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词汇 example_english_capture

Examples of capture

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Although child language was not the focus of this study, many adult- child interactions were captured on tape.
Figure 11 shows how this can be captured via a mixed, partial representation.
The main reason may be due to its better ability of capturing the locality of various phenomena, which indicate entity names in a text document.
Images were captured at a resolution of 512 6 512 pixels.
Unfortunately, it is not particularly good at capturing the behaviour and sounds of human speech.
Lastly, the board had a very high resolution allowing the detail of small hand movements to be captured as well as the larger gestures.
A second fieldwork phase started in 2001, aimed at capturing the dynamics of land rights, distribution and use, since the 1980s.
The enemy captured vast quantities of equipment including heavy artillery with which he was able to wage his war to a finish, and victoriously.
Longitudinal asymmetry captures the idea of temporal asymmetric behavior in the direction of the business cycle.
The first term in (16) captures the intragroup growth and the second term the growth due to compositional change in population.
Although we believe this story captures an important element in many actual crisis episodes, it is admittedly quite unconventional.
The endogenous short-sale constraint, which captures the above idea, keeps an agent engaging in asset trading at every period.
However, it is more likely that this variable captures certain unquantified aspects of the socio-economic levels of households.
In other words, this simulation captures the effects of increased use of water outside the park.
The results captured the interest of the participants.
No other special knowledge, skill or invention is needed in relation to looking after captured crickets.
Her subtitle captures the theme of this study - the evolution of a global problem.
Both men had been captured by life in the north and could never return to the south.
I first examine what is specific in public policy negotiation compared to the individual bargaining captured in economic models.
Table 8 captures the interaction between these issues under varying economic and regulatory constraints.
To do this we formulate a regression model that captures the effects of different fiscal policy tools on private consumption.
The first kind can be captured by setting a minimum unit value.
On the former day they feign humanity and gentleness, in the hope of capturing the voice of the people.
However, we have found that, in most cases, we have used the same language for capturing the important features of the meta-state of the search.
We recall that these objects are captured as nodes in the various hierarchies in our ontology.
Local conjunction of the derived sub-hierarchies with a constraint penalizing null morphology captures the intuition that morphological complexity is associated with marked configurations.
The term "cultural" thus best captures the nature of the so used.
Diary methods : capturing life as it is lived.
Instead, we develop a framework which captures those aspects of a vulnerability approach which are most relevant to the study of ageing.
We thus need a dynamical description that captures the high-dimensional complex dynamics.
If mental representations involve sequences of directions of attention, one possible role for syntax is in capturing this temporal structure.
The brain has far more degrees of freedom than can be captured by the tip of the finger or by spoken or written responses.
The model, therefore, while biologically plausible, captures an integrated behavioral outcome.
Conventional knowledge-engineering approaches to capturing heuristic knowledge for such computer systems have been found to be lacking.
The static and dynamic characteristics in the design of assembly can also be captured.
They were checked daily until the first sustained fly captures occurred and then adults were counted and removed from traps once a week.
The objective was not to test students' discriminative skills, but to check what dimensions of music criticism captured their attention.
If we allow parentheses to indicate optionality, then optionality can be captured in a single grammar.
If they are not prisoners of war, one may legitimately wonder why the confrontation in which they were captured was a war.
What arguments support the doctrine that cognition can be captured by standard computation?
After 15 + 1 h, moths captured in the two odour chambers were recorded as responders.
Overall, light-traps captured 78% of adult mosquitoes collected by all methods.
The model certainly captures a very important dimension of the patient's experience: that of being ill and the vulnerability of illness.
One can understand that the model of partnership captures the complexity of autonomy and the various arenas in which autonomy is lived out by patients.
Otherwise, its addition to butyl hexanoate-baited traps should have resulted in a slight increase in captures.
In fact, we captured one of our marked flies 800 m from its release point in a separate experimental arena in a neighbouring orchard.
As such, this method captures individual differences in internalizing behavior as random effects around common latent growth factors.
The unique population characteristics of islands have captured the attention of demographers.
The wage rate in our theoretical model captures the opportunity cost of the woman's time.
