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词汇 example_english_diminish

Examples of diminish

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Proliferation of granule cell precursors in the dentate gyrus of adult monkeys is diminished by stress.
The overestimation diminishes with an increasing number of loci, but is still about 0.02 even when 100 loci are used.
On the face of it, strife had been diminishing.
Based on simulations, they observe that recombination together with synergistic or diminishing epistasis increases or decreases permissible mutation rates and genome sizes.
First, the likelihood of subsequent non-attendance may be diminished.
Certainly, over a long historical period it might be expected that unrecorded separations would have diminished as a proportion of all marriage breakdowns.
Religion remained a significant determinant of intended family size but its effect had diminished.
The effect of employment status seems to have diminished during the decade.
Although collective work parties have diminished since the ' time of the elders ', they still take place frequently, particularly among certain categories of people.
The rate of production of thyroxine is diminished.
In theory, a free market would cope with this by raising prices to a point where demand diminished to match supply.
However, the opposite trend, albeit diminished, was seen at the soma, where the unconfined distribution was more effective than the clustered distribution.
The heightened baseline pain state reached a peak at 3 weeks post-injury, and diminished back to baseline by 1 year.
Removal of the cotyledons strongly diminished enzymatic activity in the embryonic axis.
The cytokinin or ethylene requirements for overcoming thermoinhibition of lettuce germination can also be eliminated or diminished by removing or weakening the endosperm.
On the near side the skirt has a great effect in increasing or diminishing the apparent size and form of the rider.
The insolubility of dyes on "fast" attachment to fiber was compared with diminishing solubility as double salts were formed.
Resources allocated to reproduction will, therefore, be diminished.
Regarding the follow-up bid, it appeared that the distribution of (yes, yes) responses diminished with bid size.
After 3 days, the c-wave was diminished substantially to approximately 50% of the preinjection baseline.
The outward current has a constant or slightly diminishing amplitude as the oocyte matures.
All visual behaviors were absent or greatly diminished until 8 to 10 weeks, when retinal layering had returned.
During simulated ischemia, severe neurotoxicity occurs and is diminished by enzymatic degeneration of extracellular glutamate or by blockade of glutamate release.
The calcium injection diminished the nonsaturating receptor potentials by about 70%, and in the ten cells tested, response amplitude was reduced 50 -80%.
Similarly, the ability to detect clusters is not necessarily diminished at the edge.
Her conclusions would be greatly strengthened by a clearer demonstration of this point; otherwise, her opening argument refuting the "clash of civilizations" thesis is diminished.
There are some excellent illustrations but their use is diminished by being placed altogether rather than throughout the text.
However, this dependency was considerably diminished with normal priors for genetic effects as compared with uniform priors (constant or variable across loci).
The second: architecture's diminishing importance relative to reality.
The hyperpolarization was largest when stimulus spots approximated the size of the receptive-field center, and diminished substantially for larger spots.
We restrict all factors devoted to the accumulation of human capital in order to exhibit diminishing returns.
The descriptive claim is that individual preferences themselves are convex; that they exhibit generalized diminishing marginal utility.
Since then every new communication innovation - telegraph, radio, television, internet - has diminished hindrance of distance to monitoring government directly.
The income and religiosity variables are logged because we expect their effects to display diminishing returns at their highest values.
The largest significant coefficient for left ideology is hardly diminished in absolute magnitude, in moving from thwarted to fulfilled voters (respectively, 4.09 to 3.46).
The research to date suggests that this alarmist view of drastically diminishing welfare programmes or rising populist expectations needs to be substantially revised.
Public violence diminished because of the growing reluctance of the mob to get involved.
The unemployment rate was at its highest point in 1994 and it diminished very slowly after that.
Moreover, the overwhelming increase in caseloads has inevitably diminished effectiveness of the amparo suit in terms of rights protection.
The tegument is smooth and has a covering of fine spines which diminishes towards the posterior extremities.
In the 1890s, the range of terms used diminished, and use of the term indio increased while that of pongo was dropped.
The larger they grow, the more efficient they become at heat regulation, though they reach a point of diminishing returns.
When individuals have unknown origin or there are uncertainties in their ancestry the efficiency of the method is diminished, and several procedures can be followed.
The prince's importance for them diminished in proportion to the growth of his state as expressed in the size and structure of his debt.
As a result, the magnitude of the robust controller will be diminished.
At the 1-month follow-up, those experiencing high levels of caregiver strain had diminished n 6, 26.1%!.
Therefore, despite the potential value of mycorrhizae in natural ecosystems, their importance is diminished under modern fertilized conditions, at least for corn.
