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词汇 example_english_count

Examples of count

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Cyst counts were transformed to instantaneous rates of infection.
Cattle were infested artificially with 2 x 10000 larvae and the engorging adult females counted.
The photon counting histogram in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy.
All that counts is the attainment of the absolute values.
The analysis is, however, suspect on several counts.
Then this layer will be counted in (1).
Thus, the common use of the egg counts to measure the reproductive capacity in echinostome infections should be reevaluated.
Ratios between mean counts in striatum and cerebellum were calculated.
We also examined our data by counting the number of interviews in which the twin reported a depressive episode for the various time periods.
Cells were then collected by trypsinization and counted.
The number of black pixels was counted in a standardized square positioned over each band.
First, if several pieces of information that together answer the question are spread over several answer ranks, the lowest rank counts.
Since much of what follows depends on counting individual discrepancies, we should be explicit about how we have individuated discrepancies in our sample.
On the other hand, where identical discrepancies occur in the analysis of separate instances of identical wording, each instance is counted separately.
Each of the models described above is formulated to enforce a hypothesized constraint on the counts in the contingency table.
Language use counts as semiotic activity when it serves to enact pragmatic effects, such as the marking of relationships and the inhabitance of identities.
Adverbial phrases able to signal any type of past event, such as over the past ten years in (8), were not counted as disambiguating adverbials.
First, one obtains an estimate of the hiring rates by counting the number of employment relationships with tenure of less than a month.
Also, a global variable v is maintained for counting the recursive steps.
Data were collected through videotaped observations, which were then transcr ibed, measured by counting words, and analysed for conversational opportunities.
Each sentence of a multisentence turn was counted as a separate token.
Tokens of each type were counted per informant.
In the following sections, we describe how these parsers were employed to obtain counts for the nominalisation interpretation task and compare their performance.
Data are mean s. e. from at least three independent experiments were counted.
Although far less frequent, some axons were seen to be ensheathed by an oligodendrocytic process; such axons were counted as 'myelinated'.
A problem with the phrase-level scores is that a single error may be counted multiple times.
The meaning of a proposition is given by what counts as a verification of it.
He counts on the superior influence of lyrical ballads.
Borrowings were coded by counting the number of times participants used words from the nontarget language.
The syllable frequency counts used in the current experiment were words per million counts occurring in this database.
The final counts for the main rating task were 12 words, 10 sentences, 1 read paragraph, and 1 spontaneous paragraph.
Today, the age of the moon is counted after the new moon, when the moon is near the sun and invisible.
Charcoal counts were not conducted on the 1984 cores because of the goals of the research at the time.
Frequency counts for each dependent variable were also calculated.
I have counted a transfer as one of sale in those cases where property was transferred to a person not obviously related to the transferor.
The devar keeps combing and counting the hairs on his bhabhi's head! !
The value and application of politeness and what counts as politeness depend on the discourse domain and the par ticipants involved.
Frequency counts were carried out for the number of mentions in each category.
However, this explanation is weak on two counts.
If people are to take voting seriously, they should see that their vote counts.
Only 3 coracidia were counted in 21 % of the first counts (after 2 h) and in 23 % of the second counts (after 8 h).
The slide was examined under 1000r magnification, and the number of flagella counted for each exflagellating gametocyte.
Three and 2 blood samples on days 7 and 14 p. i., respectively, were coagulated, and could not be used for blood counts.
To reconstruct the counts for the two cell-types let us define mt to be the total number of cells counted.
Cells may be counted more than once or not at all if they migrate into adjacent squares.
The number of pumps, as observable from grinder movements, was counted within an interval of 20 sec.
Mosquitoes that had ookinetes after 24 h or oocysts on day 7 post-infection were considered as ' infected ', and their parasite load was counted.
Finally, a final syllable, whether heavy or light, counts as heavy if it is so specified in the template (anceps).
Consider what exactly counts as a proposition syntactically.
To make the data manageable, only motion verbs in the past tense are counted.
If -ed is missing, the utterance is counted as uninflected (see [36]).
If overt tense marking is supplied, the verb is counted as inflected (see [35]).
Considerably more of the variance could be explained when segmental error counts were included in the regression model.
As a result, counting every language as a variable would have produced statistically unreliable results.
In the same manner, lack of social stress was counted as a resource if less stress was undergone than given.
The problem of disease worked on both these counts.
Thus, it will become a very contingent question as to what counts as color vision and what it is that is represented in color experience.
Each counting area was 1 cm2 and all whitefly eggs and pupae within the area were counted.
To assess the calibration it was important to use statistical models that were not biased by the high frequency of zero counts in the data.
We usually think not, because we carefully define the application of counting so as to exclude the coalescing of drops.
The total number of plants and ears were counted in each plot at the time of harvest.
Immediately prior to harvest, a 3 m2 area was dug from each sub-plot and the plants counted and topped by hand.
Radioisotope activity was estimated by placing 1 ml of plasma in 19 ml distilled water into counting vials.
The book succeeds on the first two counts, but falls short of providing a satisfying analysis of social relations.
The number of eggs was counted once or twice each week and tests were maintained until the female died.
When it had been ascertained at what temperatures the maximum number of each species was seen, the counts were thereafter made when these conditions obtained.
After 72 h, dead nymphs could be counted more accurately.
The number of eggs in each batch was counted.
All ticks attached were counted, and all nymphs and adults were collected into tubes with damp paper and transported live to the laboratory.
Thereafter, numbers of spring migrants were counted and removed daily.
At the morphosyntactic level, the issue of what counts as evidence of language differentiation appears to have been settled.
Twenty-four hours later, the plants were checked to see if the founding aphid had settled and any nymphs produced were counted.
The randomization statistic was the correlation coefficient between counts from 10,000 randomizations.
Since this was a kind of truck, it was counted as a left-headed compound.
A number of potential two-word combinations were not counted as compounds for a number of reasons.
The number of content elements are counted from here on; they do not have to occur literally.
The number of complete words spoken by the patient, including recognizable paraphasia, is counted.
Can children and adults focus on sound as opposed to spelling in a phoneme counting task?
Indeed, he takes pains on every one of these counts to show that the opposite is closer to the truth.
Therefore, verb forms' relative frequency counts may predict the likelihood of their selection by the affected subjects.
The counts were natural log transformed, after being augmented by 1 to avoid 1n(0).
The method is based on counting finite self-avoiding walks.
In summary, counting pitted erythrocytes provides an excellent and quantitative method with which to evaluate splenic function.
Distances between atoms within a single residue are not included in the counts.
Three raters, who were unaware of treatment groupings, observed and counted the reaches.
Each green (positive) cell was counted as one viral particle.
However, in many developing countries, vast numbers of children are born but never counted, and their health and welfare throughout their lives remains unknown.
What is less clear is what counts as simple.
What counts as a subtype of action versus a basic-level action?
The number of steps needed to complete the circle were counted.
As in the past, temporary migrants were not counted with the population of the towns they were actually living in.
On both counts the contingent as incitement of method elicits an unconsciousness, a necessary inaccess for the philosophical at several entrances to its own constitution.
Theoretical linguistics should find this book of value on two counts.
Our instrument for measuring the wealth of the urban notables is clearly far from perfect: the image it gives is irremediably distorted on several counts.
The bottom phase was evaporated to dryness, dispersed in liquid-scintillation cocktail and counted by liquid-scintillation spectroscopy.
Although none of the counts' castles were on such a large scale, the majority of them underwent a similar transformation.
Instead of a faceless figure behind the scenes, he was obviously a person who counted.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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