Moreover, differences across countries in this respect will not be captured by the country fixed effects.
Under many circumstances, the static model captures the majority of the decision problem.
First, approximately two-thirds of the gains from tradable water rights are captured with a spot market alone.
The non-agricultural component of the economy is captured by six activities.
The rents are simply being captured by the illegal loggers.
In particular, maternal reports of toddler behavior may miss some of the more subtle nuances that can be captured by coding videotaped interactions.
Using the area of land in each flood land type in each month captures the effects of both the intensity and the duration of flooding.
The flavour of this meeting is captured by the contents of this special issue which resulted from presentations given by invited speakers.
The photo captures one moment of the event described by the caption.
If we assume that frequent collocations are stored, then we have a way of capturing the intuition that t-to-r is essentially becoming lexicalised.
In this model there is an organization of the environment over time that captures the processes that are relevant to individual development.
The transition to adulthood is multifaceted, a quality not fully captured in the characteristics we selected to reflect tasks typical of this transition.
In recent years, the development of girls' externalizing problems has also captured the attention of a number of theoreticians.
The emotional tone of parenting is not completely captured in the immediate context of parent - child interaction.
However, the recent advent of neural network and connectionist modeling provides a theoretical tool for capturing complex dynamic interactions.
He merely had a right to hunt and to keep the animals he captured.
During the preschool years, well-being may be better captured by parental depression, which increases for many parents around the time children enter preschool.
The latter indicates that a model is judged adequate when it captures relevant invariant causes.
Holding everything together is his engaging and lucid style of writing, which readily captures and retains the reader's attention with elegant turns of phrase.
First, environmental investments generate public benefits that cannot be captured by private investors due to market failures.
Construction grammar is a nonderivational theory, where syntactic and semantic commonalities shared between different expressions are captured by multiple instantiation rather than by derivation.
Talk, like life itself, is far too complex to be captured in this way.
I then consider analytically what this term expresses that is distinctive and cannot be adequately captured by other vocabulary.
I show that the egalitarian's concerns cannot be adequately captured by considerations of sufficiency, compassion or priority.
More complex forms of generalization can be captured by more complex hypothesis spaces.
The network learned a set of input-output patterns whose semantic structure was not captured by the localist input and output representations.
Finally, astrobiology is a superb teaching tool, an interdisciplinary enterprise that readily captures the imagination of students.
Shadows of mapping class groups: capturing convex cocompactness.
Since their discovery about two decades ago, oncogenes h a v e captured a spot in the limelight.
The pattern has been captured for constant time-steps in one vertical section of the gap.
We attempted to determine the additional genetic variance, if any, captured by using marker haplotypes rather than single markers.
They captured not so much a personal style, but a type of relationship.
The 18th order approximation captures the behaviour of the circuit almost exactly.
Therefore, those aspects of its referent that it captures necessarily limit what we can do with a representation.
Each principal component captures as much variability as possible with a linear combination of the data and is uncorrelated with all other principal components.
Cells viewed in representative field screen captures were counted manually for cell morphology and classified as either normal or elongated.
We found a correlation between the amount of knowledge each captured and their cost and schedule outcomes.
When this knowledge is captured, knowledge point 3 has been achieved.
Several canonical examples of these staining patterns were captured, and then only textual annotation and a low-magnification image were used to document additional occurrences.
The possibility of an equal or less efficient entrant capturing significant volume depends on the fraction of mail on profitable routes that is actually contestable.
Images of labeled cells captured on the membrane were obtained and analyzed as described above.
The dual focus of the research reported in the following chapters can best be captured by indicating the two general questions that underlie the work.
Despite several recent attempts no other biography has captured her as fully as this one.
His enthusiasm is captured in the surviving drawings, which are indeed of a remarkably high quality.
Surely the determinate content of thoughts is not captured by constructivism.
We should say that their thoughts are captured by salient information where they should be centrally directed, inhibited and co-ordinated.
The state is still seen as an instrument which can and must be captured by the working class.
In essays of this sort the practical judgment captures the essence of the legal realist's criticism of legal formalism.
However, if maintenance expertise can be" captured" in an expert system, then it is permanently available and unaffected by disuse or use.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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