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词汇 example_english_disorder

Examples of disorder

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Matters regarding crime, politics, or disorders were too sensitive for such general dissemination.
In fact, until recently, it was not recognised that children could suffer of certain mental disorders, especially depression.
Chapter 6 is concerned with gestures and speech in aphasia and other disorders.
However, the proportion of depressive disorders was remarkably consistent across the studies, around 50 %.
The variety of approaches to the treatment of psychiatric disorders is comparable to the number of world religions.
Indeed, clinical diagnosis of these disorders is validated by the characteristic neuropathology with which they are associated.
The disorders of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa are a case in point.
Such information will be invaluable in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving aberrancies in these pathways.
However, human studies have failed to demonstrate a clear-cut influence of hormonal environment on disease susceptibility to lupus or other autoimmune disorders.
Consequently, it shares some of the features that make common disorders complex with respect to genetic analysis.
Cycloid patients had levels of psychotic, disorganization and first-rank symptoms comparable to schizophrenia, and levels of affective symptoms in-between schizophrenia and mood disorders.
Clinical features of all episodes of disorders occurring post-transplant (incident as well as recurrent) are also described.
Treatment of depression in primary care cannot rest on an assumption of short-lived, uncomplicated mild disorders.
Decreased levels of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in female patients with eating disorders.
Treatment of depression in primary care should not rely on an assumption of short-lived, uncomplicated mild disorders.
There was a wide age range (15- 94 years), and associated high mean age (47.5 years) for all disorders.
Subjects with interrupted attachment had a high risk of developing various psychiatric disorders, especially depression.
Outcome in patients with eating disorders : a 5-year study.
The comorbidity of eating disorders and personality disorders : a metaanalytic review of studies published between 1983 and 1998.
Factorial structure of traits delineating personality disorders in clinical and general population samples.
Dementing disorders : volumetric measurement of cerebrospinal fluid to distinguish normal from pathologic findings - feasibility study.
Although the relationship of psychiatric disorders with nicotine dependence and early smoking has been previously examined, our results cannot be directly compared with previous reports.
Setting the scene for eating disorders : childhood care, classification, and course of illness.
Early childhood eating behaviors and adolescent eating disorders.
Perhaps the greatest evidence that glutamate modulation might be important in the pathophysiology of mood disorders comes from the clinical use of the anticonvulsant lamotrigine.
In neuronal disorders an additional trigger must disrupt the trafficking process.
The former has applied theories concerning the mental processing of language, using acquired language disorders as a test bed for exploring and expanding these theories.
Reading and writing disorders in different orthographic systems (pp. 163 - 175).
In the study of the genetic bases of language impairments in diverse developmental disorders, we are faced with a comparable problem.
Although the scenario thus appears analogous, the question is whether we can apply the conjunction inference to the issue of language impairments in developmental disorders.
The section on 'causes' of mental disorders in old age is very good.
Identifying a subgroup of patients with sleepiness or sleep disorders might help to identify the patients that could be improved by modafinil.
Methodological issues in assessing psychiatric disorders with selfreports.
Depressive disorders and possible psychotic disorders tend to emerge later (median=31 years/37 years).
The presence of any past or family history of psychiatric or breast disorders was also noted.
The median of the reported first onset of anxiety, somatoform, bipolar mood and substance use disorders is below 20 years of age.
Suicidality in eating disorders : clinical and psychological correlates.
The subthreshold forms of externalizing disorders were co-morbid with each other.
The optimal classification of eating disorders has been a matter of considerable debate.
Our present findings suggest that there may be a special problem in categorizing eating disorders other than anorexia nervosa.
In other words, it assumes that there are no interaction effects caused by the simultaneous presence of the two disorders.
Family studies have suggested that eating disorders and mood disorders may coaggregate in families.
Findings from these two analyses were consistent but contrasted with a third, when we considered the effects of all active disorders, regardless of onset.
We then entered those variables in the three multivariate models controlling for mental disorders.
Well conducted investigations into the long-term outcome of depressive disorders are rare.
However, the latter finding does not adjust for the fact that anxiety disorders are significantly more common among women than men.
Assessing positive and negative symptoms in outpatients with schizophrenia and mood disorders.
The hypothesis that genetic effects for psychiatric and drug-use disorders become stronger in more adverse environments is not universally true.
Dimensions of religiosity and their relationship to lifetime psychiatric and substance use disorders.
