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词汇 example_english_disjunctive

Examples of disjunctive

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Permutation of sub-terms in a disjunctive, or conjunctive, term is considered insignificant.
The linear additive disjunction, which is the disjunctive part of intuitionistic disjunction, also enjoys the disjunction property.
Then we may ask ourselves if the iterated function f is also universally disjunctive.
Disjunctive closedness is sufficient, but not necessary, for completeness of the combined theories.
The description can be written as a disjunctive normal form formula.
Processing deductive databases under the disjunctive stable model semantics.
In general, our program rules may include negations and disjunctions, and hence the results in this paper extend to disjunctive logic programming as well.
Finally, we should mention that currently our action formulation cannot represent nondeterministic actions and disjunctive domain information.
As a consequence, the proposed semantics differs from stable model semantics only for programs containing both disjunctive rules and negation.
Using the transformation, any abductive program having abducible rules is reduced to an abductive program having only (non-disjunctive) abducible facts.
A disjunctive rule with the empty body is called a disjunctive fact.
Extended stable semantics for normal and disjunctive programs.
Our transformations facilitate the integration of separate "guess" and "check" programs, which are often easy to obtain, automatically into a single disjunctive logic program.
In the same way, we construct an algorithm ans set computing answer sets of disjunctive programs.
Enhancing the magic-set method for disjunctive datalog programs.
Disjunctive minimalists think we might not need to answer this question in order to defend the claim that modesty and blind charity are virtues.
Admittedly, disjunctive minimalism is a messy account of virtue.
One of the attractive features of disjunctive minimalism, then, is that it is compatible with the most plausible forms of consequentialism and with non-consequentialism.
Unlike river banks and financial institutions, all disjunctive virtues have something important in common: all are good character traits.
In other words, disjunctive minimalism fits better with the way we talk about virtues in everyday life.
The final challenge in defending disjunctive minimalism is showing that it can fit into a sufficiently coherent general ethical theory.
In fact, any monotonic formula is equivalent to a prenex disjunctive normal form, all whose atomic subformulaelig are positive.
Critics may argue that, by ascribing intrinsic value to some character traits, disjunctive minimalists are trafficking in mystery.
In disjunctive compromise, parties avoid conflict by agreeing to proceed independently for the time being.
When the "answer" is made to follow the question without any preparatory work, it is manifestly disjunctive.
Disjunctive uses of grammatical conjunctions, then, are rarely applicable semantically in technical terms.
The template approach operates over sets of mutually disjunctive morphemes.
In particular, key classical proof rules such as modus tollens and disjunctive syllogism do not hold and various classical equivalences do not hold.
However, there are problems with reasoning with rules, particularly with respect to the lack of modus ponens and disjunctive syllogism.
The scheduling constraints are not disjunctive definite inequalities as specified.
Clearly such a disjunctive test for legality will permit the incorporation of customary norms into law 20.
When writing terms in the disjunctive -calculus, we will sometimes use a more generous syntax for -abstractions and named terms.
We ought to conserve the disjunctive extension because we have no reason to favour one of the subclasses over the other.
Who or what makes a disjunctive state of that special kind occur in the case under consideration?
Strictly speaking, we did not define answer sets of disjunctive programs, however, the definitions of subsection 2.1 can serve for disjunctive programs without modification.
Verifying the equivalence of logic programs in the disjunctive case.
Given that we do not consider action theories with disjunctive initial state, this should not come as a surprise.
After that, we present in section 3 our transformation tr() of a "checking" program into a disjunctive logic program.
More specifically, minimal founded semantics differs from stable model semantics only for disjunctive programs having constraint rules or rules working as constraints.
The next example presents a real life situation that can be easily modeled by means of a disjunctive program.
By the definition of abductive programs, a program includes no disjunctive rule which contains both abducibles and non-abducibles in its head.
Section 3.2 proposes an algorithm to compute such preferred answer sets and shows that the complexity is the same as for disjunctive logic programming.
Finally, a note about the use of positive correlation as the disjunctive mode for recursive predicates (when data might contain cycles).
To take a familiar example, some philosophers of mind hold the view that the property of being in pain is a disjunctive property.
The disjunctive operator distinguishes all operand sorts such that each data element belongs explicitly to one of these sorts.
Alternative processes for each operation are accounted for by disjunctive temporal binary constraints.
Sample 34 suggests that it may have been abandoned earlier, and offers disjunctive evidence against our suppositions based on the glyph.
Disjunctive pronouns are given here only for completeness.
The denominator scales the disjunctive part of the two concepts with the size of the total contexts.
Not surprisingly, there are other highly disjunctive homologies between them.