State policies since then have been characterised by diminishing governmental subsidies to the fisheries and a new fishery regulations system represented by a quota system.
The prevalence of any psychiatric complication had diminished somewhat to 26 % compared with 31 % at 1 year.
Commercialization and the blurring of group distinctions have diminished the significance of many designs.
Chicks are normally held in their pens in pairs because this diminishes stress.
Rather, blebbing appears to be associated with diminishing matrix adhesion and, generally, blebbing cells are less mobile.
As mentioned earlier, such enthusiasm for civil society has recently diminished, but has by no means disappeared.
Moreover, the analysis reveals that social obligations may impede economic development, but that such practices are diminishing.
As noted, the practice of withdrawing young girls from school greatly diminished in the late 1960s and 1970s.
His call for patriotism was one that strengthened rather than diminished the hierarchical relationship between rulers and ruled.
The important premises here are that individual savings are convex with respect to income, whereas returns on education are subject to diminishing marginal returns.
Both display significant autocorrelation at low lags, which diminishes rapidly to a near-zero level at longer lags.
The uncertainties shown in table 1 are indeed troublesome, but the risk is not diminished due to uncertainties.
Multi-generational households, previously common in rural areas, diminished.
By the 1990 interview his self-esteem rating had diminished considerably.
A somewhat larger and overlapping group considered their lives as older person to have diminished value (n l 14).
Intervention 8 had some groups with larger numbers, but the reported effect was diminished.
From this viewpoint, the development of a strong welfare state that offers a variety of services promotes the decline of family contributions, diminishing their role.
Another potential contributing factor is diminished general processing capacity.
The second problem, which diminishes its value as a student text, has to do with the tone which is sometimes overly disparaging.
Both studies, although relatively small, are set within the context of increasing demand for services, diminishing in-house home-care provision and a developing independent sector.
Though their power is now diminished, they still retain wealth and influence.
However, their individual effect is diminished when both conditions are present.
If the working day is fixed by diminishing demand, then speed of travel remains the crucial variable.
In the 1970s the number of cover versions diminished to the lowest ever level.
Even where such cases are logically possible, unless they are attested in genuine interactions, their value in testing the theory is diminished.
Thus, the ability of the president to hand-pick his successor was considerably diminished, as his most of his cabinet members were not in the running.
The power of the presidency was reduced and, even more evidently, the previously over-riding political role of the central bureaucracy was much diminished.
The ' diminishing ' metaphor also applies to geographic spaces.
By the end of the study, his depressive symptoms had disappeared and his ' bereavement index score ' had greatly diminished.
Male movie masks primarily deny physical ageing or diminished dominance ; the ever-young interior subjective becomes (or strives to become) the exterior.
Altruism occurs when an organism's behavior diminishes its own fitness and enhances the fitness of some other organism or organisms.
The geneticrenvironment interaction diminished the importance of epistatic effects.
There was no evidence that group differences diminished with the increased learning practice of additional trials.
The percentage of gainfully employed people, as well as those maintained by the state, had increased and the number of dependants had diminished.
Therefore, the decrease in the proportion of young people experiencing a period of servanthood before marriage indicates the diminishing importance of the servant system itself.
He has diminished sensation to vibration over his right great toe and left toes and heel with intact monofilament sensation.
Given this demarcation, at least one of the motives for locating causal forces exclusively on the physical ground floor is diminished.
Mechanical reproduction produces an alarmingly diminished but otherwise indistinguishable substitute for a grander past.
On at least two scores, then, the chanciness of contingency has been diminished.
The diminishing reputation of written language was also an effect of changing ideas in linguistic thought.
How far do they take us, with increasing or diminishing value, from the original case?
The 'temporary gentleman', mixing with his social superiors in the mess, developed a class-consciousness that confirmed rather than diminished the old social patterns.
Surprisingly, longer experience (50 days) with foster parents also diminished the consolidation effect.
With rising case loads and diminishing resources, it is hardly surprising that social workers often feel they can not win.
In addition, social and economic changes during and after the two world wars diminished some of the concentration of landholding and investments.
Differences in lifetime economic and employment status are carried over into retirement through private asset ownership, and these differences have possibly not diminished significantly.
The possibility of moving to a state of mature interdependence between workers and management is thus diminished.
I wish to examine the progressive development of these plays' diminishing support for action by way of emphasizing a general and a local point.
On balance, it is likely that these productivity offsets would have been insufficient to compensate for the constraining effects of the diminishing supply of labour.
Chapter 1 suggested that between 1870 and 1914 the forces of innovation and economies of scale were exerting a diminishing effect on growth.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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