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词汇 example_english_difficulty

Examples of difficulty

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
There were no differences between the four groups for experiencing a non-severe event, although depressed probands also experienced more difficulties than the other three groups.
However, the difficulties in a theoretical explanation of robustness within the linguistic modelling suggested the adoption of an empirical notion.
We have described difficulties associated with semantic query expansion.
However, we did not code for stress, which is much less well understood in sign than in spoken languages and presents many difficulties for coding.
No difficulties arise when one allows and to vary over time, as long as this variation is independent of the policy instrument. 20.
We finish the section with a discussion of the main difficulties to set the -calculus in a dependent-type theory.
We overcame two principal difficulties in this study.
Following a discussion of authenticity, and of difficulties with obtaining and using authentic mater ials, the article explains the source of the data examined.
There are, however, a number of major difficulties which necessar ily co-occur alongside any attempted classroom implementation.
What are the particular difficulties that might be encountered when attempting 'exact' replications of a previous study in our field?
Of course, there are always difficulties recording people in real life situations while trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
However, to benefit from this early - and splendid - effort, the reader has to overcome several difficulties.
The interpretative difficulties of these reversions are heightened as soon as we acknowledge that there was more than a fictional character at stake.
The developmental benefits of democratic institutions, and the difficulties in building and keeping such institutions are, in this sense, two sides of the same coin.
The speech community presents special difficulties for researchers in the sociolinguistic subfield of language and gender.
A treatment to avoid these numerical difficulties is regularization of the equation [1, 10].
Weaving archaeological theory into these richtextured narratives is a different task with its own difficulties.
None of the participants reported a history of speech or hearing difficulties.
Consequently, investigators have attempted to define more clearly the factors that may identify late talkers who will present with persistent difficulties later in life.
You raise possible difficulties with the idea of a dialogue with a material past.
The text becomes a real handbook at this point, indispensable to those working with older adults with a range of difficulties and needs.
The encountered difficulties and the strategies deployed to overcome them are described in depth.
His image of himself was of a strong man, able to cope with difficulties.
Another informant lived with a mentally disabled son with learning difficulties, and had lost a second son as a result of political violence.
Information deficits and classification difficulties meant that housewives and ' never having worked ' had to be taken as a single category.
Landlords who are prepared to house benefit recipients may experience serious difficulties with the system.
Despite high levels of satisfaction, three-fifths of the users who had experience of domiciliary care packages mentioned difficulties.
The authors eventually utilised multiple methods to try to overcome the difficulties of definition and the multi-faceted nature of quality of life and care.
The absence of readily-available independent sector services such as home care in many areas has made for particular difficulties.
Despite his difficulties he maintains a close and warm relationship with his children and his wife.
Furthermore, difficulties with establishing personal contacts, caused, for instance, by social anxiety, add to loneliness.
Where such behaviour was established, staff could experience difficulties when introducing changes in activities.
To address the above difficulties, our method of compositional analogy performs analogy at multiple levels of abstraction.
The campaign against the radical liberals encountered a number of difficulties.
The difficulties faced by the editors poke through in several places.
The controls were asked about events and difficulties over a time period matched to that of their paired case.
The authors find evidence for two orthogonal dimensions separating security of attachment from what they term the attachment ' strategy ' for coping with interpersonal difficulties.
Similarly, difficulties in maintaining attention to the task cannot account for the differences in success of inhibition.
Predicting the short-term outcome of first episodes and recurrences of clinical depression : a prospective study of life events, difficulties, and social support networks.
The third problem concerns difficulties in relating different political actors and political conflict and ideational explanations are therefore often poorly considered.
If these rules are not clear or not shared poor network integration will lead to implementation difficulties.
Implementation difficulties remained, but implementation through the agency concept has become less problematic.
As a result of these conceptual difficulties, many organisations did not really consider the regional character of particular issues.
Furthermore, all countries had difficulties with regulation, and politics remained influential.
Overlapping with international economic difficulties was the growing restlessness of the dictators.
Understanding why, however, has been hampered by difficulties with the sources.
The results could therefore be due to children's well-known difficulties in learning synonyms.
The difficulties hearing-impaired children experience in constructing a case and gender system are due to processing limitations.