Thus, the problem of defining an intuitive semantics for disjunctive datalog is still an interesting topic.
Only the weaker, disjunctive fact p r can be inferred.
Note that it would be possible to replace the disjunctive guessing rule by two rules involving unstratified negation.
The modes inferred are often disjunctive, sometimes surprising and, for the small predicates that we verified by hand, appear to be optimal.
While inheritance enhances the knowledge representation modeling features of disjunctive logic programming, the addition of inheritance does not increase its computational complexity.
Recently there has been a growing interest in answering queries on disjunctive deductive databases.
Disjunctive ground programs are transformed into the so called residual program from which several semantics can be derived.
Recall now that, in the restricted class of disjunctive programs, the semantics of answer sets and min-answer sets coincide.
Note that, in principle, such an approach to the recovery of disjunctive information can be pursued beyond the integration of sharing with freeness.
Using rules (7) as the only stabilizing rules, without using the disjunctive stabilizing rules (6), the empty repair cannot be obtained.
Section 3 introduces extended disjunctive logic programs with exceptions.
Most importantly, we study here a much broader class of programs than disjunctive ones.
The first attractive feature of disjunctive minimalism is that it is compatible with both consequentialism and non-consequentialism.
If we are to favour disjunctive minimalism, we need a stronger reason for thinking that some virtues are virtues because they are intrinsically good.
Intrinsic and disjunctive minimalists might recommend that we act so as to maximize the occurrence of the intrinsically good things, including the intrinsically valuable virtues.
Disjunctive minimalists' refusal to generalize the features of virtues will seem worrying to some.
Current query evaluation methodologies under the stable model semantics, specially for disjunctive programs, are completely insensitive to the query at hand.
When considering the general case, where sets of concrete substitutions come into play, property 1 can be used to (partially) recover disjunctive information.
A (disjunctive) logic program is a finite set of rules.
The following example presents a disjunctive program where stable and minimal founded semantics coincide.
In a disjunctive logic program, the head of a clause is a disjunction of atomic formulas, whereas the body is a conjunction of atomic formulas.
The disjunctive nodes of type disjunct are represented as a featurevalue map.
Disjunctive constraints can be handled through a collection of preferences.
A constraint of the form is called a disjunctive constraint.
First, there is the problem of disjunctive antecedents, as in.
Contextual conditions represent a very compiled expression of knowledge and are represented as a disjunctive set of predicates and organized in hierarchies.
Disjunctive logic programs are characterised by permitting disjunctions in rule heads.
We show how to handle stratified negation in views which may be defined by disjunctive rules, and may contain integrity constraints.
Such a specification is another contribution of this paper, namely a specification expressed as a disjunctive logic program with answer set semantics.
However, disjunctive stable model semantics has some drawbacks.
Such semantics is relatively easy to define and the definition also extends to answer sets of disjunctive logic programs.
The proposed operator, applied iteratively, is shown to characterize the perfect model semantics of stratified disjunctive logic programs.
In the following theorem, we formalize a characterization of the preferred semantics in terms of positive disjunctive logic programs and stable model semantics.
A type in disjunctive normal form is compact if it contains no duplicated conjuncts and all of its conjuncts are compact.
We point out that we allow for disjunctive clauses to have empty heads (that is, we allow constraint clauses).
Second, we note that our methodology is also applicable to disjunctive logic programs (where rule heads are disjunctions of literals).
Thus, a disjunctive mode for this rule will be clearly redundant, and we have suppressed it for convenience.
The disjunctive function for the p predicate, as explained above, is interval intersection.
Does point (7) give us a reason to favour instrumental minimalism over disjunctive minimalism?
The compatibility of disjunctive minimalism with nonconsequentialism might not seem particularly appealing to committed consequentialists.
Disjunctive minimalists think there is no common feature that must be shared by all virtues other than their goodness and their status as character traits.
Since one of the disjuncts suffices to make the disjunctive state obtain, the occurrence of that state is overdetermined here.
One might wish to extend the version language further with conjunctive version number expressions and disjunctive constraints.
In one sense, then, a disjunctive whole such as a lottery may be seen as a conjunctive whole composed of possibilities.
An alternative development can certainly prefer conjunctive normal forms over disjunctive normal forms.
In our application scenario we will need disjunctive exceptions rules, but not disjunctive defaults.
Thus, primitive temporal information can be represented by a set of disjunctive intervals over the beginning and ending time points of each activity.
The disjunctive possibility captures situations where either the contents necessary for inferential control or the contents necessary for rational bodily control are unavailable (see below).
While disjunctions of situations can be reasoned with at the meta-level, disjunctive constraints are begin investigated within situation programs.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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