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词汇 example_english_boost

Examples of boost

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Zoster may occur more frequently in adults who have not been boosted by varicella contacts (6).
Zoster may occur more frequently in adults who have not been boosted by varicella contacts during their adult life [28].
Accelerated radiotherapy regimen for malignant gliomas using stereotactic concomitant boosts for dose escalation.
The involvement of a community psychiatric nurse with such patients may have boosted the uptake of interviews, but was not logistically possible.
Then in the 2000 election, the party boosted its strength by 41.65%.
Thus, besides their pattern detection capacities, children's understanding of intentions substantially boosts their learning of meaningful rules.
Finally, the increased focus on doctors' neglect may have boosted defensive medical behavior and risk aversion among the general practitioners.
They turned their focus to the department's flagging mail operations, boosting the efficiency of the agency's basic services.
Small amounts of spectral noise actually boosted the average amplitude of temporally-coded signals relative to a pure sinusoidal modulation.
Raising plan generosity also boosts employees' appreciation of their retirement program but its effect is more modest.
The positional faithfulness approach accounts for accented dominant affixes by boosting the faithfulness properties of certain affixes.
The new cities were located on the imperial highways usually at points where they crossed a navigable river thus facilitating communication and boosting commerce.
In this paper we present an original neoclassical growth model in which work effort and accumulation are boosted by negative externalities.
Ultimately it boosted their authority by conferring a more complete legitimacy.
In this regime we are not acting on (neither boosting nor penalizing) any possible group selection factor.
Many immunological factors are present in both colostrum and breastmilk, particularly in the days immediately after birth, boosting the systemic protection of the breastfed infant.
The economy recovered and grew rapidly, boosted by railroad construction that boomed in the 1880s.
With its apparent popularity decline, the broad category of dance music broadcasting had lost its primary justification of boosting wartime morale.
Such a relationship seems to confer legitimacy on their illness and thereby boosts their sense of self-worth.
At that point, if benefits are mild or absent, boosting with lithium or a thyroid medication is considered.
One week prior to the collection of antiserum against daughter sporocysts, the mice were boosted with the sporocyst proteins without adjuvant.
The suggestion, then, is that the greater visibility of cash plan products promoted by provident and commercial insurers may now be boosting scheme membership too.
At first glance, living with one's partner boosts the probability of voter turnout, but the impact of living with a child is statistically indiscernible.
The prospects for consociationalism could also be expected to be boosted by the lack of other, more attractive, options.
Three weeks later mice were boosted with the same dose of viruses.
Second, the irrigation schemes established mainly in the 1970s significantly boosted rice production, revealing the attractions of the crop for food and cash.
Increasing the match rate also boosts participation, but it appears to have the opposite effect on the average contributions of middle-aged workers.
Specifically, for those working within a discourse analytic paradigm, the value of accessing large computer-held corpora lies in boosting the empirical credence of analyses.
Thus, a higher survival rate boosts precautionary wealth.
Therefore, an enhancement in executive control in general may have the consequences of also boosting the working memory system which is part of it.
My conclusion is that, in rural areas, the additional 'supply' recently introduced by the dissenting denominations had boosted attendance rates.
Success at their individual offices boosted the actuaries' status and allowed them to apply their ethos of collegiality to the industry-wide problem of overcompetition.
The receptive fields inside the scotoma would be boosted in their expanded state, responding to positions outside the scotoma.
The estimates also show that two free delivery services - business deliveries and residential collections - visibly boosted delivery spending.
Economic activities here are boosted by active gold mining operations.
The animals are bled after 3 weeks and 7 to10 days after successive boosts.
The rumours did succeed in boosting the real estate market, but they also had important political outcomes.
In addition, it boosted their confidence to continue caring for their relative and, more particularly, raised their ability to handle specific care-giving problems.
The regression finds that cabruca depresses prices by 22 per cent, while other cacao boosts prices by about the same factor.
The results suggest that cacao outside the intermediate humidity area has a strong effect on boosting land value, but essentially no effect otherwise.
Because the bank will have a considerably smaller interest in boosting employment, it can be trusted to keep its hands off of the money spigot.
The logic here is that bilingual readers should perform better than monolingual readers because learning two languages boosts the development of metalinguistic skills.
Innumerable events hosted by a variety of individuals, clubs and institutions (and worthy of greater study) further boosted activity.
A pension fund can have many, and often competing, objectives such as maximizing return, minimizing risk, boosting the asset-liability ratio, minimizing contributions, and others.
His results imply that boosting the fertility rate through changes in policy would require significant policy changes.
When boosting applies to these abstractly downstepped values, there may be no significant distinctions to re-amplify.
Identity is central to claims like these, for example because "boosting social attractiveness" means presenting a self that is more attractive to another person.
Overestimating the level of immigration also exacerbates the sense of threat and boosts restrictionist sentiment.
