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词汇 example_english_characterization

Examples of characterization

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
More specifically, we have shown that on the two most promising characterizations, there are substantially (but not dominantly) situationaltering utterances that ought to be uncovered.
Our characterizations based on the quantitative data are consistent with the observed characterizations.
We then develop a series of operational characterizations of answer sets in terms of operators on partial colorings.
The benefit of support-driven characterizations is that the length of coloring sequences is bound by the number of supported rules.
In contrast to the previous fixpoint characterizations, order preservation furnishes an account of preferred answer sets in terms of the underlying generating rules.
The resulting fixpoint characterizations provide us with a uniform semantic framework for characterizing preference handling in existing approaches.
We have exemplified this by giving new alternative characterizations of some of the major semantics from the literature.
All these characterizations or typologies are obviously non-exhaustive.
From these core considerations -ow a range of thematic characterizations of the urban variable.
Many studies are cross-sectional in design and provide useful characterizations of this elderly population.
She describes the overly entrenched characterizations of sopranos as helpless and tenors as vulnerable and romantic.
We also provide several equivalent characterizations of boundedness.
In theoretical computer science, machine models and characterizations have been the basis for quantitative reasoning about the use of computational resources.
In fact, if one of the writer's characterizations is correct, it implies a very substantial measure of truth in the other.
However, despite their negative characterizations of the wealthy, both novelists show the upwardly mobile lower-class woman ultimately placed with a man who represents wealth.
Among others, we distinguish unicoloring and support-driven operational characterizations.
All characterizations reflect the dichotomy among the notions of support and blockage.
To a turn, we build upon these basic graph-theoretical characterizations for developing an operational framework for non-deterministic answer set formation.
I do so, however, with the awareness that such characterizations were contested, situationally specific, and politically charged.
The model allows for different characterizations of the economic relationship depending on the source of imports or the destination of exports.
We then contrast two apparently consistent characterizations of sustainability.
One principal difficulty has been to find good characterizations of them.
However, both characterizations depend on a finite set which is not described.
Included in a word's contextual representation is information concerning its semantic, syntactic, pragmatic - stylistic, and collocational characterizations, to name a few.
The leading figures in this action are preeminently presentational personages, given perfunctory mimetic characterizations with traits which were particularly suitable for flamboyant performative display.
There was considerable variation in the precision and accuracy of most characterizations of mental defects.
Three main lines of investigation were pursued: family studies, physical anthropological analyses and genetical characterizations.
The results of further strain characterizations, including serotype, serosubtype and molecular typing will be presented in a follow-up publication.
What differs across characterizations of stochastic discount factors is the nature of the arbitrage opportunities ruled out in the associated pricing operator.
In most cases the reduced form we obtain is autonomous, and we are able to use standard characterizations of stability and instability.
The authors' views of patriarchy and feminism may be explored in the characterizations of the novels' heroines.
Similarly, 'scientific' notions about characters' racial inheritability had become features of literary and theatrical characterizations.
Other topologies, particularly,6,7 employ complex characterizations of places that may require dedicated navigational activity to be accurately identified.
A central aspect in equivalence checking is the quest for semantical characterizations which are assigned to a single program.
They introduce preference preserving consequence operators and provide different characterizations of preferred answer sets for prioritized logic programs.
Now, we are ready to give support-oriented counterparts of the operational characterizations given in the two previous subsections.
We also obtain the following corollary as a trivial consequence of our uniform characterizations by level mappings.
The methodological task of the psychologist is to translate the tangible results into meaningful characterizations of the mind that produced them.
At present there are only descriptive characterizations of the language on which to base our research.
As the characterizations about linguistics were unfair and inaccurate, so these descriptions concerning literature are erroneous.
With data from one watershed, it is possible to derive numerical characterizations of the effects on pollution and employment under the different scenarios.
They use these consistency conditions to provide alternative characterizations of generalized utilitarianism.
The following result gives characterizations of acute minimal bases and acute quasi-minimal bases.
Again, these characterizations of dreams are, unfortunately, presented without providing any supporting data or references.
One important outcome of these studies is increased attention to the importance of considering the impact of developmental influences in our characterizations of dialect use.
Parallel advances are improving characterizations of the actual (v. potential) distribution of major crops, including wheat.
Toward this end, session content focuses on characterizations at multiple abstraction levels of events and objects for a given design session.
Such a social theory will be based on historical and economic characterizations of conflict and acquiescence between groups within the state.
Our particular interest is in machine/resource-bound characterizations and closely related programming formalisms.
