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词汇 example_english_criticize

Examples of criticize

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
All sorts of wrong ways of doing things and destructive acts were exposed and criticized, and ideological problems were clarified.
However, advocates have criticized the amendments for not doing enough for ordinary consumers and continue to demand further changes to the court system.
Numerous sets of cases have been proposed and criticized by linguists and computational linguists.
They were expected to take part, but they were also criticized for doing so.
If that decision is perceived as incor rectly applying the rule, it may be criticized for its failure.
Furthermore, members of the community (and perhaps even outsiders) are criticized for failing to in the appropriate conditions.
Although he expressed dissatisfaction with the existing poor law and its administration, the report's proposals were criticized as undemocratic and bureaucratic.
My own position is that value judgments can be rationally defended or criticized.
Public benefits are sometimes criticized on grounds that they incur a large unfunded liability that future generations will have to meet.
Similar contrasts figure in the other chapters, but, happily, their focus is more on demonstrating ethnomethodological inquiry than on criticizing other approaches.
Yes, that is extreme, and such views can be criticized.
By repeating our message frequently and criticizing policies and procedures, we established a record.
The vocabulary taught is criticized as 'useless' and 'never used'.
The above studies could be criticized on a number of methodological issues.
In the late 1980s, and through the early 1990s, immigrant policies were criticized strongly, as government policies were seen as stigmatizing.
At one extreme is the well-publicized option of unilateral euroization15, heavily criticized on legal grounds.
Such a view is rightly criticized as empty unless it supplies content to those prior duties.
We have examined and criticized a significant part of his attempt to prove the first premise.
Such correlational studies have been criticized for lacking a clear foundation in cognitive theory.
I am justly criticized for writing the target article in the absence of such behavioral analysis.
The journalist criticized the pilot of the travelers who was drinking too much.
The journalist criticized the pilot of the traveler who was drinking too much.
To date, political theorists have focused more on criticizing old approaches than on developing new and better ones.
Theorists have also criticized both the nationbuilding and language maintenance approaches as unfeasible and potentially unjust.
Nondirective counseling, in particular, is criticized for its lack of ethical backbone in the face of these legitimate ethical dilemmas.
Romantic musical experience as described and criticized by him shares many features with the earlier sentimental aesthetic.
Economists of all persuasions are fond of criticizing government policies.
Rottschaefer criticizes our "speculative cost/benefit estimate" for religion as unsupported.
In terms of, with terms generalized to create a vague all-purpose connective, is currently popular, and frequently criticized.
He began by criticizing the current engineering theory, then developed what he claimed to be the correct hydrodynamic theory, and paused.
Our new p. d. f. could also be criticized; however, we believe it to contain more of the relevant physics than do other models.
The decision not to include taboo words has been widely criticized.
In these lectures he sharply criticized accepted views of mathematics and physics.
He did not endorse the definition he gave, but criticized its lack of analytic rigor and philosophical sophistication.
He argues, for example, that "understanding" a text is different from "explaining" a text, and he criticizes historians who fail to recognize this important dichotomy.
In the end, the ministry was intermittently criticized for enriching minority entrepreneurs and infringing on the privileges of minority vested interest.
Opposition groups have not ceased in criticizing the treaty and calling for its abrogation.
He criticized its "inexplicitness", a common complaint made about the advice of pandits and qazis.
The use of needs assessment in priority setting has been criticized.
Whatever the system provided it was liked and seen to be convenient by some, but criticized by others.
The models of the first family are criticized because of their decontextualized character.
A critic, qua interlocutor, contributes therefore not only as a passive interpreter but also as a co-constructor of the theory she criticizes.
He uses only such assumptions, observations, and arguments as could in principle also be used by the scholars criticized.
Although historians of science have justly criticized his boundless credulity, aimless empiricism, and exasperating eclecticism, he was nevertheless master of his craft.
Qualitative research is often criticized as being very vulnerable for this kind of bias.
In conclusion, the use of quality scales and checklists is increasingly criticized.
Although many of the studies can be criticized on various technical grounds, they seem likely to have reached the correct conclusion.
To see why this argument does not work, it is worth briefly considering the position that is being criticized.
Later, in chapter 10, it is criticized for not accounting for the use of metaphor in social interaction.
The often criticized tangle of plots and subplots in a typical eighteenth-century libretto had one very important function.
However, tephrosia and sesbania intercrops were also criticized by many far mers, due to high labour requirements.
