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词汇 example_english_depart

Examples of depart

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
On this issue, the approach departs from conventional methodologies which require calculation or elimination of the constraint forces.
The outcomes consequently departed from the original design and differed from country to country, with very mixed results.
In departing from dominant narrative order, fun enables a riotous panoply of pleasures.
A plane represents relative stability, whereas diagonal forces store up tension, particularly in departing from the horizontal.
As the conference dragged interminably onward and no progress seemed possible, many of the more prominent figures departed.
In so doing, the focus of this study departs quite markedly from much prior research on clarification requests.
Individuals who departed from the area without permission were identified in the registers as ' escapees ' (taoding).
One of the two roadways has been boarded up; the stall-keepers have departed; there is no longer any music.
Even when messengers actually did destroy roadside-canteens, their owners soon resumed business once the paramount chief's servants had departed.
There has been some return migration, but many more young people have since departed.
The gas departs from a perfect gas, and the more general (3.18) and (3.28) must be used.
Obviously, over the past half century the nation has departed repeatedly - and cumulatively - from this minimalist path.
Such behaviour would mix arriving and departing flies to an indeterminate degree.
However, their treatment of this issue departs from previous reviews in two important respects.
My vision departed from the vision that the members of the jury had already formed in advance.
Thus, the investigation departs from the premise that the study of code-switching cannot proceed uninformed by a properly structural analysis.
The patient thought himself to be dead, and syllogizing that the departed had no need for meals, refused to eat.
Both adults returned to the nest when the men departed.
The first respect in which the agreement departs from consociational theory relates to group vetoes.
Our paper departs from these previous works by not taking the government-decreed sum as a given benchmark.
Two phenomena are widely observed when an economy departs from an underdeveloped state and starts rapid economic growth.
The model departs as little as possible from the related literature to ensure comparability of results.
A review of reflexivity would be misleading without considering the moments when psychologists have departed from the usual strategies for managing reflexive activities.
My long-crushed spirit rose, cowardice departed, bold defiance took its place.
The chi-squared goodness-of-fit test was performed to ascertain how much the observed frequencies departed from the expected frequencies of dispersion model.
Visitors arriving at the picnic area may sit on the grass collectively or enter the contemplative rooms individually, departing the way they came.
When accuracy departs from chance, the rate at which it grows to asymptote jointly measure retrieval speed.
Many of the conditions and problems to be overcome are the same once the ground plane is departed.
They reason that married elderly resided with their unmarried children, but that the younger generation departed upon marriage and established independent households.
He estimated that more than half the population had departed from many areas, and found that agricultural land had been abandoned wholesale.
The refractive index therefore has a distribution of approximately this form, although the extent to which it departs from it in detail is not known.
The present results showed that the character of monogenean communities departs mainly from species abundance.
In addition, arriving and departing passengers have the same probability of remaining in a city as they do of leaving it.
The role of guilt as a reason for raising no doubts about engagement is declining as the post-war intellectual community departs the scene.
At this point, however, the solution has departed from reality.
Given their rejection of a doctrinaire liberal position, it is not surprising that their discourse departed significantly from laissez-faire.
By focusing upon pension fund trustees, there is a risk of departing from the norms of conventional psychometric testing regimes.
In doing this, each of us departed from our own understanding of the extent to which each interview displayed the different dimensions of gerotranscendence.
He decries this theory for departing from common sense, noting that everyone knows that people are responsible for their actions.
The memory of the dead idealizes whatever interest the living have in former days shared with the departed.
Anything that departed from this aim would make me restless, for life is like an easily broken cup waiting to be filled.
A further complication is that the direction of approaching and/or departing tsetse may not be random.
Reilly departs from this often taken for granted premise by emphasizing the features of 'preferential systems'.
We return to (if we have ever departed from) the fundamental elements of a critical theory of literature and of history.
His third chapter (the material described above ®lling chapters one and two) also departs from the norm.
Contrary to traditional parsers, shallow parsers have consistently departed from dominant linguistic theories.
Which flights departed after system 32 was in operation?
The anti-nestedness patterns observed for larval and adult endoparasites suggest that host use by these helminth species departs significantly from randomness.
They look blank as though the souls behind them had departed to mingle with the music or the stage drama.
Their prototypical expression (the indicative) may be departed from by the expression of other moods.
Thirdly, random sampling was not used and airline passengers who departed the airport in private vehicles were not included in the study.
In what follows, we will encounter no good reasons for departing from the more restrictive approach.
All benefits are paid as lump sums to departing workers similar to the distributions under a defined contribution plan.
The 1992 reform departed quite radically from this system of financing hospital activities and replaced it after 1995.
As far as the departing group were concerned, they were now autonomous.
