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词汇 example_english_cereal

Examples of cereal

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Both crops likely to be eaten uncooked and cereals were planted.
Numerous pigeons fed on cereals scattered by passers-by.
Improving ' ' drought resistance in small-grained cereals: a case study, progress and prospects.
Physiological limitations to cereals yields and ways of reducing them by breeding.
As a vegetatively propagated crop, seed quality is more important for potatoes than for cereals or pulses.
Breeding opportunities for increasing the efficiency of water use and crop yield in temperate cereals.
Were the cereals in question cultivated nearby or are they the results of exchange with communities living in areas that were better suited to agriculture?
Commercial reorientation of agricultural production occurs for the primary staple cereals as well as for the so-called high-value cash crops.
Over the centuries, when most lived in the forest-heartland, they supported themselves by growing cereals and keeping livestock.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium relations in five major cereals reviewed in respect to fertilizer recommendations using simulation modelling.
Modelling ammonia volatilization from animal slurry applied with trail hoses to cereals.
Alongside these pastoral movements, a large sedentary agricultural population practises the cultivation of cereals in the dryland areas.
The authors are all statisticians, so plant breeding per se gets little mention and an overwhelming concentration on cereals is apparent.
Parasitism was higher when cereals were intercropped with other plants and when wild grass hosts of stemborers were present.
Smaller, but still significant, acreages are in processed vegetables, mint and cereals.
At both locations the soils have been cultivated for centuries and mainly cropped with cereals for the past four decades.
Intercropping experiments with faba bean and cereals have shown similar advantages9,21,22, but knowledge of the effect of intercropping lupin and cereals for maturity is limited23.
Their staple diet is rice, along with various cereals and pulses.
Their staple food includes cereals like wheat, maize and bazari along with vegetables and pulses.
Both cereals and legumes, when intercropped, were planted according to local practice with similar row to row spacings.
Up to 20 % of far mers obtained higher productivity from their own practices, notably intercropping of cereals with legumes and use of inorganic fertilizers.
Successful no-tillage requires a layer of residue mulch to reduce both evaporation and runoff, and to achieve economic yields of cereals.
The comprehensive nature of this book makes it a valuable asset to anyone working on necrotrophic pathogens of cereals.
The weak own price and cross-price effect, however, implied that relative price changes would not generate strong substitution effect between cereals and legumes.
Vegetable soup consumption is the most effective way of avoiding starvation when cereals run out of supply.
Seed lipoxygenases were first thought to be restricted to legumes and certain cereals.
However, this expectation is not supported by measurements of peptide and amino acid transport rates across the scutellum in these different cereals.
The phenotype is similar in that they all have an altered shape in their storage organ which, for the cereals is the endosperm.
Traditional approaches to breeding for drought resistance in cereals.
The base year result showed the dominant role of cereals relative to legumes in household cropping choices.
However, cereals experienced the largest decline in production, because these crops used fertilizer more intensively.
In the case of coarse cereals and groundnuts this change in variation has been highly significant.
Quantities of cereals, pulses, and residues produced on each plot were weighed after threshing and winnowing at the end of the season.
Also in the second survey, 81 % of far mers said they had adopted a rotation of cereals and legumes.
An economic threshold model for spraying herbicides in cereals.
A class of itinerants emerged who travelled through the countryside to thresh cereals by machine.
As bambara groundnut is often considered a 'secondary crop' it is generally planted after the major cereals.
Dietician asks a question about breakfast cereals, and the client gives an answer that includes examples of the food.
A nutritional consequence when substituting cereals is that starch is replaced by other carbohydrate sources.
Grain cereals (wheat, oat, rye, triticale, barley, spelt) were produced for feeding and sometimes also sold as cash crops for human consumption.
Oilseeds, including rapeseed and flax, were more sensitive than the cereals tested, including barley and wheat; oat growth was not affected at all67.
As regards vegetable food, local demand is only slightly exceeded; here, greater surpluses exist only for cereals and sugar beet.
Density of the cereals was similar in the two residue treatments, indicating that the abundant residues were stunting the growth of established plants74.
In conclusion, this study shows that in the rice grain, endo-b-mannanase increases in activity, predominantly following germination, a phenomenon not previously demonstrated in cereals.
Values for 'other cereals' and 'other pulses' were derived by subtracting individually listed species from the 'total cereals' and 'total pulses' values.
Nonetheless, the clear differences between most dicot seeds and the cereals are consistent between the two methods.
Given the smaller rise in cereals payments, the cut in oilseeds payments will need to be larger, thus again saving money.
Evapotranspiration, defined as the water removed from soils by evaporation and plant transpiration, is directly related to yield for most cereals.
Partitioning of injuries caused by winter, fungal diseases and viral infections in cereals.
Breaking the yield barriers in cereals with particular reference to rice.
