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词汇 example_english_compliant

Examples of compliant

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Compliance ranged from 5.8 to 97.4%, with 15/25 subjects determined to be greater than 70% compliant.
The more compliant chest wall of the dog may well limit these effects if it permits lateral chest wall expansion during exercise.
Today, there is little doubt that healthcare organizations are "law-saturated," if not always fully compliant with the law.
Examples exist in the documents of community agreements where villagers were not exactly compliant.
Even in the 1930s, women were not invariably 'docile' or compliant workers.
Their method could readily be extended to the simple anisotropic compliant wall of $2.
There is another consequence of the greater sensitivity of anisotropic compliant walls to damping.
The government, as part of this legislation, requires the prominent display of compliant signage.
Interviewees do not need to appear compliant or grateful to a social researcher.
Three patients were receiving both typical and atypical neuroleptics, three were unmedicated and one was non-compliant.
The system was compliant in the null space and stiff in the task space.
The method readily extends to multi-beam systems and can be used for other complicated flexible manipulators and compliant mechanisms.
Such a wrench will, in general, produce a six dimensional deflection in a compliant link.
We focus our study on the dynamic modelling problems of a compliant arm with six dimensional forces and deformations at the tip.
One of the topics is the implementation of alternative actuators replacing the widely spread electrical drives, in order to make lightweight structures and compliant joints.
As mentioned previously, the robot should be compliant to sudden shocks due to terrain irregularities.
The shank link was connected to the thigh link with a compliant elastic element.
The maximum compliant displacement x is of 0.5 mm while the compliant displacements y and z can be considered as negligible.
The focus is not on the patient and ways of making the patient compliant.
When the target position is below the surface, the end-effector is slid on the surface and a compliant force is applied to the surface.
Before use, the balloon was blown up and left overnight so that the latex would stretch and the balloon become compliant.
We shall assume that some resistance to the flow occurs near the lower rigid boundary and a t the upper surface, if it is compliant.
The larger and more compliant the reservoir, the higher wave energy is required to induce a visible pulsation of the blood velocity.
Topological synthesis of compliant mechanisms using multi-criteria optimization.
The experimental tests have been carried out by using a compliant plastic object.
The main disadvantage of compliant mechanisms is the difficulty of analysis due to nonlinearities in the geometry of mechanisms during large deflections.
Section 2 reviews related work and states our contribution to the field of behaviour-based approaches to compliant motion for robotic assembly.
The developed auto-switching method does not modify the existing designs of industrial robots, such as mounting a passive compliant device on the tip.
Although self-reporting is more common in the (initially) compliant firms, no significant difference in the self-reporting variable was found between the two groups.
He considered two- and three-dimensional, spatially growing instabilities over various compliant walls.
Evidently, there is a problem in distinguishing the mean flow from the disturbance for flow over compliant boundaries.
The answer to this question has important implications for the design of anisotropic and isotropic compliant walls.
While compliant as to religion, the parish resisted rapacity ; and where property was concerned, it was notably obstinate.
All the reports in the literature20-21 deal with the incidence of aneurysmal formation after a patch using dacron: a very stiff, non-compliant material.
The test should be that the architecture does easily - that is, enables a compliant model to do - what people do easily.
An architecture can be said to find a task easy if a compliant model increment suffices to build a model to do it.
To the extent that the model increment is compliant with the architecture, much of the credit or blame attaches to the architecture itself.
Two three-year-olds and two four-year-olds were classified as ' non-compliant ' children and did not complete the study.
A prerequisite of performing a work would then be that the relevant namespace-compliant modules must be available.
In young persons with compliant arteries, this wave arrives back to the aorta in diastole.
By this time a compliant court had been consolidated, which was part of the process of institution-building for the stabilisation of the post-revolutionary regime.
Trials on which infants did not respond but remained compliant and looking at the images were scored as missing.
By the same argument as in the case of grain, we take half of the non-compliant crop to be wasted.
Interviewees may feel obliged to appear compliant and grateful, and preoccupied with their health care and morbidity.
Several investigators have proposed that cardiac compressions occur in infants due to their compliant chest walls.
When the object shape is complex, however, the contact state changes several times and severely, making compliant control difficult.
The control makes the manipulator compliant in the null space and stiff in the task space.
Figure 15a shows the schematic of the leg with the compliant mechanism in the upper section.
Figure 24 shows the forces that have been measured by the others five sensors during the static grasping of an object made of compliant plastic.
