relies on two distinct translations of terms.
Linguistically, it generalizes distinct grammatical structures as grammatical processes.
We assume that all variables in and are distinct.
We started by simply and directly mapping each variable to the pitch of a sound sample of a distinct timbre.
An event in its first phase (the least distinct of the four) will have a slower dynamic profile than in its second or third phase.
Encysted post-flagellate forms each showing distinct tropho- and kinetonuclei.
Bottom half: a single musical tone is made up of three components, distinct in terms of their control and perceptual attributes.
At times the two are distinct entities which give way to some very complex structures.
To sum up, provability does not commute with negation: 'not knowing that' and 'knowing that not' are essentially distinct.
Nevertheless, it is still possible to consider production and intermediation as distinct functions.
Three distinct patterns are observable concerning the behavior of 0 l 0-clitics.
Instead, we take the (generalized) eigenvector associated with the positive (generalized) eigenvalue that is closest to but distinct from zero.
Assume that the set c() contains exactly distinct variables.
However, there are also two distinct subjects here: theoretical archaeology and archaeological theory.
The imperfective stem is distinct from the perfective (past tense) form.
Both are adaptable across languages and may be distinct features of morphological awareness in relation to vocabulary acquisition.
The paradigm is new and distinct from what has gone before; naming it in terms of the familiar is rather problematical.
Although this external arrangement is not unusual, the inside of each room was distinct.
I suggest that constructivist views in biology tend to serve two distinct theoretical purposes.
Syntactic abilities are nonetheless distinct from other cognitive skills and are represented entirely and exclusively in the left cerebral hemisphere.
Interestingly, all are similar chemically and stylistically even though these sherds represent distinct typological units.
The two distinct sets of contributions do not sit very comfortably together.
The former analysis focused on the formal plot and organisation of the narrative, to tease out the distinct structures that identified a particular narrative type.
Anything which involves a transformation - of which ageing is the epitome - does not, by definition, have clearly distinct beginnings and endings.
I would have welcomed more discussion of theoretical issues, particularly the function of 'memories ' within ethnically- or nationally-distinct communities.
More than anything, however, the conference left this reviewer with a distinct impression of the distance between theory and practice in architecture.
The layout platform has a distinct influence on product variety and complexity, and it restricts product design flexibility and innovation capability to the subsystem level.
Three distinct forms of labour relations in agriculture are documented by contemporary sources.
The simulation shows two distinct magnetic field components.
When the pump power is further increased, the depolarization in the coating becomes more distinct again.
Where the second slot is qualitatively distinct from the first, as in a diphthong, it can only support an off-glide.
The methodologies applied here are distinct and varied.
At present, indigenous peoples are increasingly seen as the only distinct category of peoples other than nationstates that are entitled to self-determination.
Symptoms were found to emerge in two distinct stages.
As a result, it may confound theoretically and empirically distinct constructs.
Thus, the placing of policy choice selection into a specific universe of actors led to distinct policy choices and therefore different regime designs.
The idea that distinct, definable, homogeneous cultures exist is inaccurate.
Within that area, she is particularly interested in the development of field sciences, as distinct from sciences developed primarily in laboratory sessions.
Differences in the electrophoretic migration of the endopeptidase activities may indicate the presence of distinct enzymes in each tick stage or organ.
The isolates were categorized into two distinct and uniform genotype groupings.
In each case, the effect of degeneracy is exactly determined, leading to distinct correction factors.
The alternative motion types depict curvilinear velocities that are distinct in form and validate theoretical postulations on velocity behaviour as being motion-type dependent.
In the present paper, an extension of case (i) is considered that is distinct from case (ii).
Again, the body of material performed was, if not exactly prescribed, then of a very distinct type.
What is it about the human cognitive system that underlies its distinct cognitive properties?
We have also found the probable source and route of transmission in a local outbreak and linked it to a geographically distinct outbreak.
The connection could be a distinct duty, the violation of a norm, or intervention in the situation.
The different meanings display distinct syntactic patternings, sometimes constrained by pragmatic factors.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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