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词汇 example_english_defend

Examples of defend

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Exploitive agents endowed with the ability to interact selectively succeed in defending against invasion because they induce a highly non-interactive world.
The normative component of our arguments defends the use of these constraints as consistent with, or even inherent in, deliberation.
He defended his arguments with examples from the lives of legendary and historical heroines, with supporting citations from an array of ancient and modern writers.
Even if they can, the abilities of defending their sovereignties are not equal!
As just noted, we defended a hypothesis and a mechanism underlying it.
In this way, for example, the plausibility of an argument could be defended by another argument in its subset.
The primacy thesis will be defended as a matter of the primacy of distributive over aggregative measures.
The point is that these practices cannot seriously be defended on grounds of popular sovereignty.
He defends this thesis against several compelling objections.
At the same time, both the press and the courts provided alternative strategies for defending reputations.
We accept, therefore, that we face an onus of proof in defending our definition - an onus that we cannot fully meet in this article.
The right to ask questions about community nursing practice as a discipline must be defended.
She screams, defending herself, and the hidden counsellor shouts in panic.
He was as aggressive as the poet when it came to defending territory.
Against what or whom do standards need to be defended ?
Although it is reasonable to respond by defending eclecticism, it is wor th noting that this pedagogy is not a bag of diverse tricks.
He staunchly defends import-substitution industrialisation, a strategy now widely criticised by international financial institutions and development theorists.
No idea can have meaning or historical significance unless someone promotes or defends it.
The point is not only that she was defending her new place in society.
The second line becomes relevant when the policymaker defends the peg.
He had his own philosophy of life and social order, and propounded, promoted and defended the ideology of this dispensation.
He aggressively defended himself and denied any inaccuracies in the story of how he learned of the spoon.
Future interests are better defended when longterm effects of public decisions are visualised.
Likewise, new structures of popular support have to be defended, or abandoned.
Recruitment of unemployed and often violent youth who were more interested in looting than in defending citizens only added to the country's troubles.
Measuring parasite aggregation : defending the index of discrepancy.
He notes that ' some linguists have defended that view ' (p. 1185).
A symmetrical analysis of pre- and postverbal focus is defended.
The book, however, displays many assumptions about what makes ' good ' nursing care, and few are explained or defended.
Litigants acquired a new vocabulary for defending their interests and constructing their family history to suit those interests.
Such a concept of honour can not only be claimed but also defended and implemented.
They lived in hovels which often crested the tops of isolated hills where approach was immediately discovered and easily defended.
The theory defended here unifies both accounts seamlessly.
There was also a ' pro ' side to the luxury debate which defended the right of consumers to buy and wear what they pleased.
He defends + with clarity, sense, and good humor + the suggestion that there really is no such thing as incomparability of desires, values, or outcomes.
Is there any prioritarian betterness relation that cannot be defended on the basis of egalitarian reasoning?
The various positions taken by writers defending and attacking the current practice of exemptions are outlined.
The question is to what extent this normative framework will be acceptable and satisfactory to those defending the equal value of life principle.
One is the nature of consciousness, where he has developed and defended a form of higher-order thought theory.
The authors went to great lengths in defending this thesis.
Fences also came to stand in the stead of the landowner in defending farms against human or animal trespass.
By defending liberty and not explicitly rejecting equality, however, they ended up sounding very much like liberals.
In fact some, such as the miners' union, clearly defended traditional sporting recreations such as coursing.
Technology, in short, will focus less on defending against an external threat by regular forces and more on providing security against an internal one.
A framework is a means of perception, that is why it is defended with desperate instinct by those holding it.
Pearse defended his approach by stating that this was a modest scale.
Nineteenth-century legislators, judges, and commentators defended associations not as alternatives to a legal-constitutional state, but as constitutive components of it.
Unitarians, that is, the liberals, wound up defending the practice of tax support, thinking in 1833 that it primarily benefited them.
In these forums, causal stories are fought for, defended and sustained by the actors of the policy network.
Although the thesis is very plausible, it is not at all easy to see how it might be defended.
I shall in this paper give an analysis of this talk, with a view both to explaining what it means and to defending its coherence.
