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词汇 example_english_designate

Examples of designate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
They prefer the concentration of structure that accompanies an intersection or monosyllabic foot to be as near as possible to the designated edge of alignment.
A new episode of gastroenteritis was designated if there were 7 symptom-free days since the last day of symptoms.
Prediction models: a model that expresses one designated predicted variable as a function of other predictor variables.
The agent providing the service is designated the controlling agent which negotiates for component sub-services.
The following six chapters deal with fraud after the ballot was designated secret.
To ease reading, we will omit the lower-left indices if they are not referenced or the constraint set is designated only by a symbol.
Such (d) isolates were designated as the primary cause of sepsis and in some cases were responsible for foetal death.
Clearly, the word "because" in the last sentence of this passage designates a justificatory or evidential relationship rather than a semantic one.
Tissue matching is typically done by the facility in which the transplant is to be carried out or by a laboratory designated by the physician.
Significant revolt did not reappear until 1809-10, when a wave of what officials designated 'brigandage ' swept through the province.
Applicants designated as homeless in one authority could only be made offers in the locality in which the applicant had a 'personal connection'.
Respondents are asked to think of a thermometer scale ranging from 1 to 100 with 50 explicitly designated as a neutral point.
First, a region of memory is designated to contain the runtime stack.
On this figure, the disc designates the robot.
Throughout this article, these actors are designated as 'waverers', since they waver on the border between cooperation and non-cooperation.
Rather, it strongly suggests that the class of clitics needs to be lexically designated.
Under a serial-derivational approach, the special status of final consonants is acknowledged by designating them as extrasyllabic during the early stages of derivation.
Each allele was designated a letter corresponding to its size.
In recent years increases in nearby science and support operations have raised the levels of locally generated electromagnetic noise since the site was first designated.
Where two or more relatives had similar levels of contact and responsibility, the relative most willing to take part was designated as the main carer.
The transcultural designates an interaction at a particular level where an original culture is abandoned in favour of a new one.
There were a scarce four predicate nominal tokens, two occupation-status nouns, and one noun designating an institution.
As an artifact, it becomes possible to instantiate the theory to specification frames with empty classes of designated pushouts.
The other modules will generally communicate with the rest of the system through designated interface variables.
Lastly, a principal carer is someone formally designated to handle an ill or frail older person's daily needs.
Finally, a category for ages 65 years and older was designated because it signals entry into late-life.
Different usages in designating these codices and lienzos have introduced some confusion in the nomenclature.
They figure that the trip will be faster, safer, and more pleasant if one is designated as having authority over the others.
By definition of the problem, the target (designated here as 01) is a subset of the error hypothesis 11.
The first element 6 of this list corresponds to the meaning of the causative suffix and designates a causative event.
The second element 9 corresponds to the meaning of the verb stem and designates a running event.
The problem of assigning a periodic structure to a syllable sequence designated as a meter is common to all the meters in (27).
The participant is first asked to nominate the (up to) five most important areas of their life, designated the cue labels.
Nonetheless, local authorities wished to allot these central government's funds to more construction sites than the national grant program designated.
As in table 5, both countries have designated bodies responsible for administration of seafarers' maritime education and training.
Likewise, the notion of computation does not extend to any neural activity, but instead designates the mental operations that take representations as arguments.
Matrices and sets in the current paper are designated by bold letters.
The various habitats are designated by the generic names of the dominant plants occurring in them.
The central male of the three on this slide is hereby designated the lectotype.
The president in question would be designated by his peers.
Factor 3 will therefore be designated the "age/length of residence" factor.
The onceforeign concepts of managed care, designated medical groups, and health management organizations, considered a distant threat, are now firmly entrenched.
An agent for mental healthcare decisions may be designated.
The resulting combined database is designated for use in healthcare research.
The third group is composed of proteins designated "hypothetical" or "conserved hypothetical".
The lower boundary of the array is designated the "substratum" on which certain cells can attach.
The point of designating a proxy in an advance directive is to identify the person you want to make your decisions.
Entities such as those designated by animate or definite nouns would be preferable in this function.
However, in highly unstable areas, some forest areas may ultimately be designated solely for watershed protection.
As shown in ®gure 1, entrance1, in essence, designates the entering event conceived of as a thing.
