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词汇 example_english_cerebral-cortex

Examples of cerebral cortex

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Information comes into the hippocampal system from the cerebralcortex, including the visual, auditory, sensory cortices and the motor cortex.
One example of the information gleaned from these animal models is a better appreciation of how the normal layering of the cerebralcortex occurs.
The animal was then placed in a stereotaxic apparatus and a craniotomy performed to expose the left cerebralcortex overlying the thalamus.
This target article will review central results and use them to motivate some novel conclusions about the representation of language in the human cerebralcortex.
In the cerebralcortex, a bi-directional interaction between short-term reverberations and long-term structured neural assemblies is likely to occur.
The nonspecific thalamo-cortical projection system and the basalo-cortical system both give rise to widespread projections to the cerebralcortex.
The field of paleoneurology is constrained by the lack of fossilized remains of the cerebralcortex.
Although the hippocampus stores information, it seems that it also "installs" this processed information elsewhere in cerebralcortex for long-term availability.
The connection would be more complete if the memory were embedded in neural structures of the cerebralcortex.
No blood flow to the cerebralcortex could be demonstrated.
Finally, processes in the cerebralcortex may be relevant to the development of externalizing problems at several levels.
Swallowing after unilateral stroke of the cerebralcortex: preliminary experience.
Our findings confirm that spindle-like rhythmic oscillations are generated at the thalamic level and are imposed upon the cerebralcortex.
Changing directions of forthcoming arm movements: neuronal activity in the presupplementary and supplementary motor area of monkey cerebralcortex.
Neuronal selectivities to complex object features in the ventral visual pathway of the macaque cerebralcortex.
Neural selectivities to complex object features in the ventral visual pathway of the macaque cerebralcortex.
We present models for each of the three classes above, but also present models exploiting reinforcement learning in cerebralcortex.
The caudate is a subcortical nucleus that functions as a component of neural systems through which the cerebralcortex affects behavior.
A better view on cortical evolution would therefore be to combine the dorsalizing effect with the organization of the cerebralcortex.
Indications for a critical period for synapse elimination in developing rat cerebralcortex cultures.
Cholinergic neurons in the rat cerebralcortex demonstrated by immunohistochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase.
The rat cerebralcortex was used as a positive control for the assay.
Some disorders chiefly affect the cerebralcortex whereas others predominantly affect subcortical structures.
Volume seg75 images were collected at each location which mentation, followed by surface rendering, were employed to reveal the cerebralcortex.
Instead, the entire cerebralcortex was a differentiated organ in which elements were linked with one another to form complexes.
The unusual pattern of hyperplasia in the frontal cerebralcortex and hypoplasia in the limbic structures and cerebellum found in autism suggest such failure.
Urge to scratch represented in the human cerebralcortex during itch.
Distribution of readiness potential, premotion positivity, and motor potential of the human cerebralcortex preceding voluntary finger movements.
The resulting brain damage was principally in the cerebralcortex and to a lesser degree in the white matter, basal ganglia, thalamus and brain stem.
It is present in brain stem nuclei, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hypothalamus, and cerebralcortex.
Our view is that, as is generally accepted, consciousness is mainly generated in the cerebralcortex.
In general, the connectivity is far from complete for many of the subunits, for example, the cerebralcortex.
Stimulation of the cerebralcortex alone can produce an experience that appears to be located in external space.
For example, in the cerebralcortex the later-generated cells bypass the earlier-generated cells and take up a position even more distant from the proliferative zone.
However, it is also clear that the newborn mammalian cerebralcortex is plastic only within certain bounds, since much restriction of fate occurs prenatally.
The apparent lack of localization of certain basic combinatorial linguistic abilities may lead to the suspicion that they are distributed over the cerebralcortex.
From the late 1960s his research concentrated on the functional organization of the cerebralcortex.
Serotonergic axons in monkey prefrontal cerebralcortex synapse predominantly on interneurons as demonstrated by serial section electron microscopy.
Animals far below the dog on the evolutionary scale, whose nervous systems lack the cerebralcortex, or even lack a brain altogether, learn from experience.
Dreams can take wing, move freely and swiftly because the activity of the cerebralcortex is not constrained by external perception or reality.
Swallowing after unilateral stroke of the cerebralcortex.
Subcortical structures and their projections to the cerebralcortex exert a quantitative and regulatory effect on the pace and organization of psychological functions.
This activity mode allows the faithful transfer of sensory information from the periphery to the cerebralcortex (relay mode).
Our results show that rhythmic oscillations were generated at thalamic level and imposed upon the cerebralcortex.