Acting out paradigms also present difficulties to people with learning difficulties.
Our findings highlight the difficulties in collecting information on seroconversion illness both retrospectively and prospectively.
One limitation of this study is related to the difficulties in measuring variables reflecting sanitary and environmental conditions.
Therefore, they address the above two difficulties from different perspectives.
In defining the ground to be covered by this book, the author faced immense difficulties.
I respond in turn to each of the three main difficulties he raises.
As a policy argument, however, this kind of argument from hypotheticals falls victim to the difficulties described in the previous subsection.
All of these doubts are epistemologically permissible and quite understandable in view of the existing deep difficulties.
They also caused difficulties when they affected routines that were hard for people with dementia to learn and remember.
A sense of pride may also have encouraged some people to underreport the impact of financial difficulties on their quality of life.
Less obvious were the difficulties in returning to peacetime attitudes and morality after six years of war.
The clinicians' difficulties are further compounded by the older adult often having internalised the media version, so pushing down and distorting their own experiences.
However, the major difficulties of analysing outcomes of this nature are that they can be interpreted very differently.
While some felt strongly that it is an obligation, others referred to the difficulties the responsibility created.
The difficulties one has experienced in earlier life, for example, may be reinterpreted so that they possibly take on a positive meaning.
The facility prisoners indicated comparatively more difficulties with, or involving, movement.
The difficulties in finding a global uniform colour space are an immediate indication of its limitations.
The previous paragraph illustrates some difficulties in endogenously generating from the neocortex patterns for interleaving with hippocampally generated patterns during consolidation to the neocortex.
In particular, he discussed memory errors, spatial localization errors, and difficulties with object formation.
The existence of large-scale dynamics may create difficulties for certain statistical source estimation procedures, unless the validity of the underlying assumptions is evaluated carefully.
In other words, this subpopulation will cooperate with the others that are having difficulties to match their outputs.
However, the difficulties in making a correct identification of a parasitized pyralid egg-mass are obvious.
When making these observations, however, flight was ignored, owing to the difficulties caused by its very short duration in the small observation-jars.
Our research, in contrast, evidenced recognition of 'the difficulties ahead' following the first year of study.
Subsequent chapters look in detail at the idiosyncrasies of musical instruments and the difficulties their performers are likely to encounter.
Several difficulties arise from any attempt at counter-factual modelling.
Current lack of such data is easily explained through difficulties of recording private conversations.
However, because of several shared continental problems, education is restricted in its effectiveness, which leads to further difficulties.
There is a need to locate specific learning difficulties in the broad context of inclusion if equality of opportunity is to become a reality.
According to parental report, none of the children had displayed any language learning or hearing difficulties.
However, this analysis ignored the kinds of difficulties that occurred and the possibility that multiple difficulties of different types could occur within the same response.
Their speech input difficulties thus involve both phonetic discrimination and phonological recognition.
Perhaps what these findings do best is testify to the methodological difficulties associated with input manipulation studies.
Among the group of poor spellers, there were a number of children who had serious difficulties with vowel length categorization.
Thus, the difficulties are located at the representation or competence level.
However, this approach often entails financial and/or technical difficulties.
Workers compensation provides a number of difficulties of this type.
First, he seems to be faced with intractable difficulties in accounting for our personal identity over time.
I would go further in underscoring the difficulties here.
The existence of these sculpted cloisters raises a number of difficulties which have not yet been satisfactorily resolved.
The documents refer to difficulties of every kind, some of which were so skilfully overcome that the monument bears virtually no trace of them.
Even in the case of students with serious difficulties there were gains in the generation of original utterances and exploration of subject matter.
The inquiries on agglomerated population carried out in 1809 bear witness to the difficulties and uncertainties characteristic of transitional periods.
Whatever the difficulties, the principle is clear: all citizens must be provided with a reasonable opportunity to participate.
While the book pays witness to the immense strides made by the women of all four countries, it also acknowledges the difficulties which lie ahead.
An analysis at one remove using selected indices runs up against other difficulties.
The difficulties which any text reveals are indeed personal, but personal in an obvious and trivial sense.
Beyond the city, conditions were less favourable: would-be chantry founders and parish benefactors encountered difficulties.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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