Effect of sowing depth on plant establishment, tillering capacity and other agronomic characters of cereals.
There were numerous villages of cultivators in the mountains so that in the case of a siege cereals could be obtained from the hinterland.
Appropriate policy reforms would encourage farmers to diversify away from cereals, particularly the highly fertilizer-responsive maize crop, into legumes.
The results showed the dominant position of cereals in household cropping choices.
The economy is disaggregated into four productive sectors: cereals (land-intensive), tubers and vegetables (labour-intensive), tree crops, and non-agricultural.
At the other extreme, a farmer with good management will have a diversified farm with a variety of cereals, pulses, vegetable crops and fruit trees.
The agricultural work in the two villages in the west central region, which centred mainly on cereals and viticulture, was highly seasonal.
Both sole and intercropping of legumes and cereals are practised.
The soils are predominately sandy loams and the main crops are winter cereals with some pastures for sheep.
Although incomplete-block designs have been found to be effective in variety trials, spatial models have added considerable value to trials with legumes and cereals.
Their staple food is wheat, maize and bajari (cereals), along with vegetables and pulses.
Modelling the growth and water use of tropical cereals in semi-arid environments.
The first agreement established a cut in cereals prices of 20%, to be phased in over two years.
If people like sugar in drinks or on cereals, try adding glucose as well.
The organic and organic-alternative scenarios show that people outside the region can also be supplied with cereals, milk, meat and eggs after the conversion.
All farms export 58 tons of cereals, 6 tons of pulses and 9 tons of beef (live weight).
The rest of the 39 ha were seeded to cereals, thus reserving only a small proportion of the land to nitrogen fixing crops.
In this context, we discuss the possible benefits of low phytic acid mutants of cereals, which have a higher amount of nutritionally available phosphorus.
While most cereals store one type of seed storage protein, rice accumulates both prolamins and another class of storage proteins, the globulins (salt-soluble storage protein).
The decline in aphid populations frequently observed in stands of small grain cereals is a classical example of such a movement between hosts.
The last of these includes comments on market prospects for a range of major crops, from cereals, via livestock and dairy, to beverage and industrial crops.
A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals.
First, consumers tend to be willing to pay higher price premiums for organic products with a shorter shelf life, such as fruits and vegetables, compared to cereals.
The biological yield and harvest index of cereals as agronomic and plant breeding criteria.
Evaluation and documentation of genetic resources in cereals.
As a consequence of the trade reforms, prices of sugar, cereals, oilseeds, meat and dairy products, among other things, would decline to world levels from their current protected levels.
Although intercropping cereals and legumes was not included so as to limit the number of treatments tested in this on-far m trial, a number of far mers followed this practice.
Radiation absor ption, growth and yield of cereals.
The organic crop rotation has a high proportion of spring cereals and the proportion of grass/clover is 0.2, while cereals, primarily winter cereals, dominate the conventional crop rotation.
Nevertheless, the increase in the area dedicated to forage did not in any way compensate for the fall in the area dedicated to cereals or other crops.
Therefore, the amount of straw needed for bedding is low; however, pure-grassland farms and farms that do not cultivate cereals still need to purchase additional straw.
Differences between straw yields were not significant but straw yields were higher and harvest index (proportion of grain in total above-ground biomass) lower in second than first cereals.
By compiling data on soil fertility, average production costs for various cereals, location (distance to market) and average grain prices one could arrive at a surveyed parcel's taxable value.
Extended trials with cereals and groundnuts.
However, for rice and perhaps other cereals, the processes controlled by these two pathways are interrelated in complex ways.
The coefficients of the dummy variables (excluding wheat), therefore, compare the production frontier of barley, other cereals, pulses, and other crops to that of wheat.
All wildflower areas studied were adjacent to crop fields and created at sites where cereals had been grown previously.
There is a strong emphasis on cytogenetics throughout; whilst this is certainly important in polyploid cereals, its role in diploids is over-played.
Absent from private sector research, not surprisingly, are many crops cultivated by the world's poor, including small-grain cereals, tubers and legumes.
On the other hand, highervalue crops are less water intensive than cereals.
In 1966, the systemic fungicide ethirimol was released for the control of powdery mildew in cereals.
They may have roles in embryogenesis, in embryonic pattern formation, in the early period of grain filling of cereals, and in enhancing sink strength.
In addition, cereals form the vast majority of the agriculturally important crops, and their major nutritional value is generally derived from the endosperm.
However, inheritance studies in cereals have not contributed a great deal to a fundamental understanding of dormancy.
Farming systems are dominated by mixed cropping, mixed farming (crop and livestock production) and mono-cropping of cereals.
The latter consists of a large repertoire of cereals and pulses which have remained largely unchanged over the centuries.
In addition, oilseeds payments are to be cut to the same level as those for cereals.
The variable in question was the total production of different cereals in terms of volume.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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