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词汇 example_english_budget

Examples of budget

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Shrinking budgets have increased competition for scarce resources, requiring managers to make tough resource allocation decisions that may affect program delivery.
At a minimum, these budgets covered central staff salaries and training and security hardware and software.
Support in constructing and managing budgets is needed.
Many retailers today rely simply on jacket design and advertising budgets and never bother to read a text at all.
There has been the growth of feminist bookshops, research and resources centres, publishing houses, journals and magazines- even if they usually exist on shoe-string budgets.
Financial support to conduct this research comes primarily from the budgets of the member institutions but is supplemented by funds from international donors.
Households and enterprises are thus prompted into accounting for environmental costs in their plans, programmes and budgets without impairing the allocative efficiency of the market.
Various estimates of the full money and maize budgets were included, such as money income and the value of maize harvests.
Although new innovative approaches are appearing, such as those based on microarray technology, these are still largely beyond the budgets and infrastructure of most laboratories.
Data for the lower-middle-class family budgets are from two magazine articles.
As a result, medical schools have steadily cut ethics budgets while trying to maintain full ethics programs.
The decentralization of healthcare delivery and health budgets has also encouraged a number of independent telehealth projects.
Exercises include discussion, role-play, simulation, report writing, negotiating budgets and contracts, consumer surveys, small talk, social arrangements, telling anecdotes, exchanging opinions, and socializing.
Even as this is occurring, however, large middle-aged populations (and balanced budgets) fuel robust national savings rates.
As states assess their psychotropic medication budgets, can a case be made that increased spending for psychotropic medication has measurably improved mental health outcomes?
A fall may lead to lobbying for lower taxes for the public sector and reductions in health care budgets.
They are an amalgam of dreams and personalities, rooms and theories, paper clips and organisational structure, clients and activities, budgets and photocopies, and great intentions.
In addition, increases in public works expenditures result in reduced budgets for welfare services.
Two further senses of the term can be distinguished, each associated with notions of using, collecting, spending, storing and budgeting energy.
Individual budgets bring together in one place all welfare benefits that an individual is entitled to receive.
Without increases in budgets for staff training within general practice, the costs of developing a solid knowledge base may be prohibitive.
However, integrated nursing teams were increasing the management responsibilities of practitioners, especially with regard to the management of budgets.
The importance of rainwater to the nutrient budgets of some plant communities is discussed later.
Not to mention administration, official meetings, and budgets.
Rural and urban children can and do contribute to family budgets by tending animals, harvesting crops, becoming apprentices, and working in shops.
The local councils adopt programmes, work plans and the relevant budgets on the basis of locally identified social and economic needs.
Thus, in reality the municipal budgets are largely fictional.
Balancing budgets is a difficult task for any government but existing political institutions may facilitate or hinder this process, producing variations in policy outcomes.
The annual budgets of these groups ranged from nothing to approximately $8,000.
All the countries studied were, for example, diversifying the provision of care, trying to integrate provision across traditional service and professional boundaries, and devolving budgets.
More efficient distribution channels and bigger promotion budgets than before broke the phenomenon through for good.
Municipalities were pressed to manage their budgets through administrative measures, such as increased visiting of claimants.
The burden of marginal costs also falls in the first instance on local authorities, who have responsibility for managing their budgets.
Administrative budgets have been devolved, and managers have been given increased autonomy in organising offices.
Then, how had national grants for the construction of day-care centers been budgeted?
By combining error budgets, constraint engines and library systems in a computational environment, multiple machine concepts may be rapidly modeled, analyzed, and compared.
Husbands and wives generally retain separate budgets, with the husbands contributing to the maintenance of the children but only covering a part of their costs.
They were artificial and therefore were inferior to natural budgets.
The inclusion of these items in the consumer budgets would change much more significantly the relative prices faced by lower- and higher-income groups, however.
In this study, potato whole-farm budgets included a potato enterprise with a rotation crop or crops.
By integrating care, the program aims to continuously improve quality of care within existing budgets.
Quality of care is therefore used as a criterion in the negotiation of hospital budgets.
Public hospitals, in contrast, invest in needed equipment and drugs as their individual budgets permit.
However, the guidelines for reimbursement of assistive devices were revised at the moment because of an increasing pressure on budgets for assistive devices.
Also, municipal healthcare services are given global budgets from the municipalities.
Hospitals' budgets are fixed by the counties, and the hospitals are expected to organize and conduct their affairs within the limits of these budgets.
In a comparison of real administrative costs and real term expenditure, the data support the bureau-shaping thesis that public servants work to maximise their budgets.
