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词汇 example_english_carbon-dioxide

Examples of carbon dioxide

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The natural permeability of cellular membranes appears to be important for the survival of the arthropod under low oxygen or high carbondioxide atmospheres.
This provides flexibility to measure soils with recent manure or compost additions without overwhelming the system with carbondioxide.
The nature of this greenhouse effect is disputed - the relative roles of sulphur dioxide and carbondioxide in the greenhouse are strongly debated.
The lung was inflated to higher mean volumes without having to use high peak airway pressures to maintain ventilation (oxygenation and carbondioxide removal).
It makes nutrients available for growth of primary producers and it releases carbondioxide to the atmosphere.
Paralysis would also affect the respiratory system leading to elevated breathing rates and an increase in carbondioxide expiration.
Implications of rising atmospheric carbondioxide concentration for rangelands.
The methane-oxidizing bacteria, which are able to reduce up to 70 % of the formed methane to carbondioxide, conclude the methane cycle.
Reduced oxygen and elevated carbondioxide atmospheres can have an additive effect in some cases, depending on the concentrations used.
It is important to note that carbon market payments are generally based on tons of carbondioxide equivalents.
Preliminary results on the chemical processing of neat carbondioxide ices, carbondioxide-ethylene mixtures, and of carbon monoxidemethane ices are also presented.
End + tidal carbondioxide for monitoring primary closure of gastroschisis.
When required, carbondioxide was released (2 1 min"1) from a position e l m upwind of the target.
Most species can even live completely lithoautotroph, without any organic substances, only with hydrogen and carbondioxide.
Most of these organisms are anaerobes which use inorganic redox reactions of molecular hydrogen, carbondioxide, iron-, nitrogen-, or sulfur compounds as energy sources.
Computer-controlled olfactometer system for studying behavioral responses of ticks to carbondioxide.
Soon after the nutrient solution came into contact with the samples, about 30 % of carbondioxide gas went into solution.
The marginal costs of carbondioxide emissions and the returns to investment in development are readily compared.
Also, carbondioxide emissions increased 13-fold, water use rose nine times and energy use increased 16 times.
Planets with a relatively high percentage of land coverage show stronger weathering and therefore enhanced removal of carbondioxide from the atmosphere.
Using carbondioxide lasers, the thresholds are 100 times less.
Nowadays there is much talk of the effect of industry on the carbondioxide content of the atmosphere and its effect on climate.
We endanger the planet with carbondioxide and pollution.
In this experiment, there was also no significant difference between a trap baited with carbondioxide and one baited with foot odour.
If the pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio is still too high, arterial carbondioxide tension can be raised further to increase pulmonary vascular resistance.
The patient developed major respiratory problems with retention of carbondioxide despite endotracheal intubation and treatment with diuretics and digoxin.
On serial evaluation, the end-tidal carbondioxide tension did not change at the different exercise levels (p>0.25; data not shown).
Trapped mosquitoes were anaesthetized using 100% carbondioxide and counted at the end of the experiment.
For example, for every litre of crude distillate burnt, 0.0033 tons of carbondioxide is produced.
Thus, carbondioxide emissions monotonically increase within the observed income range and little confidence can be had in the estimated turning points.
Closely related to the issue of carbondioxide emissions is that of energy use.
Conversion from carbon to carbondioxide equivalents requires multiplication by a factor of 44/12.
A postulate to assess ' habitability ' donor and the abundance of carbondioxide and other elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen in an essentially oxygen-free environment.
Most of them utilize hydrogen and carbondioxide to produce methane and water.
A proposed mechanism for the pulse in carbondioxide production commonly observed following the rapid rewetting of a dry soil.
I learned as a boy that carbondioxide was a colorless, odorless, harmless gas that plants ingest in the process of photosynthesis.
Despite the similarities in response, arthropod mortality is generally greater in response to high carbondioxide as apposed to low oxygen atmospheres.
In one trap, carbondioxide was pumped from a pressurized cylinder at a rate of 300 ml min-1.
It was observed that homogeneously-mixed carbondioxide caused significantly reduced entry responses, which is similar to the response seen in this study.
Monitoring of various doses of carbondioxide released at various positions indicated that this arrangement of fans provided adequate ventilation of the pit.
This is further enhanced by the solubilization of carbondioxide at high moisture content.
Response to carbondioxide by the infective larvae of three species of parasitic nematodes.
There are an additional 194 metabolites that can be synthesized from carbondioxide.
A subsurface source of molecular hydrogen, along with carbondioxide, and liquid water, might support the growth of methanogenic microorganisms.
Specimens for scanning electron microscopy were fixed as above, dehydrated and critical point dried from carbondioxide.
For carbondioxide and biological oxygen demand we have yearly observations for 32 developed and developing countries for the period 1975-1995.
Additionally, at these low temperatures, flow to the brain is still directly responsive to increasing tensions of carbondioxide.
Interestingly, they were adding 2.5% carbondioxide to the oxygenator.
These investigators found that the metabolic rate decreased with increasing tensions of carbondioxide.