Section 3 presents the compliant velocity/force impedance controller that guides our robot.
However, these methods do not have accuracies comparable to position sensing in rigid link robots because of the compliant nature of continuum devices.
The ankle-pitch angle trajectory of the swing leg is then determined based on the condition that it is always compliant with the ground surface.
They used the compliant ground model to demonstrate the soft-landing capability of their proposed robot.
Other efforts have been made to develop new compliant mechanisms that can perform several different assembly processes.
In particular, it dramatizes the contradictions inherent in the nineteenth-century ideal of passive and compliant femininity.
Were they quietly compliant or did they show resistance, and, if so how was this resistance countered?
Every livestock producer would be compliant throughout the period under question.
His development falls short of an explicit definition of what it means for one model to be more compliant than another.
The patient in this role was deferential, compliant, and regressed.
We attribute the absence of early diastolic filling to the obstructed and non-compliant nature of the right ventricle, with its hypertrophic myocardium and hypoplastic cavity.
We find negative pollution trends in most sectors in the noncompliant group, but mixed evidence in the compliant group.
What limits the performance of a compliant wall in the linear regime of transition is the occurrence of the hydroelastic, or flowinduced surface instabilities.
The other extreme, an abnormally large interatrial connection turns the right and left atrium in to a larger common compliant volume.
A fairly simple theoretical model of an anisotropic compliant wall has been developed.
The set of three equations (5.19)-(5.21) define the optimal wall properties for a non-dissipative compliant wall.
Another question was whether patients would compliant with respect to not taking additional creatine during the study.
Subjects were considered compliant if at that time, the remaining capsules reported were consistent with missing no more than 2 days of treatment.
Scores of 1 to 3 were classed together as being not fully compliant and a rating of 4 was termed compliant.
Pressures from higher echelons or personal ambition perhaps render participants compliant with linguistic or presentational changes whose significance is not immediately apparent.
Free precursors may also appear during the approach to the compliant limit.
The compliant motion control of a complex object is difficult for two reasons.
Converting the approximate gross motion into a compliant motion is a major challenge; results are expected in the near future.
Our ultimate goal is to develop tools for designing compliant mechanisms for passive assembly.
Additionally, the robot must be compliant to sudden shocks due to the rough ski terrain.
An example of this type would be whether a patient is compliant with a given treatment.
Further, in assembly operations, some form of compliant motion takes place and most of the time active force control is implemented.
The maximum compliant displacement x is of 0.3 mm while the compliant displacements y and z can be considered as negligible.
3i represents the angle of the compliant segment in its deflected position and 3io represents the angle of the compliant segment in its undeflected position.
Compliant joint properties can then be exploited to store motion energy, reduce control effort and absorb impact shocks.
The control should make the manipulator compliant in the null space.
Using the proposed algorithm the contact is compliant, without modification of the platform motor controller.
The waiter's arm holding a tray is very compliant but the hand itself is stiff.
In the following we will resort to the simple model constituted by a frictionless and elastically compliant plane.
In this way the compliant virtual walls can also be realized.
As mentioned above, there has been much work on the dynamic modelling of compliant mechanisms1,4-9 and many others.
Compliant elements in the drive train allow variable force gripping.
Thus, their results may generalize only to patients who are compliant with certain requirements of this kind of treatment.
The algorithm presented here is capable of generating satisfactory compliant motion control in spite of changing contact states.
Compliant motion can be achieved by either controlling the joint torques or by controlling the position command to a position-controlled manipulator.
Furthermore, a moving compliance frame method using the location of the contact point in stiffness control loop for compliant insertion has been presented.
The environment is assumed to contain compliant objects and the robot is required to use only its force/torque sensors in order to navigate.
They also derived a dynamical model of the robot, including compliant ground and actuator dynamics.
Consider a simple one degree-of-freedom robot with rigid end-point that is initially at non-contact with a compliant surface.
The advantages of compliant mechanisms over traditional rigid-body mechanisms are that they are more wear resistant due to the elimination of rubbing parts.
How compliant she is to his lead depends on the personal dynamics of the couple.
Equally, managers talked about male workers inflicting violence on otherwise tractable and compliant women workers to delegitimise union activities.
A similar inadvertent inversion occurred in the use of a protestant ethic vocabulary to contrast sales identity with the compliant, self-alienated, white-collar stereotype.
In this paper, we develop a mathematical model to describe interactions between tumour cells and a compliant blood vessel that supplies oxygen to the region.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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