Props were also used in pantomimic dance to clarify characterizations or specific situations in a ballo.
People will 'act', and present externalized characterizations rather than exposing themselves.
In the recent production the characterizations are far more physically based, and movements are bolder and more expressionistic.
Such characterizations will be the more useful when they induce proof principles for proving term congruence.
Instead, those characterizations focus single-mindedly on the mental state of the juror.
The opening chapters describe three prevalent conceptual theories, differing primarily in their respective characterizations of conceptual representation.
The paper begins with a presentation of data from the longitudinal study, including characterizations of the five developmental stages of the language game.
Both of these characterizations of time are in agreement that a unit of time cannot be characterized by itself.
There exist other 2-valued characterizations of the completion semantics, based on predicate renaming.
First, basic definitions and semantical characterizations of dynamic update programs are given.
The main tool which will be employed for our characterizations is the notion of level mapping.
Our presentation suggests a novel application of level mappings, namely for providing uniform characterizations of different fixed-point semantics for logic programs with negation.
Similar characterizations are likely for other nonmononotic formalisms based on such fixpoint semantics.
Now we look at characterizations of the ultimate approximating aggregate of some common aggregate functions.
However, the presence of tight junctions in arthropod tissues raises questions which further biochemical characterizations of septate junctions are likely to shed light upon.
In that mode, demeaning characterizations begin to make the empirical world over in the image of the libelous stereotype.
Taken literally, these characterizations are a caricature, but they are useful to sketch political standpoints.
Specifically, by the 1830s scientists found themselves working with theories that, as they eventually discovered, violated their own explicit characterizations of the aims of theorizing.
We also consider advanced meta-interpreters, which make use of graph-based characterizations and often allow for more efficient computations.
Therefore, our approach also provides new characterizations of the well-founded semantics of logic programs over bilattices.
The second contribution of this paper is characterizations of view updates and theory updates in terms of extended abduction.
To a turn, we build upon these characterizations in order to develop an operational framework for answer set formation.
The goal of this framework is to offer an intermediate stage between declarative characterizations of answer sets and corresponding algorithmic specifications.
While we are primarily interested in operational characterizations, the two other approaches address fundamental problems such as the existence of answer sets.
The uniformity with which our characterizations were obtained and proven to be correct suggests that our method should be of wider applicability.
Representative samples were selected from all of the cores and strata within cores to provide broad characterizations of strata.
Although neuropsychological dysfunction in schizophrenia has been extensively characterized, the majority of studies have focused on anatomical, rather than neurophysiological, characterizations.
The trouble with these characterizations is that they are too brief.
One might, of course, wish, out of other considerations, simply to set the mind-body problem aside and concentrate on refining taxonomic characterizations within phenomenal experience.
The comparative static analysis sometimes differs between these two characterizations.
Such negative characterizations may bring about the impression that indefinite genitives are unsuitable for reference-point function.
In some sense, both characterizations are correct while neither is suf®cient.
Chapter 5 considers accent stereotyping in popular culture, including cartoon characterizations.
Instead of stock moral exemplars and restorative outcomes, such material focused on personal characterizations that destabilized traditional narratives of illicit behaviour and broke down stereotypes.
However, if we look at typical threat-simulation dreams, we see that these characterizations are simply not true.
No characterizations are given of the states themselves.
We show good characterizations and polynomial algorithms for both problems restricted to seriesparallel mixed graphs.
Experimental approaches and further theoretical characterizations are needed to discover the function of these conserved elements.
In the present work we therefore combined the microbiological analysis of bacterial attachment with physical and chemical characterizations of the fishextract-coated surfaces.
In summary, these group differences highlight variation across the groups that provide support for their contrasting secure and insecure characterizations.
A number of variational characterizations of the dynamics of viscous fluids have emerged in recent years.
Our main goal is to demonstrate that characterizations by excluded minors are very often inappropriate for certain classes.
A detailed panorama of the wide interest in the applicability of characterizations in these areas may be found in references.
We end this section with two further characterizations of quasirandom groups.
Many other theorems in extremal set theory provide such elegant characterizations of the largest possible family of sets given certain information on their intersections.
Such characterizations seem to have an affinity with the 'primordialist' thesis.
Our analysis reveals a general requirement for increased care in characterizations of motion.
Local characterizations of such girls paint them as disobedient and defiant.
We also recall the notion of amenability for u, along with some useful characterizations.
The macro-textual function of the various cleft constructions is shown to dominate their more narrowly semantic characterizations.
What is troublesome is that most of these definitions fail to be characterizations of the same underlying idea.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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