Sadly, the recording was made just as the last three monks were departing, leaving the monastery to a modern young religious community.
The second one is perhaps the thorniest of all and, once he departs from the material culture territory, the author finds himself on somewhat shakier ground.
Models of retirement decision-making must be aware of the possibility that such decisions are made in an environment that often departs from the long-horizon, full-information, life-cycle setting.
The cognitive characteristics of those departing from the expert construal might - for reasons parallel to those argued in section 4 - have implications for how we evaluate particular task interpretations.
She departed for her heavenly abode.
The trajectory following this unstable eigenvector in the neighbourhood of the fixed point rapidly loses its linearity in the state space as it departs from the fixed point.
Communication is defined as "the expression, interpretation, and negotiation of meaning" (p. 11) and departs from more conventional practices in which communication has "a question and answer" approach.
The princes departed, the masses entered.
Lukwesa did as instructed and they departed.
The median age at succession of female heads was higher because they included an above-average proportion of widows in all cases of succession except when the head had departed.
A member of the departing royal family or of the remaining elites who was sitting on the bench of the west side may have manufactured bifacial points under enemy threat.
The higher than expected proportion of flies caught on the inside of the nets could be explained by net efficiency being lower for approaching than for departing flies.
The object of this tweaking is to enhance the tone colour by departing from the purely mathematical and rather arid experiment that is the essence of equal temperament.
If the audience departed to return later, the sequence of events they experienced will not be repeated as if it were a stage play or film.
The poet laments that he cannot speak over the body of the departed, with an instability of tone that makes more for haunting than for consolation.
At this point, provincial politicians welcomed the federal government's involvement, departing from their usual posture because of the high publicity and seemingly intractable nature of the dispute.
The spirit explained that there was nothing extraordinary about the fact that she very publicly departed from the world a few weeks earlier but had now reappeared.
The results of the hierarchical regression and visual inspection of the scatterplot give no indication that the relationship departs from linearity at the extremes of the range.
Once it was completely subdued, the orcas dragged its lower jaw open and gorged themselves on its tongue, then departed without touching the remainder of the carcass.
In the prologue there is only dialogue and brief a cappella singing; in the epilogue there are similarly diagetic sounds of footsteps, dialogue, and the departing bus's engine.
Suggestions are made for cur r icular planning, departing from the predictability of the phonics lessons, and for teachers to position themselves as novices when popular culture emerges in lessons.
The scale of such emigration is impossible to determine, partly because one cannot clearly distinguish between ' assistance ' to emigrate and ' compensation ' of tenants who peaceably departed.
Finally, some brief suggestions will be made as to the extent to which that government's approach to international economic co-operation in the longer term reflected, or departed from, war-time developments.
We did not adopt this policy here, since it would have required a non-deterministic backtrack-based inference algorithm which would have departed too much from existing syntaxdirected type reconstruction algorithms.
As the wavenumber of the initial flow is decreased and the flow departs farther from the region of stable rolls, additional modes of motion appear in the final steady state.
First, he departed from traditional notions of the mind or spirit as an entity, transforming it into a multitude of operations and processes: thoughts, memory, feelings, and so on.
Failing health, low expectations, loyalty to departed loved ones and a determination to keep one's needs to oneself can rule out the replacement of lost relationships.
Adaptation to the degrees of freedom of natural illumination does not of course ensure color constancy under conditions departing from those that have prevailed during terrestrial evolution.
Our study also departs from previous studies in the literature in two important ways : (a) our methodology, and (b) the use of a unique population of children.
An employer may deny coverage after the worker departs the country or stop paying workers compensation benefits that are owed.
The student has to improvise and adapt the procedure without departing from the principles of aseptic technique.
I will, therefore, identify at the outset the points on which he departs from liberalism.
As children departed, the date of departure was noted along with the reason for their departure.
Naming latencies departing 3 standard deviations from the participant's mean were also removed.
After all, other mechanisms might be used to increase wages and decrease hours worked without departing from some version of the match system.
She departed from the ethereal to the celestial.
Both residents and carers had a tightly-defined role to play in these encounters from which they rarely departed.
However, it strongly departs from the instance theory on the third assumption.
Can carry out an effective fluent interview, departing spontaneously from prepared questions, following up and probing interesting replies.
Other authors departed from this concern over physical indicators, however, and questioned the ultimate relevance of race.
When young, productive men departed for combat, the elderly and very young were left to carry out the agricultural tasks.
A symbol of religious affiliation is ostentatious by definition only if it departs substantially from the norm.
The judgment departed from the prevailing mode of single-market governance: technical regulation by the time-consuming development of harmonizing legislation.
Here he departed from the understanding of population inherent in the tradition of eighteenthcentury state-building.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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