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词汇 example_english_construction

Examples of construction

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Each run can be taken as a record of an agent's memory constructions history.
The second par t takes up linguistic practices in relation to the social practices and gender constructions that the first par t has established.
In addition, individual lexical items are eventually related into more general constructions, as we will see later.
In other words, these personal nullsubject constructions lie at the extreme end of specificity of reference.
If we make the very conservative assumption that these three constructions are independent, we find an average category validity of 0.33 for constructions.
To examine children's use of syntactic information, two constructions in which there is a conflict between the referential and syntactic information were included.
According to the form-based criteria of a traditional account, these constructions are not passives.
All three constructions are treated as long distance dependencies triggered by a gap or a clitic (section 6n1).
The filler sentences made use of different kinds of syntactic constructions.
Constructions also specify linking relations for combination with other constructions in their semantic structures.
One only has to think of the well-known unnaturalness of logical ' or ' and ' if - then ' constructions.
On the other hand, the nouns in such constructions have many of them.
Minor register variation patterns are introduced by variation in equational and copula verb constructions, and by avoidance of some of the case variables.
Progress in this direction will be made once the semantics of given constructions are more carefully studied.
Section 3 discusses how the present approach divides up the class of ing constructions.
The literature contains few observations on the complexity limits of these constructions.
The structures in (27) are sentence-focus presentational constructions which introduce into discourse quantified sets of entities, and predicate their behaviour.
I was disappointed that the discussion of productivity in syntax completely failed to mention the now sizeable literature on constructions in syntax.
Differential case marking, split intransitivity, degrees of transitivity, control, impersonal constructions, dative subjects, and psychological verbs are just some of the many topics addressed.
In classifier constructions, the verb's movement represents spatial motion or location, while the handshape represents the argument in motion or being located.
What syntactic constructions are best explained by assuming the existence of this event argument ?
With the constraints on linear structure in place, it becomes rather straightforward to fully specify different clausal constructions.
The peculiarities of many of these constructions look as if they might reflect extensions of normal selection relations.
Do they occur more often or resist language change more stoutly than constructions which deviate further (as far as we can tell) from familiar forms ?
They occur as the subject in subject-to-subject raising constructions, and as objects in subject-to-object raising constructions.
All contemporary approaches recognize passive constructions, and provide some means of relating their properties to those of corresponding actives.
They also claim that base-generation accounts of such constructions (both parts being base-generated in situ) do not fare any better.
The fact that this interpretation is also characteristic of impersonal constructions suggests that a uniform interpretation is associated with subjectless forms of personal verbs.
They function as the unexpressed argument in control constructions.
Generalizations of the verb-centered instances emerge gradually as the verb-centered categories themselves are analyzed into more abstract argument-structure constructions.
First, they are all of relatively high frequency, especially in the constructions or phrases in which the liaison consonant appears.
The determinernoun and clitic pronoun-verb constructions retain the liaison alternation, whereas other constructions are variable or have lost liaison entirely.
The weight-loss group generated narrative strategies and opportunities for its members that were informed by both cultural constructions of ageing and the organisation's interests.
As shown by this analysis, contemporary constructions of 'retirees ' relocate an extensive array of problems and solutions from the societal to the individual level.
Unconventional constructions with bir may be broken down into three categories.
Table 6 displays the different types of syntactic constructions found in the sample (3;2).
The purpose of the study was to document the manner in which children acquired their earliest to dative, for dative, and double-object dative constructions.
In the case of the dative constructions, this verb is give.
The focus of previous studies in this area has been limited to one or two wh-question constructions.
The discussion in the preceding paragraph might seem to imply that there exists a strong constraint on the transfer of focus constructions.
Many constructions, such as minors, involve subsets of the ground set; in such settings, we use the following definition.
Identities are theoretical constructions that enable us to read the world in specific ways.
Evidence against their interpretation as part of verbal constructions is as follows.
The acquisition of constructions with absent expletives was investigated by two methods.
Most of these have only assessed language use among simultaneous bilinguals, however, and have only investigated grammatical constructions.
Extended aspectual categories, as well as satellite constructions of various sorts, re-ect differences similar to those of verbal tense and aspect marking.
The acquisition process is explained within the framework of recent generative theory in which hve-clauses are assumed to be copular locative constructions.
The purpose of this paper is to present locally explicit constructions of asymptotically good packings and coverings.
The problems were relatively easy when the words were scrambled, altho ugh monosyllabic constructions were easier than the others.
