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词汇 example_english_constancy

Examples of constancy

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The righthand columns give constancies of species (number of forests with presence/number of all forests) for old forests and new forests, respectively, in the study region.
In tropical latitudes, patterns in seasonality are less pronounced because of the constancy in climatic characteristics.
The testing of brightness constancy by listening proved to be a more difficult problem.
In this paper, it has been found that one matching condition is the condition of constancy of the coefficient of the singular solution.
The constancy of is a good assumption over the wavelength scales of interest for the microscopic processes.
Cost fan tutte is based on a familiar conceit: a wager on the subject of female constancy.
Alternatively, imposing long-run constancy on the main demand shares in equations for subaggregates implies error correction models with nonlinear cointegration.
Moreover, both the principle of relativity and the constancy of the speed of light are connected with fundamental symmetry considerations.
The phenomenon of shape constancy may also be relevant to the question.
Further, because chromatic contrast requires only wavelength sensitivity, but constancy requires something more, it is likely that contrast evolved first.
Overall constancy in volume during deformation is suggested from the balance between fracture-related grain-scale dilatancy and solution-related volume loss.
Furthermore, caring for and maintaining an object's identity not only renders it identifiable among other objects; it also introduces a relative constancy over time.
The constancy assumption implies that it is not affected by impulses hitting the system.
Exploiting the assumed constancy of the rate of return on savings, marginal utility is treated as a fixed effect.
In the experimental hypnotism, the yardstick for a good subject was its constancy in displaying certain symptoms that could be translated into a regular curve.
The constancy of the manifestations of energy which we call law will never be perfect, because it will not be realized except in different conditions.
Constancy indices are high with sur faces of low saturation and progressively decrease with sur faces of increasing saturation.
With perfect constancy, the triangles and circles are coincident.
However, we cannot exclude that additional mechanisms are involved, which induce differences between color constancy and color contrast in higher areas in the visual system.
What is the neural substrate for color constancy and simultaneous color contrast?
The outer retinal model can adequately account for color constancy and color contrast and the small differences between them.
Constancy indices were very high (0.81- 0.93), varied with the color of the match object, and increased with the extent of the illuminant change.
Color contrast: a contributory mechanism to color constancy.
A phenomenon related to color constancy is simultaneous color contrast.
In this review, we will focus on one particular aspect of color vision: color constancy.
If the observer had perfect color constancy, that position would coincide with the position of the second illuminant circles!.
With regard to constancy, the situation is even more intriguing.
Is there not love in my heart, and constancy in my resolves?
Measurements of colour constancy by using a forced-choice matching technique.
Monge proposes that color contrast effects are by-products of the normal process of color constancy.
Static approaches that estimate consumers' or producers' surplus, assuming constancy of stocks of natural capital, ignore inter-temporal processes that determine ecological functioning.
The constancy of the velocity is also observed a t higher angles.
If ticks actively select their hosts, there should be some level of constancy in observations of tick-host associations.
Right temporal cortex is critical for the utilization of melodic contextual cues in a pitch constancy task.
In these analyses, which use repeated measures of symptoms assessed over a 20-year period as the dependent variables, constancy of measurement is required.
The constancy of the percept over time as another data sample is added with each exploratory movement is also rightly highlighted.
Color constancy seems impossible, and yet we have it.
Given small marginal returns to perceiving true color over achieving color constancy, however, the "optimal" receptor number may well be the number we have.
Here she clearly assigns old age a physical reality yet argues that we can manipulate this constancy.
In contrast, the indirect theory claims that speed constancy is a function of size constancy, constancy of the distance traversed by the moving object.
However, to say that this is an "illusion" is to ignore the determinants of object constancy.
An individual consumer's demand curve, which is derived from the utility function, is said to depend upon the constancy of the non-price determinants of demand.
The constancy of this oscillation on three continents and both hemispheres suggests the presence of a global environmental effect.
With this background, he regarded constancy, and the stoic inheritance in general, favourably but not uncritically.
Accordingly, we would like to argue that what constitutes a principle of linguistic change is not constancy across time but constancy across contexts.
The task of forecasting the subcomponents, under the restriction of long-run constancy of the total investment share, yields a relatively simple example for nonlinear cointegration.
Economic interpretation of environmentally nondegrading criteria, or the constancy of the natural capital stock, can be considered as the constant economic value of that stock.
Competency requires that each speaker employ the language's expressions with constancy, according to the standard established.
Color-constancy indices obtained with these experimental conditions were very high (0.81- 0.93) and increased with the extent of the illuminant change.