He criticized what he called "literary decadence," where meaning resides in flashes of insight but not in the text as a whole.
None of this, however, prevents him from criticizing the "people," his fellow citizens, for their failure to rise against the empire.
At least, he wasn't criticizing us even though he had a lot of provocation.
Furthermore, standards are not a static set, but may themselves be criticized and transformed, in reference to other standards, goals, or values, held temporarily constant.
Man-machine metaphors permeated public discourse so deeply that it proved impossible to step outside this metaphorical language even for the sake of criticizing it.
The neuroanatomical inferences drawn from the neuropsychological data can be criticized as being simplistic as most neuropsychological functions involve networks of brain regions.
However, more recent work has criticized these models and branched out into new directions.
In the 1980s the primary healthcare system was increasingly criticized for its bureaucracy, poor access to care, poor continuity of care, and ineffectiveness.
Although this has been criticized previously (11), waiting lists are still a major health policy issue in many countries.
Psychological research was profoundly criticized at the end of the 1940s for its detachment from neurophysiology.
Widely used measurements of economic growth which omit the depletion and degradation of the environment and natural capital are severely criticized.
However, a text can be criticized only by producing another text and not by burning books.
Comparative frameworks used for the study of dialect in child language have been justifiably criticized.
The history of science is usually perceived in terms of innovation, change, criticizing and breaking with older ideas.
The related concepts of resilience and sustainability are often criticized as vague and are therefore considered in this paper as the search for a threshold.
The perspective of rational egoism proves highly useful for criticizing oppressive commitments.
The empirical tests are criticized for several reasons.
Many public involvement initiatives have been criticized for assigning to the public a reactive rather than a proactive role.
Because all models are wrong, they are easily criticized.
By the same token, one could rhetorically ask what is the point of criticizing a university's symphony orchestra.
The critics are criticized, not the reigning powers.
The liberal national commissions over the years had little religious representation and, sometimes, were even criticized for inviting religious testimony at their public hearings.
He tried to dictate how she dressed, he criticized her cooking, and he ordered her not to go out alone.
Laboratory studies have been criticized for failing to elicit the same degree of emotion as do real life events.
By stressing internationalism and criticizing the bourgeois national ideologies they kept the critique of nationalism and nation-states alive in the epoch of triumphant nationalism.
The experimenter responded by mildly criticizing the child's work and asking the child to draw another circle.
In this theory, choices can be predicted, explained, criticized or justified in terms of the subjective beliefs and preferences of agents.
In the second place, the evidence supporting the hypothesis that gamma synchronization is involved in solving the binding problem has also been criticized.
Economists are regularly criticized for carrying methodological ("metaphysical" would be the more appropriate word in the typical context of debate) individualism to silly extremes.
However, in the late 1930s, the resulting plans were criticized on account of their uniformly 'sown' rows of houses and lack of community centres.
Both are worth criticizing for their incompleteness ; the lack of reference to several basic works on syntax and syntactic categories is particularly regrettable.
Her most common reaction was to fight back by criticizing her attacker.
He criticizes the idiosyncratic nature of much contemporary theology; all these 'theologies of' are a distraction from substantial theological reflection.
In this article he criticizes the past use of small series of cases and 'the common lack of a co-ordinated plan for the therapeutic experiment'.
Each of these studies can be criticized for design errors, and these specialized beds are not in routine use at present.
Nevertheless, many feminist psychologists are criticizing the dominance of traditional, male-oriented methods and the marginalization of" feminine" forms.
Egalitarian feminism also tries to bring women into psychology's subject matter by criticizing and developing the conventional psychology of women.
Finally, archaeology either confirms and justifies the existing conditions and configurations, or it criticizes them.
In many other disciplines authors have since long observed and criticized the tendency to take the existence of stable subjects for granted.
Indirect estimates of gene flow and dispersal rates have been extensively criticized.
They have to be exposed, criticized, belabored, used up.
Towards the end of the book, he includes a sub-section which criticizes personal hedonism.
They were sometimes heavily criticized for taking part in discussions of matters that should be beyond the interests of modest and virtuous women.
When the initial presentation of a very broad approach is at issue, one can hardly go wrong in criticizing it for vagueness.
The argument being criticized holds that the interests of those who lose by the minimum wage deserve special consideration because of freedom.
Hoover does something remarkable in his paper: he criticizes a philosophical argument by means of a piece of social science.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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