However, nearly half of the patients have distinctive morphological changes designated as cholestatic viral hepatitis.
Clades discussed in the text are designated by encircled numbers.
Double-barrelled (dieir hyphen) titles such as attorney general or director-general [sic] should follow the style designated "by the authority that created die office".
Consequently, designated divisions between grazing, residential and arable areas became blurred.
By this period the phrase ' ' invisible government ' ' had become internalized from designating traitors to the unseen agencies affecting government policy.
Finally, in the acquisition rules the acquisition-method-selection-type rules are designated the highest priority than the other types.
Utterances were coded by a primary judge who designated counter numbers for their locations on recordings.
Then perhaps he began observing other people's usage and inspecting the speech roles of the person that a pronoun designated.
Starting from the designated main function, it traverses function bodies from outermost to innermost, propagating exact shapes as far as possible.
In the present study, children are taught six novel verb forms which are designated as irregular by the experimenter.
In young adolescence, several temporal points designating more complex relationships are marked as events unfold.
All coefficients represent instantaneous hazard ratios which are statistically significant at the 5% level, except when designated by ns.
As a result, there is not a single mention of a given name, and most individuals are designated by role labels.
They are designated as syllable extractions because there is no explicit information in his productions to indicate that the extraction was larger than a syllable.
In spite of the largely unimproved nature of the area, the city designated it as a residential district.
Within each zone, rooms and offices are designated with a number.
After assembly, the actual dimension of the system can be measured as the real structural nominal parameter to replace the originally designated structural nominal parameter.
In forestry, nearly 35 million acres of national forest land have been designated as wilderness since 1964, thus permanently removed from commodity development.
The first was the very high amount of effort and expenditure designated to the creation of additional water resources.
They were randomly allocated to a case management scheme, which was based upon a single designated social worker acting as the case manager.
Accordingly, fringe is rarely found on men's clothing or on the furniture designated for male spaces.
Indeed, larcenies can be designated as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the state.
He then designates some as deserving and others as imposters and interlopers.
Why were some groups designated as minorities while others were not?
Each snake in the data set was designated in turn as a focal individual.
Thus, action potentials designated as tonic are much more likely to be mislabeled than are those designated as burst.
The embryos developed to the blastocyst stage (designated as in vitro blastocysts) were collected from the medium after 6, 12 and 18 h of culture.
Put differently: he designates as an epistemic factor the non-deducible sudden insight ("sudden idea"), which manifests itself as a singular event ("flash").
The force defined in this way - popularly termed "habit," scientifically designated as "association" - was chosen as the basis for a great variety of laws.
The symbolic representation of distress is grounded in a wider cosmological context (designated before symbolic reality).
A 'plus' sign designates promotion and a 'minus' sign inhibition of a process.
The world\\local price differential was ostensibly designated for market, product and producer development.
Whenever a disagreement arose, a third observer designated by consensus by the working group issued the final verdict.
The convention in this case is to use the capital letter corresponding to the small letter that designates the phoneme which is regarded as basic.
They are designated different priorities according to the components of library on which they operate.
Here, we have designated classification error as thefitness function.
In 1998, 10 states had designated state planning bodies dedicated to strengthening legal services.
A tool by itself is devoid of any special meaning; it commands only some designated function - to serve this or that purpose in production.
Now the relationship between that speech, which is completely self-sufficient, and the reality it designates is essentially negative.
The first opposition, formal/material, may also be designated as a syntactic/semantic contrast.
Each stimulus card remained on the screen until the subject pressed one of the two designated response keys.
In other words, those who are designated 'liberal' in a religious sense were not 'liberal' in a social and economic sense, and vice versa.
Each term is also designated as either" preferred" or deemed suitable for inclusion in a record, or not.
To compute the skills score, each task or question on the checklist for every station was designated as one of 7 skills.
Nowadays such activities have been designated" non-nursing" duties, but nurses liaise with domestic management to achieve a safe environment for patients.
Philosophies of naming hence exclude fictional entities and nonexistents from the category of objects which can be rigidly and successfully designated with names.
There most certainly is an upper class, designated almost invariably in speech prefixes and in the text as 'lords'.
Archaeal proteins are designated by black squares, bacterial proteins by gray squares and eukaryotic proteins by empty squares.
Although not yet designated as such, power and culture are in fact the central, paired concepts of this approach.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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