Thus, both groups use intransitive active constructions when they use language to create a new play frame.
The choice of these constructions is closely related to the situational context, namely, to the child's ongoing activity.
However, this is clearly not sufficient to ensure consistently nativelike production and interpretation of pronominal subjects and subject placement in constructions at the syntax-pragmatics interface.
The verbs used in the narrative discourse constructions were also lexical items.
However, at these ages this difference was apparent in their contrasting use of noun-verb versus pronoun-verb constructions.
The contribution of argument structure constructions to sentence meaning.
As (4b) shows, these mostly took the form of constructions with a nongenitive subject or object, and were especially used following prepositions.
In conclusion, the three gerund constructions each have their own profile in terms of referential properties and the way they function in discourse.
I shall begin by considering some possible criteria for distinguishing between syntactic constructions and compounds.
A similar level of distance is then imposed on the conditional constructions subordinate to them.
As long as the constructions in (10a) and (10b) coexisted, the latter's aspectual value and biclausal syntax could be maintained.
In its broadest context, this is part of the diachronic typology of bare object constructions.
They are mental constructions, each corresponding to an openended set of actual instantiations, distributed throughout the time span during which the generalization holds.
In final contexts and late subject constructions longer subjects are more liable to invert.
Note that personal pronouns are arguably clitics in such constructions.
What is more relevant here, however, is the fact that the structural boundaries between these constructions might be difficult to draw.
Semantically, however, the two constructions differ in the degree to which the genitive referent is individuated.
With this in mind, this paper seeks to develop a syntactic analysis of these constructions.
Chapter 5 also contains brief treatments of other related constructions, notably presentational there-sentences in which a weakened, though discernible, de®niteness effect is found.
Connectivity can thus be considered to be a shared characteristic of the two constructions.
Going one step further, it may be argued that a similar complementary relationship is maintained between the three gerund constructions and the infinitive.
On this measure, seeing as though constructions turn out to be more speaker-centred than the other types.
In fact, of course, there is variation, or divided usage, in both constructions.
Exhaustive conditionals are dealt with twice, as though there were two quite separate constructions here - there isn't even a cross-reference between the two sections concerned.
The constructions in (5b-c), by contrast, are nominal: both have a notional argument expressed by means of an of-phrase.
Two new constructions are attested in the data.
The corpus data testify to this functional overlap by showing occasional instances of variation between the gerund constructions used in parallel environments.
The same can be said about the future perfect and the past perfect, but there are fewer constraints that apply to these constructions.
In this way, the aspectual difference between have and get is neutralized in the constructions with the perfect got.
The proposed account pays close attention to both verbs and constructions.
We have seen above that in a usage-based theory, constructions are abstractions over usage events.
In other words, it is not observed outside of constructions with either an overt or a contextually given dependent in®nitive.
What is new is her attempt to make an interpersonal meaning part of the semantics of inversion constructions.
Here is a summary of the behaviour of such constructions.
If constructions with distinct functions are in fact represented, the data must be resorted and re-counted before any statistics are accepted as linguistically meaningful.
Such as if constructions, however, are not plentiful after the mid 1590s.
I reserve the terms "masculinity" and "manliness" for those multifarious social constructions of the male current within the society.
If there is a weakness to his various exemplary constructions of authority, it is that their interconnections remain largely implicit.
The majority of these constructions employed a longitudinal plan which matched the form of the gallery on to which they opened.
A variety of constructions and problems remain undiscussed by the authors.
If so, this may be reckoned to have been a facade which was no longer encumbered with adventitious constructions.
Although the incidence was not high, an attempt was made to discover when such constructions might be likely to occur.
In general, the more frequent a form and the constructions it can appear in, the earlier children learn it.
The perceptual strategy is, however, maintained, presumably due to its usefulness in many other types of constructions.
Because constructions are an assembly of different materials and components, the actual effects of these changes determine the compatibility of the parts one with another.
While these are necessary measures for technical performance, they grossly distort the human dimension of environmental constructions.
Most people who attempt to learn a foreign language have great difficulty with syntactic concepts and constructions that do not occur in their own language.
Although this act of sanctified burial and commemoration relocates the disappeared person within society, it is clearly incompatible with certain constructions of the disappeared.
Research on bilingual children drew attention to these targetdeviant constructions in monolingual children, since the latter show them much less frequently than bilingual children.
One argument in favor of the separate language hypothesis is that monolingual children use the same type of (target-deviant) constructions during language development as bilinguals.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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