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词汇 example_english_collision

Examples of collision

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In the radio model, the inability to choose direction of transmissions makes the straightforward colouring of the ring insufficient for avoiding collisions.
The total balance of the evolution is: two collisions and seven collapses.
The collisions of other combinations of waves that occur in solving- are simpler.
Note that for cylindrical semi-focusing billiards, the same happens for consecutive collisions with the flat boundary components.
All they do between collisions is to translate rectilinearly while rotating concomitantly.
No longer a result of perspectival extrusions and planar collisions, space is now a product of the hollowing and localized dissolutions of emergent landforms.
All these results assume finite horizon: that is, the free path between collisions must be bounded above.
Delivery rates are more efficient to protoplanetary discs, as the solid grains effectively sputter the incoming material in hypervelocity collisions.
Indeed, nebular drag and collisions would ensure that orbits with zero eccentricity were preferred.
Such rapid migrations increase the accumulation of small solids, particularly around the midplane, and enhances the rates of their collisions and coagulation to larger objects.
Now we know that there are villains who use magnetic devices at long distance in order to cause collisions.
The electron distribution function is assumed to be isotropic due to electron- electron collisions.
However, if the barrier is low, a significant fraction of collisions leads rapidly to a reaction event.
A high degree-of-redundancy is important especially when the manipulator is working in an environment with many potential collisions with obstacles.
With tactile sensors the collisions can be detected.
Once the density on axis rises above a critical value, then ion-ion collisions begin to dominate and a stagnated plasma column appears on the axis.
In any case, a proper analysis of the results of the propagation of electrons must take into account both collisions and electric effects.
Simultaneously, the electron gas loses energy towards the lattice thanks to electron-phonon collisions.
Consider the free streaming motion during the mean time between collisions.
While for such a low charge state, space-charge effects are minimal, charge-changing collisions leading to ion loss are of concern.
Charge-changing collisions due to intrabeam scattering can have a high impact on the design of adequate accelerator and storage rings.
The center-of-mass energy for these intrabeam collisions is typically in the kiloelectron volt range for beam energies in the order of several gigaelectron volts.
We investigate the subtle interplay of electron collisions in target as well as in beam plasmas with quasi-linear electromagnetic growth rates.
To take into account, the effects of the multiple soft collisions between two hard collisions, we use the same method as for the energy loss.
The basic methodology for detecting collisions between objects is based on utilizing a polygonal mesh representation of their surfaces.
While the repulsive potential prevents collisions, the attractive potential causes the robot to move towards the goal.
In this way, the proposed approach can be used to efficiently localize collisions in space.
The neutrals are also dragged owing to collisions with the ions.
Processes such as the proposed catalytic reaction that occur without photons and that require collisions or non-radiative energy transfer are common.
However, most of the laboratory dusty magnetoplasmas are partially ionized and the effect of dust-neutral collisions cannot be ignored.
Ignoring collisions, the basic interaction between cosmic rays and the thermal plasma is mediated by the embedded magnetic field.
In this low-frequency regime, damping due to dust-neutral collisions can be important.
We note that an exemplary case of the effect of ion-neutral collisions has been studied in [31].
We mention that the effect of ion-neutral and electron-neutral collisions will be friction-like, and will tend to adapt the velocities of the respective particle species.
Surely, these macroscopic equilibria are ultimately the result of the complicated dynamics of the underlying system of particles including collisions and dissipation.
To justify the one fluid description: the electrons and ions must undergo frequent collisions.
Note that, here, we will also neglect the small effect of ion-electron collisions on the ion momentum.
The quantity of experimental data [2], e (v) is the velocity-dependent overall frequency of electron elastic collisions.
In the field of low-energy electron-atom collisions, theory and swarm experiments are in a competitive effort to improve the reliability and consistency of crosssection data.
Instead of binary collisions, microscopic non-ideal effects can violate the frozen-in condition of a magnetic field and cause collisionless magnetic reconnection in these systems.
Both ripple transport and collisions with a background plasma are taken into account.
The asymmetric interaction coefficients describe collisions between the pth and q th wave modes to produce the j th wave mode.
We assume that the plasma is ideally conducting (despite possible ion-neutral collisions).
We also note that, even if the plasma is weakly ionized, the dominant types of collisions are those between charged particles.
The major advantage due to the spherical shape is its ability to recover from collisions and a low risk of falling down or tipping over.
The feet are point feet and the impacts of the feet with the ground are modeled as fully plastic collisions.
Characteristic radiation of projectiles and target atoms induced in close collisions was registered.
How does the nature of collisions play role in self-focusing process?