A presumption that it is not feasible cannot be defended.
In his utilitarianism he attempted to provide a normative foundation for the middle-level policies and principles which he endorsed and defended.
In five of the six act book samples, university members defended less than 2% of all office prosecutions.
From the plants' perspective, the number of ants per unit of photosynthetic area to be defended is an important allocation parameter.
The oral thesis he defended for his doctoral examination was related to the above-mentioned problem of reversion of series.
The approach and viewpoint based on satisficing is cogently defended and will prompt studies by psychologists and sociologists.
Therefore, from this modification of the resource-availability hypothesis we predict leaves to be better defended in temperate than tropical plants, other factors being equal.
Therefore, they defended this right with vehemence, in particular if the city council tried to restrict it.
The author recognizes, but defends himself against, accusations that the work is overly descriptive.
The final challenge in defending disjunctive minimalism is showing that it can fit into a sufficiently coherent general ethical theory.
I call into question this strategy for defending a libertarian order.
The financial gold standard was defended as a universal standard that liberated international trade by ensuring convertibility.
The president later defended in public the right of civil society to peaceful protest.
The committee's motivation for ardently defending a hereditarian explanation of mental defect arose from politics and propaganda.
In this way, the dean consistently defends and reproduces middleclass ideology, even as he believes himself to be disinterestedly conserving the virtues of high culture.
My own position is that value judgments can be rationally defended or criticized.
Though they may have defended local interests, they also frequently established an exclusionary control based on personalism, corruption, intimidation, and violence.
The participants defended three different theoretical views, mostly inspired by processual archaeology.
On the other hand, there were state employees who strongly defended certain works of art.
He was also an influential behind-the-scenes support of literary works defending orthodoxy.
Neoclassical economics, despite its shortcomings, is often defended as providing the 'best explanation' of a wide variety of economic phenomena.
Becoming the person that others take us to be may be an essential means of defending the self against further attack.
However, the results are completely coherent with the view of seeing which is being defended here.
The cooperation bias shows that the advantage from using game-theory models, eliminating the "noise" generated by uncontrollable social interactions, can no longer be defended.
Much correspondence was generated, and few defended the police.
Indeed, until about a decade ago, very few organized groups defended diffuse interests in trade policymaking.
Interest groups defending diffuse interests may also be disadvantaged to the extent that specific resources, such as money or expertise, are important.
On the other hand, budget caps are usually defended as an attempt to transcend the perceived limitations of both entitlement and discretionary rules.
Since we were not aiming for a military victory we concentrated our efforts on taking and defending territory in the nation's capital.
Therefore, the balance of power in the defending country between the protected sector and the export sector becomes crucial.
Thus, what we have defended here is hardly worth calling purgatory.
He defends this view by rejecting the independence constraint on neutralizers.
In the second section he defends the coherence of such an idea.
Such a view of freedom is not fashionable, and defending it adequately is a tricky business.
He has himself just evoked a situation in which an assertion is made, explained, and then defended.
The process of formulating and defending their ideas in discussions with peers seemed likely to help solidify a student's knowledge and clarify mistaken beliefs.
Although nothing came of this, it showed how far the president had traveled in a brief span of time toward defending world order.
Without defending the well-rehearsed shortcomings of these sources, it would have been fairer to acknowledge their uses, for we would be worse off without them.
The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.
Here males attempt to acquire harems on the move rather than on topographically defended areas.
They may be defended simply because in certain circumstances not helping is to be preferred to helping.
Since 1979 the programme of privatization has been defended with a mixture of ideological and pragmatic arguments.
The problem is not just one of specialist areas defending their territorial interests.
She defends a society threatened by chaos and monstrosity.
The third strand of policy prescriptions calls for a government policy that defends, but does not interfere with, what he calls 'mediating structures'.
Attacking ideologues on the left and the right, he also defended the occasional mistakes or weaknesses of those in the middle by appealing to pragmatism.
Thus, children with coercive attachment patterns scored significantly higher on the measure of disruptive behavior than children with balanced or defended patterns.
Leaving semantic issues largely aside, we present the normative and methodological criteria by which value-neutral and preference-free accounts of freedom have been defended.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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