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词汇 example_english_continuity

Examples of continuity

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Our particular interest is to identify (dis)continuities in the transformation from a colonial to an independent state.
Perhaps the relative stability of the 12 families explains some of the continuities.
The continuities can be striking, most notably at the apex of power.
Such continuities are important, not least because they concern the human context within which the new top political elite functions.
In the present case, the historically grounded theory that we propose tends to emphasise continuities rather than ruptures.
Not surprisingly, the transition to democracy has incorporated many institutional continuities with the past.
One therefore has to be explicit as to which kind of continuities between people of different historical periods are suggested.
Can any subcutaneous continuities be traced beyond the obvious differences in argumentation?
Rather, the discipline manifestly learns about itself by probing discontinuities (as well as continuities) within what it has reclaimed as its own history.
We selected three communities who have had historically different relationships with land and forests for detailed analysis to capture the dynamics of change and continuities.
Both learning and popular culture had been oriented to the outside, and the continuities of the indoors and outdoors.
Monuments are functional in the explication of continuities and discontinuities, of similarities and dissimilarities.
Writing a ' history of old age ' suggests that it is meaningful to talk of an institution having ' continuities ' which reach back over hundreds of years.
In the process, he implicitly asks the question: what continuities and discontinuities can be observed as every generation seems to rediscover its own 'underclass'?
The resulting descriptive schemes clearly contradicted one another: the one stressed radical breaks, the other demonstrated underlying continuities in the history of a nation's art.
I would contend that the continuities persisted much further into the 1830s than this. 15.
The historical perspective enables both important continuities and breaks to be analysed.
Such broad continuities provide regional traditions of interpretation (in which archaeology is no exception), and consistent sets of interests.
Despite these continuities, the spatial, temporal, and economic conditions for performance and spectatorship were beginning to change.
My first critical concern is with the inherent tendency to look for splits and continuities in the archaeological material that may not always be there.
The continuities in policy from the middle 1950s are more obvious.
However, more significant were the continuities that persisted in the show, not least the maintenance of violence.
A major objective has been to trace important continuities in indigenous dynamics and networks from the pre-colonial period onwards.
Much of the essential detail - continuities, context, the force of personality - is lost when subsumed under the paradigm.
To recognize continuities between disorder and nondisorder, one must know how to recognize clear cases of each.
Both conceptual and methodological continuities and discontinuities were observed among the three periods.
First, the cosmic dimension deals with continuities and changes in connections between past and present, including links to earlier generations.
Rather than search for continuities, other critics have preferred to concentrate on analyzing individual ensembles or arias instead.
Any unity is at the same time multiple, not in the sense of a group of elements, but of a continuum crossed by other continuities.
The process of postwar reconstruction involved many continuities with pre-war patterns of economy and society.
The significant political and institutional continuities meant that the movements had no realistic hope of defining the political agenda.
The question then becomes, what were the connections and continuities between the two movements ?
A number of studies testify to their underclass continuities.
The key themes include an assessment of continuities and changes, with respect to a wide range of issues.
However, this understanding of consensual practice has emphasized continuities over changes.
His approach not only brings the continuities to light but illustrates more sharply the discontinuities.
Arguably, there were significant continuities in plague policies well into the first decade of the new century.
In such continuities lie the importance of the metaphor of the chamber.
A more complete analysis reveals important discontinuities that may be more instructive for comparative purposes than the continuities emphasized by the authors.
The prefaces also highlight continuities between the source text and translation.
When the forms of rule employed by colonial state and postcolonial state are viewed from the same perspective, interesting continuities are revealed.
There are some striking continuities over this long period.
In contrast to other models, this model interrelates evolutionary potentialities and continuities in subsistence technology and cognition in the hominoid clade.
A third criterion of the work-unit system used to stress continuities has been the use of social welfare practices and fringe benefits.
The link between the past and the present was also clear in the literati's emphasis on continuities embedded in samajik transitions.
Intergenerational continuities and discontinuities in serious parenting difficulties.
However, despite the great deal that is yet unknown, there appear to be striking continuities between the animal and human literatures.
He unearths interesting material, but in assembling chronologically scattered fragments of evidence, is too keen to see continuities.
As suggested by the ecological-transactional model, we observed continuities in children's contexts and functioning over time.