Since contribution rates and consumption tax rate are not adjusted, the budgets of the government, the pension, and the health care system are not balanced.
The first is for budgeting purposes, to identify the resources necessary to undertake or sustain an intervention.
A third issue is that existing mechanisms for establishing budgets and payments are problematic.
Their budgets relied on local property and land taxes.
Another marked problem is the juxtaposition of fee-for-service for specialists with budgets for nursing and accommodation costs in hospitals.
Global budgets are a mechanism used by hospitals to control the acquisition of medium and low health technology.
Hospitals function under fixed, prospective budgets with regulation of capital investments.
Apart from controlling costs, there is some evidence that hospital budgets have also slowed down technological change.
Local officials remained basically uninterested in state politics, except insofar as state budgets affected them.
The state continually monitors the associations, auditing, approving, and maintaining records of their budgets on a regular basis.
Each standard element contains the constraint and error information required to automatically build the error budgets and the constraint networks.
How long, for instance, will big budgets for fieldwork continue?
In terms of cash energy expenditures, urban households consistently spend more of their budgets than rural households.
Another major source of gap financing was grants from state, regional or municipal government budgets.
Given limited budgets for conservation, the search for an efficient, readily implementable program design is imperative.
Battles over public budgets are usually fought line by line, behind closed doors as well as in public.
As shown below (figure 20), the budgets for the 8.9:1 bar grid and the 3 : 1 perforated plate, corroborate the presence of counter-gradient flux.
The budgets of u 2 and w 2 recover shapes similar to those observed in the equilibrium, two-dimensional, boundary layer, although at much higher amplitudes.
Problems associated with nutrient accounting and budgets in mixed farming systems.
The collective effort to mitigate these diverse disadvantages will come from the same inevitably limited budgets.
Other checks also suggest that the estimates from the household budgets are reasonable.
Her ministers sought not only to restrain public budgets in the near term but also to moderate the long-term trajectory of government spending.
However, administrative budgets are very small compared with programme (benefit) expenditure, where the control mechanisms remain essentially bureaucratic.
However, their importance to the nutrient budgets of the island's plant communities in general is less clear.
Thus, the scrutiny of the allocated schoolbook budgets was highly time-consuming and required a lot of manual work.
One may expect changes in budgets (and, hence, charge-backs to artists) based on costs of maintaining traditional point-of-sale practices and instituting online ones.
While the organic matter in such residues has value, this value was not recognized in potato farm budgets.
Of the remaining 22 farms, 15 coupled farms and four on-farm integrators provided enough data for budgets.
Thirdly, grain corn budgets did not account for commodity payments.
Production assumptions used to derive representative budgets were based on the most common practices of cooperating farms.
Balanced budgets were required in the first phase, when we were in the process of setting up the euro.
Rather, we should concentrate on aggregate data about the levels of expenditure on different budgets and in different types of agency.
A final stage of the research gathers feedback on the budgets from experts and consumers.
A second option for explaining social welfare adjustments centres on the strength of countries' budgets and economies.
With these levels of research investment, expectations of what is feasible will always exceed available budgets.
The budgets of 1997 and 1998 were characterised by an emphasis upon tax individualisation to increase the participation of women in paid work.
In developing the leisure budgets we were confronted with the question of the impact on one's overall leisure activities of being a non-resident parent.
The cost is the present discounted value of future budgets after adjustments for lost opportunity costs and transfer payments (as indicated above).
Furthermore, as budgets remained unbalanced during in the 1980s and 1990s, public indebtedness exploded in most of the industrialized countries.
The declining economies and narrowing budgets limit the amount of growth witnessed in social expenditures.
The legislatures found it difficult to question budgets drawn up by the executive with broad-based participation.
There is also some speculation that self-reported data may be biased for political reasons or as input for budgeting negotiations.
The kingdom knew no public space to negotiate over national budgets, which were fed externally and grew rather suddenly.
Although we support his approach, we are careful not to underestimate the necessary adaptations regarding people's budgets as well as the necessary technical modifications.
Too often, the competing pressures on our institutional budgets pit the past against the present and the future.
Gross margins were computed for each treatment separately to obtain enterprise budgets.
In the economic budgets, the pro®tability of groundnut was sensitive to how the labour requirements for producing groundnut are valued.
The budgets also vary in composition, since the budgets in the six central parishes are of married couples and their children only.
The budgets reveal that under-employment was a significant problem for these parishes and the highly seasonal availability of work pauperised a large number of families.
To do this, project team leaders were given budgets - which included (some of) the income for work done for customers.
The analogy, which is explicitly acknowledged in such standard terminology as "error budgets," is to the allocation of profits to various sequences of transactions.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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