Sections from representative areas of the cerebralcortex in these brains revealed no evidence of major neurodegenerative pathology.
Mapping striate and extrastriate visual areas in human cerebralcortex.
Radial glia is a progenitor of neocortical neurons in the developing cerebralcortex.
Distribution of readiness potential pre-motion positivity and motor potential of the human cerebralcortex preceding voluntary finger movements.
The gold particle density in these membranes was higher in retina than in the cerebralcortex and cerebellum.
However, embodiment of cognitive development would require a closer connection between the dynamical field interactions and the physiology of the cerebralcortex.
Feature article: are neurons lost from the primate cerebralcortex during normal aging?
It is likely that the skeleton possesses a structure seen in the mammalian cerebralcortex.
About a quarter of human cerebralcortex is devoted to visual analysis and perception.
It is believed that these involve much wider circuits throughout the cerebralcortex.
A comparison of functional indexes derived from screening tests of chronic alcoholic neurotoxicity in the cerebralcortex retina and peripheral nervous system.
This multilayered pyramidal-cell plate represents a recent mammalian innovation in the evolution of the cerebralcortex of vertebrates.
The authors had to chop the forest down into subunits of operation, defined by anatomy: hippocampus, cerebellum, sensory systems, thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebralcortex.
Hundred-fold increase in neuronal vulnerability to glutamate toxicity in astrocyte-poor cultures of rat cerebralcortex.
With one exception, there was little pathology in the cerebralcortex.
Microglial activation was present in the cerebellum and cerebralcortex and its underlying white matter; the cerebellum had the most pronounced microglial activation.
For example, it is widely accepted that there is a basic uniformity across species in the microstructure of mammalian cerebralcortex.
The organization of serotonergic projections to cerebralcortex in primates : retrograde transport studies.
Defects in visual perception, with an inability to interpret visual images commonly occur when there is a lesion in the cerebralcortex.
Synaptogenesis in rat cerebralcortex cultures is affected during chronic blockade of spontaneous bioelectric activity by tetrodotoxin.
Spreading depression of activity in the cerebralcortex.
Epileptogenic post discharge induced by chronic electrical stimulation of the cerebralcortex in cats.
The basal ganglia are reciprocally linked to the cerebralcortex via a relay in the thalamus.
In contrast to somatosensory, auditory and visual sensations, which reach the cortex through the thalamus, olfactory sensation reaches the cerebralcortex via an extra-thalamic route.
However, as judged by the number of projection neurons, the major source of input to the relay thalamic nuclei is the cerebralcortex.
One is that the neuroinflammatory activity signals compensatory reactions that limit the process of apoptosis in cerebralcortex thus sparing too many neurons.
Within two to three hours, mechanical dissociation and subsequent density-based cell separation yielded per mouse between 3.000 microglia for optic nerve and 75.000 microglia for cerebralcortex.
Synaptogenesis, synsapse elimination, and neural plasticity in human cerebralcortex.
Effects of environmental enrichment and improverishment on rat cerebralcortex.
Spatiotemporal analysis of local field potentials and unit discharges in cat cerebralcortex during natural wake and sleep states.
Absence of neurodegeneration and neural injury in the cerebralcortex in a sample of elderly patients with schizophrenia.
Therapeutic implications of modulation of metabolism and functional activity of cerebralcortex by chronic stimulation of cerebellum and thalamus.
The representation of colours in the cerebralcortex.
In the event of intracranial hemorrhage with involvement of most of the cerebralcortex when accompanied by devastating neurologic findings, withdrawal of life support is discussed.
All information reaching the cerebralcortex is relayed by the thalamus and, thus, all cortical functions, including conscious thoughts, perceptions and voluntary movements, depend on information passed through the thalamus.
A general profile of the vertebrate brain, with sidelights on the ancestry of cerebralcortex.
Low power view of semi-flattened ferret cerebralcortex reacted for cytochrome oxidize showing the relationship between reactivity and cortical area boundaries around the caudal half of the suprasylvian sulcus.
He formulated (and refined in the light of new data) the modular architectonic principle of the cerebralcortex as the anatomical basis for physiologically defined cortical modules.
Architectonics of the cerebralcortex (pp. 443 - 465).
Synaptogenesis, synapse elimination, and neural plasticity in human cerebralcortex.
A third way emotion may affect the storage of memories is by guiding the cerebralcortex in the representations of the world which are set up.
Distribution of dopaminergic receptors in the primate cerebralcortex.
Studies on the structure of the cerebralcortex.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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