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词汇 example_english_chance

Examples of chance

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
However, this finding - quite destructive for the chances of a pro-social rule of conduct - needs qualifications.
The absence of these risk factors is expected to lessen the chances of severe conflict.
There is conflicting evidence about how age affects an organization's chances of survival.
As indicated by the estimated hazard ratio, rivalries that do not experience change to democracy have greater chances of survival.
If background cases are included in the epidemiological investigation the chances of detecting the exposure responsible for the outbreak is reduced.
Increased migration over the last two decades, however, has reduced the chances that grandmothers will live in the same area as their grandchildren.
On one side, queries need to reach the largest number of peers in order to increase the chances to locate the target file.
To improve their chances of gaining the presidency they knew they would have to somehow appeal to a broader cross section of the population.
Their inclusion probably reflects a selection bias, as a higher number exposed in these premises increases the chances of the outbreak being identified.
Parameterization of the chances of contact between age groups was done based on two field studies [28, 29].
What evidence can be brought to bear, and what are the chances, in retrospect?
They might also be reinforced by developments which increased the chances of detecting breaches of the law, such as advances in technology.
Taken together, the electoral rules have significant consequences for the chances of obtaining political power.
Finally, asking subjects to rank the outcomes before they acted would have chanced a contamination of their actual dilemma behaviour.
Figure 1 is a visual representation of the marginal impact that recurring disputes have on the chances of war.
Do parasites reduce the chances of triangulation in a real food web ?
In a global lottery, my chances of winning are six billion-to-one against.
The chances of anthropic constants being ' selected ' are, as far as can be determined, precisely the same as for any other variables.
Intuitively, option three is the most promising because the number of degrees of freedom is reduced, which improves the chances of finding stable walking cycles.
Back offices and institutions which are already cooperating have more chances to pick out a model that fits better than others.
Policy-makers will change their policies to meet these changes in the political environment in order to maximize their electoral chances and political power.
With a shrinking immigration program, the chances for renewal by impor tation are also shrinking.
Once mar ried, a professionally employed woman has better chances to improve her social status within her new family and in society at large.
The chances are that no one reader will be entirely satisfied by the product and a majority of readers may feel distinctly dissatisfied.
The idea that restraint increases the chances of such disinhibition seems plausible.
The characteristics of the advocate itself can also play a role in their chances of lobbying success.
Thus, group mates of pox-positive individuals had higher chances of becoming infected than group mates of healthy ones.
How far that is feasible and how to distribute life chances are topics for another time.
They went to those places where they calculated they had the best chances of rebuilding their lives.
If they achieved this, and effected a fairly complete strike, they maximised their chances of forcing their concerns upon the attention of the employer.
Alternative strategies allow less fit individuals (in our case, less attractive males) to increase their chances of reproductive success.
The chances of a 3:2 capture are good but not that good.
The assumption is that the funding, teaching, managing and, ®nally, the making of music are tools to improve one's chances of employment.
First, breast feeding increased an infant's chances of survival.
Figure 3 shows that the chances of survival were worse for illegitimate children than legitimate ones n the beginning of the research.
She was told that her situation was very serious but not that the chances of survival were less than 5%.
Having a large number of older and younger sisters in the household also significantly heightened girls' chances of entering service.
Living in simple rather than multiple households could be indeed a key factor influencing the chances to remarry.
At younger ages, a widow had more chances of remarrying (1 out of 5), but still less than widowers (1 out of 2).
However, for civilians, the more trials they had to go through, the more chances of exploitation they suffered, which they certainly did not appreciate.
There are statistically significant differences in the chances of becoming poor on retirement which are related to the region in which individuals live.
The person's preference for avoiding a certain treatment guides the doctors, although they think that this will reduce the chances of his or her recovery.
No apparent morphological chances are observed in the coronary arteries.
In particular, prioritarianism says that the distribution of chances in symmetrical contests matters.
If validated, such an approach could improve the relevance of agro-forestry technologies to the beneficiaries and increase the chances of uptake and adoption.
If people did not know whether certain conduct would be deemed forbidden after the fact, they would refrain from taking their chances.
Figure 1 illustrates one way that a population could increase its chances of favorable interactions with the environment via selection without replication of carrier units.
Such global perturbations of key cognitive and physiological systems would seem to decrease an individual's chances of survival significantly.
Otherwise, the chances of that same integrand taking non-zero values are zero according to dhm x dm-1 measure.
Humidification will prevent heat loss, preserve ciliary activity and prevent drying of secretions, improving the chances of good respiratory function postoperatively.