Unfortunately, evidence is accumulating that the psychopathologies of childhood are rarely single episodes but frequently show powerful continuities throughout childhood and into adulthood.
The study of linkages across time is perhaps the most defining of developmental psychopathology in that it contains the basis for continuities and discontinuities.
Several new trends have emerged in the conceptualization, as well as the methodologies used to study cultural differences and continuities in development.
Among these continuities and discontinuities is the course of symptoms of depression.
Our study examined the continuities in depression from adolescence to young adulthood for both males and females.
To what extent does our normatively charged notion of "person" presuppose a self that is integrated by continuities of memory, experience, and agency?
Second, she emphasizes throughout the continuities between the colonial and the postcolonial period.
The need to accommodate or manipulate the resultant changes and continuities results in the dialectic identified here.
Second, there may be even less reason to expect continuities across grade levels, and every reason to expect differences.
Again, the emphasis is upon continuities before and after independence.
Classification of psychosis lacks a biological basis and current diagnostic categories may obscure underlying continuities.
The first expects changes to be documented during the turbulent time of dynastic collapse but continuities in space and material culture to be retained.
The second part of the essay will examine the proposed continuities in the light of anthropological theory.
Very striking in this book is the stress on the continuities of street culture, although the author properly points out the remarkable changes.
Because gender slurs decrease in 1844 and 1848, however, we track only meaningful continuities and deviations, as we explain the decline.
Now that continuities across historical periods have been identified, we turn our attention toward the specifics of each decade being examined.
On the other hand, much work has still to be done sorting out the continuities and discontinuities across the life span.
The development of any academic discipline involves both continuities and discontinuities.
To date, no observational research has examined the longitudinal continuities between adolescent - family interactions and hostile behavior with peers in young adulthood.
There were, of course, continuities: no clear, sharp, decisive break can be discerned, associated with any particular incident or event.
The evidence of continuities in pre- and post-divorce grandparenting is more compelling than evidence of changes.
Chapter 3 presents some major findings, in particular, that pre- and post-divorce grandparenting is notable more for its continuities than its changes.
The entirety of these kibbutz museum projects is infused with hierarchy in the invention of otherness, and in the contrasts and continuities they promote.
Such an approach also allows for the examination of continuities and discontinuities in phenomenology.
Whatever continuities exist, there are many clear cases of disorder and nondisorder.
Given the continuities between oral and written language, the abilities involved in grammatical and discourse competence constitute basic components of literate competence.
There are also other continuities with the past.
Identity, in persons or societies, presumes that there are some core principles, some essential continuities that cannot change if the thing is to remain itself.
A taxonomical concept of style is used in either case, focusing interest on continuities and breaks within a tradition.
If one considers permanent employment and the absence of labor markets central characteristics of the work-unit, the question of continuities over the 1949 divide is a moot point.
One of the striking features of the study concerns continuities with the experiences of other women.
As a broad story about the nature of the continuities and more important, the discontinuities that make human cognition the flexible tool that it is, this is an appealing model.
Visual typology in design tinues to be used as an analytical and classification tool to help understand continuities, similarities, and variations of different designs through history.
Such continuities, which it has taken fifty years to recognise, seem more like wishful thinking than traditions.
There remain certain continuities which should give us pause.
In discussing pre-war crime, we must be faithful both to the continuities and also to the sometime surprising" permissiveness" of the interwar years.
Often, they employ dominant discourses of human gender to interpret other primates' behaviour, and then use these interpretations to claim continuities with human behaviour.
By comparing different meanings from different contexts he is able to find continuities between meanings and contexts.
Perhaps this issue of the continuities and discontinuities of faith and poetry needs a more delicate analysis.
Moreover, some of the apparent continuities can be questioned.
While portraying complex and episodic themes, these projects paid close attention to contextual morphologies and continuities of figure, ground, edge and street.
In addition, the links to radio and the continuities with radio production are often ignored.
The two texts here are important in that, covering several years, they present quite a coherent picture of the continuities of the chosen courts' procedures.
First, there were significant continuities between the early modern and modern periods in terms of perceptions and practices of treatment of the delinquent child.
The child is the father of the man, personality continuities from childhood to adulthood.
Historical studies of major natural disasters offer invaluable insights into a society by revealing long-term themes and continuities.
The approaches understate the importance of lifetime continuities in respect of class- and genderrelated inequalities.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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