The visual system, for the most par t, tries to maintain perceptual constancy across a wide range of conditions.
A minimum square solution satisfying intensity constancy constraint and global smoothness constraint can be found by using an iteration method.
Each activity was practiced at least twice prior to recording to verify the constancy of task method.
An observer with perfect color constancy would therefore give "illuminant-change" responses only to this stimulus combination and "reflectance-change" responses to all the others.
Second, as the size of the adaptive field is increased color constancy improves.
Next, the model was evaluated with stimuli designed to test color constancy.
Together, these changes compensate for the large amount of red light and thus induce color constancy.
Until now, we have assumed that color constancy and color contrast are based on identical mechanisms.
One reason for this difference is that color constancy is more apparent than color contrast.
Furthermore, one has to realize that it is impossible for color constancy to arise before the color of an object has been calculated.
363 face perception to differentiate illuminant from material object changes such as in color and lightness constancy, although such an association remains to be demonstrated.
Problems with heterospecific pollen transfer among species may occur depending on the degree of floral constancy of individual bumblebee visitors.
A second component of pollinator behaviour, flower constancy, influences the effectiveness of a visit to a flower.
Color constancy does not depend on the familiarity of the observer with the object.
The early mechanism seems to involve chromatic spatial integration and performs the critical calculations for color constancy.
The text begins by placing the constancy of nature in opposition to the variety of human needs.
He was then able to generalize the relativity principle of mechanics and to formulate the hypothesis of the constancy of the speed of light.
Stated more abstrusely, the problem is not an absence of the constancy of conjunction between events but rather the non-recurrence of some causal events.
To get stronger support on the empirical constancy of the model, we estimate the main parameters of the model using recursive least squares.
As often as presidents articulated the changing nature of ideals or created new ideals, they also lauded the constancy of older, timehonored principles.
Interacting components of interspecific relative growth rate: constancy and change under differing conditions of light and nutrient supply.
Both with neutral and with chromatic surrounds, more than half of the sur faces had predicted constancy levels of 0.95.
Then, the constancy index is computed as 1 a0b.
The critical issue, however, is the distribution of responses, which may be summarized in terms of a color-constancy index.
Rather, we focus on color constancy when the spectral composition of the illumination changes.
We argued that the chromatic spatial integration needed for color constancy will automatically lead to color contrast.
An observer with perfect lightness constancy would have settings on this line.
The contribution of memory colours to colour constancy.
Although the degree of color constancy varied across this and other variations of the images, there was no reliable effect of illuminant color.
Even when the sky was eliminated from view, color constancy did not worsen.
Cone contrasts do not predict color constancy scene or the illuminant.
Granted, a high degree of constancy (whether of color or merely of lightness) may not be essential for some animals.
In recent philosophical and psychological discussions of color, much is often made of the supposed adaptive advantages of color constancy.
However, as in the object constancy example, a more complete account of the input eliminates the illusion.
The free-surface boundary condition, to be satisfied on the negative real -axis, is constancy of pressure.
They are comparable in that none of them pay attention to the number of houses connected or to the constancy of the supply.
Constancy of f in the directions at = 0 shows that the second partials in those directions vanish, giving the upper left block of zeros.
The answer cannot be found in a textbook (as with the perceptual constancies), but it is familiar and easily identified.
Lying seems to be bad simply because of certain constancies in human nature.
Other constancies may turn out to have similarly straightforward explanations.
Principles invoked to account for perceived color constancies might, for instance, share important mathematical properties with principles required to explain perceived shape constancies.
Indeed, perceptual constancies are only a puzzle if it is assumed that the visual system acts like a camera.
In this light, constancy in friendship is seen as a kind of grace or spiritual maturity, and inconstancy as sin.
The premise of the women's constancy limits the full range of this comic geometry but the invention within that restriction is unequalled in its freshness.
In making "correspondent inferences," they consider covariation over time, examine possible discounting factors, and question the constancy of a relation.
The shortcomings of the present paper primarily lie in two simplified assumptions: quasi-linear preference and the constancy of pollution emission rates.
His position is interesting and seems plausible with regard to "default" motion detection and aspects of colour constancy which he addresses.
The meaning content of certain dominant symbols possesses a high degree of constancy and consistency throughout the total symbolic system.
Second, stability does not imply fixity or constancy.
Speed constancy refers to the fact that perceived speed does not appear to change with changes in the viewing distance of the moving object.
Therefore, the nervous system constructs invariants, such as color and size constancy.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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