Moreover, such upgradable products may create business chances at later stages of product life cycles.
Quite by mistake, his son, many years later, was skiing in the same place and chanced upon the body of his missing father.
Conceivably, the use of contraceptives under such conditions may be secretive and the chances are high that the instructions may not be followed faithfully.
Without a major degree of community involvement, the chances of success are low.
The data indicate that there is no difference between men and women in terms of the chances of political recruitment that occur at workplace.
The evidence of group theft, on the other hand, may merely show that they felt that the practice increased their chances of escape, if discovered.
When they did not, he took few public chances, preferring instead to work subtly, which usually meant slowly, behind the scenes or not at all.
Just as important, the data do not demonstrate a causal relationship between partisanship and frequency of command chances.
Generals might well require several chances to master their trade, which was where politics entered the picture.
Inclusive kinship aided their life chances in statelessness.
Training should lead to improvements in the life chances of workers through placement in higher positions coupled with commensurate financial remuneration.
I got the sense that the chances of obtaining reliable estimates were very slim.
The price to be paid for this strategy was to give up the chances of reaching a wide readership.
To the contrary of thalamotomy, it leaves functional thalamocortical modules intact, giving better chances to spare frontal functions.
The chances of spurious co-location are too high to draw a firm conclusion from the results.
Seedlings of this species have higher chances on survival and grow faster in gaps compared to closed forest.
Controlling for observed differences among patients, patients with lower chances of survival are more likely to be admitted.
What kinds of side effects can happen and what are the chances of each?
The chances of a false positive in detecting a change in the difference as one stimulus goes low is thus potentially higher.
The injection was done without the speculum and intravag inally, rather than intrauterally, which significantly reduced the chances for a successful impregnation.
Then there are the government actors, who want to maximize their chances of getting elected.
The chances that the observer would actually happen to look at the place where the stimulus was to appear were very slim indeed.
Moreover, chemically defined medium is desired for avoiding variations among laboratories and chances of disease transmission.
The higher the chances, the greater the imperative for the state to intervene.
If the overall goal is to maximize survival, then an organism must seek to perform actions that will minimize their chances of negative reinforcement.
The strategy actually preferred depends on the participants' attitudes toward the prospects of a fresh start and the chances of the old paradigm's renaissance.
The self-fulfilling prophecy inherent in such procedures hinders the scientific progress by decreasing the chances of finding surprising and counter-intuitive results.
Differences in onset effects across individuals were more apparent when we focused on the chances of entering low income (column 3).
Clearly, country-level variation does not account for variation in the chances of member states transposing directives in any given week after the deadline.
Likewise, if one believes that the alternative being voted on is the best possible, it always hurts its chances to vote against it.
Secondly, even if there is agreement, it may be that the liberally neutral compensation policy is too harsh on people who waste their chances.
They were aware, however, that their chances would be improved if they refashioned their family's history into a suitable format.
A third approach to intervention is the creation of options that give people more chances to practice what the new population health preaches.
The chances are you'll hear different vowel pronunciation between the old and the young.
Thus, these authors concluded that the longer an individual was placed in a segregated employment setting, the less his chances of achieving integrated employment.
On each of the classifications, however, and whatever the initial position, the chances of becoming chef-lieu were never completely nil.
Specifically, smokers rated their chances of developing health-related problems as greater than non-smokers.
Rapid changes in the occupational structure, facilitated by educational expansion, have increased the overall chances of entering higher-ranking occupations.
Inequalities in material life-chances are fundamental; status differences and differences in political influence tend to be dependent on material life chances.
He benefited from the creation of new industries and new chances of employment.
During the fixation phase, the correct sequences are practised until the chances of making errors are reduced and the behaviour becomes fixed.
To be sure, the chances are that particular shop stewards are available to have these feelings deposited in them.
Essentially they want something to happen, and their street activity can best be understood as an attempt to maximize the chances of something interesting happening.
With the sharp rise in layoffs in the early 1930s the chances of re-employment declined for all the unemployed.
Thus, after punishment, there would be further chances for the wicked in the worlds which follow cyclically upon the creation and destruction of this one.
The choice of a standard language significantly increases the chances of accessing metadata across various applications.
The interviewers were unfamiliar with the respondent's earlier data in order to reduce the chances of asking leading questions during the interviews.
If students learn, then the chances are that the teaching they receive is effective.
A woman's fertility begins to decline at about the age of 35 and the chances of 42 genetic abnormalities increase dramatically.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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