Now we are going to study the error due to including or not including target e-e collisions in the electronic stopping calculation.
The defocusing character of the collisions induces molecular chaos, in turn generating a diffusive motion and supporting a statistical approach.
We then turn to collisions effects before reaching our conclusions.
Since the maximum plasma density used in our simulations is 10 critical densities or less, the influence of elastic collisions is not crucial.
The interproton vector along motion direction is also misaligned due to nuclear collisions.
Nuclear collisions effects are more significant in reducing projectile velocity.
X-ray emission from hollow atoms produced by collisions of multiply charged ions with a solid.
Also, a strong ionization is induced by collisions due to fast electrons.
The first quadrature of the right-hand side quantifies the energy loss through plasmon excitation while the second pertains to binary collisions.
Only the phase is changed during collisions, owing to the presence of the other solitary waves.
In this regime, the elastic collisions dominate the electron balance energy, and the hydrodynamic or kinetic model can be applied.
In this work we employ the usual expressions for collisions between electrons and ions, in the small-angle-deflection approximation.
The frequency of collisions with dust can become dominant over the other damping frequencies.
We assume quasineutrality and neglect collisions of electrons with ions and neutrals as compared with other collisional processes.
The instability is expected to saturate rapidly by the nonlinear damping from inelastic collisions, which depend strongly on the electron temperature.
Figure 9 illustrates identity exchange collisions of spherical solitons.
In both collisional regimes, it has further been shown that the effect of dust-neutral collisions is stabilizing, while the effect of ion-neutral collisions is destabilizing.
In this section, we consider the stabilizing effect of dust-neutral collisions, and also the destabilizing effect of electron and ion collisions with neutrals.
Figure 1 depicts all possible local collisions between these triangles.
Uniform estimates on the number of collisions in semidispersing billiards.
Most collisions therefore take the form illustrated in figure 2 and do not differ much from collisions of hard spheres of diameter r2.
Most flows of practical interest fall into the intermediate regime where both frictional contach and particle-particle collisions are significant.
In most orogenic belts continent-continent collisions are diachronous and prolonged events.
The visual system estimates it to examine if collisions between parts and fingers may occur.
In a previous work18 the authors of this paper presented a technique to detect collisions between articulated robots, and planar convex obstacles.
In this case, the robot checks potential collisions during the robot motion and activates a matched strategy to avoid the obstacle.
In addition to these computations, the collisions between the segments of the arm and the body have to be taken into account.
Moreover, the collisions between the segments of the arm, if we do not count the hand, are impossible.
286 pulse, electron- electron collisions have not thermalize the electron distribution yet.
The cluster is ionized by the laser field and internal collisions and then star ts to expand.
Excitation and ionization processes, elastic and superelastic collisions, and electron- electron and electron ion- collisions were considered.
In the clusters, the inner ionization is produced by inelastic electron-ion collisions.
Gaseous molecules travel at high speed (about 630 m s21 at room temperature), but have frequent collisions with other molecules.
Each robot should avoid collisions either with the other robots or with obstacles.
The motion planning algorithm presented in the next section concerns only the collisions occured in straight-line motions.
In this era, most fatal collisions involved vehicles and pedestrians rather than two-vehicle accidents.
The dynamics of the charged particles is dominated by collisions with neutral particles.
However, in numerical calculations of, for example, solitary wave collisions, small oscillations resulting in negative u occur which therefore necessitate its inclusion.
Nuclear collisions are taken into account within the classical dispersion theory.
The decomposition is now into layers of behaviour, of which the first may be simply the requirement of avoiding collisions with other objects.
In the first group we include the autonomous driving behaviours that contribute to the avoidance of collisions keeping the vehicle on its path.
Hence, we can understand that the screening atomic effect plays an important role in atomic collisions in non-ideal plasmas.
Thus, the inter-atomic energy exchange occurs due to random collisions.
1 0.2 10 12 s 2 15 2 cm is the cross-section for atomic here s0 pr0 ; 10 collisions, and r0 is the atomic radius!.
We have always believed that people die accidentally in highway collisions.
Moreover, in our calculations we neglect electron- electron collisions, which usually do not affect transpor t proper ties in semiconductors.
The cluster is ionized by the laser field and internal collisions, and then star ts to expand.
Our fully relativistic treatment of elastic collisions may be used in the boosted frame.
We show the role of collisions frequencies as well as of quiver and thermal velocities in the harmonic generation efficiency.
The increment of the electron-ion collisions increases the ionization processes producing higher ion yields and ion charge states.
A large consensus even asserts that collisions remain helpless against transverse electromagnetic growth rates.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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