The inhalation of 5% or 7% carbondioxide during core cooling made the brain unacceptably acidotic.
Elevated tension of carbondioxide is a potent cerebrovasodilator in both the awake and anesthetized state, with or without bypass.
Lack of clathrates or carbondioxide separation during cooling indicate that this component is absent.
The metabolism and conversion of fructose and glucose are not equivalent even though carbondioxide production is similar and increasing from morula to blastocyst.
The main point is the persistent balance between carbondioxide in the atmosphere/ocean system and the metamorphic (plate tectonic) sources.
The head of the animal was fixed to the thorax with wax under light carbondioxide anesthesia.
Vials were affixed near the trap entrance and when used in combination with carbondioxide, they were affixed adjacent to the carbon dioxide release point.
Regional cerebral blood flow measured during symptom provocation in obsessive - compulsive disorder using oxygen 15-labeled carbondioxide and positron emission tomography.
At the end of each experiment mice were culled by exposure to carbondioxide, weighed, and the body cavity opened.
The study of economical path ways (as a function of time) towards stabilization of carbondioxide concentrations in the atmosphere is obviously of interest.
The gas analysis package constantly performs analyses to determine concentrations of methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbondioxide, and hydrogen in the vicinity of the vehicle.
It was established that in the presence of oxygen the intensity of carbondioxide emission is much lower than that in anaerobic conditions.
Younger systems tend to be more geodynamically active and therefore contain more carbondioxide in the planetary atmosphere.
Their experiments with dissociating nitrogen and carbondioxide flows substantiated these predictions and were given additional weight by being contrasted with a perfect-gas argon experiment.
This involves exercising a patient on a cycle ergometer attached to 12-lead electrocardiography whilst measuring oxygen uptake and carbondioxide production.
In another trap, carbondioxide released at 300 ml min-1 was pumped.
Rising atmospheric carbondioxide: plants face the future.
Such animals produce lower levels of carbondioxide but all other kairomones are comparable with those of an ox (see figs 4 and 5).
To test this hypothesis, the effect of adding 2 l minx1 of carbondioxide to the odour of a weaned calf was assessed.
Lines fitted by regression with log10(carbondioxide, l minx1) as y-variable and log10(liveweight, kg) as x-variable.
About 60 per cent of todays carbondioxide emissions stem from the burning of oil and gas.
But we have no natural way of perceiving the increase of carbondioxide in the atmosphere or of evaluating its meaning for us.
Issues of stationarity are discussed below, however, in the context of carbondioxide and biological oxygen demand, for which a longer time series is available.
By burning crop residues for energy, one can thus displace coal and reduce carbondioxide emissions.
A genetic study of the acute anxious response to carbondioxide stimulation in man.
The increase in flow of blood, therefore, may be due to the effect of increased levels of carbondioxide.
Over the range of approximately 30-80 torr, developmental score increased 8.8 points for every 10 torr increase in tension of carbondioxide (p=0.002).
Arterial blood acid base balance and tension of carbondioxide were normal.
Upon reevaluation heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen uptake, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen, end-tidal carbondioxide tension and physiological dead space did not change significantly.
A paper facemask was worn by the observer when counting mosquitoes so as to minimize the impact of breathing carbondioxide near the set-up.
The inhibitive effect of carbondioxide was expressed with the compound as the only stimulus and in combination with human skin emanations.
The higher density and refractive index of the gas in the carbondioxide flow makes it possible to resolve the shock much more sharply.
The precipitation of carbonate minerals requires bicarbonatesaturated waters, indicating that carbondioxide may have been readily available, as bicarbonate, for photosynthesis.
Electrophysiological responses of three tick species to carbondioxide in the laboratory and field.
This point would concern not only oxygen and carbondioxide, but also the local influence of nitric oxide in its anti-oxidant capacity.
This also explains the decrease in end-tidal carbondioxide which is indicative for an excessive washout caused by the increased respiratory rate.
This indicates an excessive washout of carbondioxide and reflects the relative hyperventilation, which is also revealed in the increased respiratory rate.
A 93/7%, oxygen/ carbondioxide mixture is blended with air to ventilate the oxygenator during hypothermia.
Oxygen, carbondioxide, and carbon monoxide are all indicators of the efficiency of the combustion process.
In particular, the concentration was lower if carbondioxide was released near the floor and away from the exhaust shaft.
However, both attraction to different individuals and carbondioxide production by these individuals were strongly correlated with weight, suggesting a possible link.
The steady increase of these indicators is clearly hindering attempts to control carbondioxide emissions and transport generated emissions of local air pollutants.
Intubation, pharmacological paralysis, and controlled mechanical ventilation have been necessary in many cases to increase arterial carbondioxide tension.
Then, excessive carbondioxide may emphasize the harm of lactic acidosis but never lessens it,36 although hypercapnia alone does not injure cells.
The tension of carbondioxide in the perfusate can also affect the splanchnic vascular tone.
Normal reference end-tidal carbondioxide tension data were obtained from a group of 14 normal controls of comparable age.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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