Decreased cerebral haemodynamic response to cognitive and physiological tasks in mood disorders as shown by near-infrared spectroscopy.
Together these four major papers provide evidence of the benefits and limitations of psychological interventions for common mental disorders.
Detecting personality disorders in a nonclinical population : application of a two-stage procedure for case identification.
In order to intervene or prevent the adverse process leading to work disability, we should focus on risk factors and early signs of psychiatric disorders.
Mental disorders are associated with disability, but the long-term effects of low subjective well-being on work ability in general population are not known.
Therefore, we also may not be able to generalize our findings to all individuals with eating disorders.
Conversely, there was also a risk of chronicity, as evidenced by a high mortality rate, poor psychosocial functioning, and the presence of additional psychiatric disorders.
Co-morbidity was defined as the co-occurrence of at least two separate study disorders.
As the argument has become more sophisticated, researchers have recognized that the relationship of different mental disorders to environmental factors varies among disorders.
Mental disorders were often co-morbid and impairing, and generally more prevalent among females.
Measurement of psychosocial functioning turned out to be an easy way to differentiate clinically significant disorders from less severe ones.
One limitation is the lack of adequate control for psychiatric disorders.
The most common problems involved pain, mostly due to musculoskeletal disorders.
The prevalence of affective disorders in those with an informant interview was extremely high (81n0 %).
Thus, individuals with mental disorders seemed to benefit from improved medical care and health promotion strategies aiming at reducing the impact of known risk factors.
Secondly, co-morbidity of mental and physical disorders is common in clinical practice.
Mortality and causes of death in a total national sample of patients with affective disorders admitted for the first time between 1973 and 1993.
Previous researches have suggested that late onset mania is a distinct subtype associated with medical and neurological disorders.
However, it cannot be ruled out that the patients with mood disorders did not breathe as deeply as controls.
In sample 2 subjects, family history of depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders was obtained from the patient and a close family member (when available).
As several population studies have shown, persons with mental disorders are much more likely to come to care services with their emotional or addiction problems.
Generally, clinical worry does not seem to be pervasive throughout clinical disorders.
Alternatively, it is possible that personality traits and disorders are of more relevance to the condition in childhood than in adulthood.
Population-based panel studies are necessary to examine the course of common mental disorders by observing respondents enter and leave the state.
A randomised controlled trial and cost analysis of problemsolving treatment for emotional disorders given by community nurses in primary care.
Clinical features, comorbidity with other disorders, and need for treatment.
In addition, our study focuses on the association between spouses for the presence of psychiatric diagnoses, and not on the prevalence of these disorders.
We are not saying that particular disorders or psychosocial factors are unimportant.
However, the workplace may be a potentially feasible area for interventions for reducing risk of psychiatric disorders.
In the present study, relational justice was not independently associated with incidence of psychiatric disorders.
Is there a seasonal pattern of relapse in bipolar affective disorders ?
As can be seen in the table, antisocial behavior in either parent resulted in increased rates of externalizing disorders.
There were many other self-help interventions with weaker supporting evidence, including music, meditation and alcohol avoidance (for people with alcohol-use disorders).
Co-morbidity between common mental disorders is frequent, and likely to reflect the inadequacies of the existing classificatory systems.
The table shows the presence of relatively small but nonetheless pervasive associations between asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders in adolescence and young adulthood.
Thirdly, to examine the relationship of cycloid psychosis to mood disorders and schizophrenia.
Our findings support this view in that the non-affective subgroup group had the highest level of treatment responsiveness regarding affective cycloids, mood disorders and schizophrenia.
The items used to assess personality disorders are available upon request.
Preventing medical noncompliance in the outpatient treatment of bipolar affective disorders.
Particularly strong sections include those on behavioral-cognitive science, evaluation of insomnia, and the section on pediatric sleep disorders.
The genetic influences to these two disorders were significantly correlated (r=0.37).
Eating disorders and the serotonin connection : state, trait and developmental effects.
Given the generally stigmatizing nature of these disorders, it is likely that reporting bias of this sort leads to an under-estimation of prevalence.
The authors present a critical evaluation of the state of the different psychotherapies for the major psychiatric disorders.
Re-evaluating the prevalence of and diagnostic composition within the broad clinical spectrum of bipolar disorders.
Consequently, insulin abnormalities may disrupt normal memory functioning and promote pathophysiological processes observed in patients with neurodegenerative disorders.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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