Thus, democracy indirectly boosts economic growth by inhibiting regime interruption.
In the short or medium term, greater targeting or selectivity is the most effective means of boosting the incomes of the poorest.
We are however skeptical that significant performance boosts will come from unlabelled data: manually labelling data is a much surer path to success.
In turn, as this relationship is reinforced, it boosts a myth of leader strength.
From the standpoint that values boosting human well-being, the more prioritarian our weighting of well-being gains and losses, the more attractive hard paternalism appears.
Since government spending works as the productive input, an increase in spending expands the output of the economy, which in turn boosts tax revenue.
Reading aloud and participating in dramatized reading boosted their confidence in their speaking, listening and communication skills.
Calibration of one-dimensional boosted kinetic codes for modeling highintensity laser-solid interactions.
Modes located beyond the critical angle can be damped by transverse beam temperature and boosted by parallel plasma temperature.
In contrast, his post-election honeymoon and re-election as party leader temporarily boosted his approval by a modest 3-4 per cent in each case.
The expansion of capital and credit markets based on foreign resources has recently been boosted by the government's policy of deregulating foreign investments.
Calibration of onedimensional boosted kinetic codes for modelling high-intensity laser-solid interactions.
The advanced education offered by the program likely yielded particularly strong resource and interpretive effects among them that boosted their degree of involvement.
Such ecological benefits are boosted further by high market growth.
Private grants had been developed for this purpose since 1949 and subsequently boosted by government support.
The decay of the representations can be offset by a subvocal rehearsal process that boosts their activation levels.
Building a student's con®dence in their own performing ability boosts their self-regard as composers.
Higher levels of full-sib production should increase fine-scale structure - boosting coancestry values to something of the order of fij l 0n13.
One area this could be particularly useful in is prescribing electron energies for breast boosts.
The idea of boosting the adaptive immune response against the tumour is worth exploring and has some limited experimental and clinical support.
The automata had therefore to protect themselves against hydrolysis that was also boosted by the high temperatures.
Overall 1-best supertagging accuracy is boosted from 79.24% with no smoothing to 80.65%, a decrease in error rate of slightly under 7%.
In preliminary experiments, we tried several boosting factors, ranging from 1-10, and settled on a value of 7 because of its superior performance.
The increase in foreign exchange generated was also boosted by an increase in the contribution made by the export of kiln-dried lumber.
Key topics include voting, bagging, boosting, mixture of experts, stacked generalization and cascading.
They further argue that gender segregation policies in the aftermath of the revolution boosted women's employment in the public sector.
Thus, a higher discount factor boosts precautionary wealth.
Because higher persistence allows shocks to last longer and thus increases intertemporal uncertainty, it boosts precautionary wealth, just as the variability of shocks does.
The latter uses can either be boosting or hedging.
In-service training is one means of boosting the activities of health visitors and midwives.
Over the range tested, temporally-coded signals were always boosted by the imposed jitter, relative to the static image, regardless of the amount of spectral spread.
When these values undergo boosting, their distinctions should still then be statistically significant.
A few species benefit disproportionately from habitat disturbance, probably because their resources are boosted temporarily.
Although this strategy boosts the number of indicators available for analysis, it may hamstring efforts to identify latent taxa due to low measurement precision.
Growing populations and declining per capita food production, it is argued, will result in major food gaps which must be filled by boosting aggregate food grain production.
Incorporating prior knowledge into boosting.
Initially, increasing saving and investment adds to the capital stock and boosts worker productivity and the economy's rate of growth.
Investment boosts labor productivity because workers can produce more per hour when they have more and better equipment and better skills (capital deepening).
The meetings encouraged exchange of information and perhaps boosted morale.
The recovery of the building industry further boosted domestic demand at the expense of specialisation in international trade.
Thus, bilingual reading instruction alone in itself might be an important factor in boosting phonological awareness competence.
The predominance of non-agricultural occupations in the female-headed households, with the better employment opportunities implied, boosted their relative prosperity.
Through boosted newspaper circulation and increased membership, comic strips became an effective way of uniting the nation through consumerism, as art was translated to product.
The rapid expansion of weaving boosted the status and skill of weavers.
Since productivity rose faster than mechanization, the output-capital ratio rose, boosting the profit rate still further.
If natural varicella provides boosting against reactivation of herpes zoster, then there may be an increase in zoster incidence following universal varicella vaccination.
A plausible explanation for this difference is that ongoing transmission in these age classes is responsible for boosting titres.
Cross-reactive cell-mediated immunity could potentially keep the oncogenic non-vaccine types under control due to naturally occurring boosting by the benign non-vaccine included types.
Consistent with our expectations, unions compress the wage distribution primarily by boosting the relative wages of poorly paid workers.
Moreover, new saving schemes would stimulate economic growth by boosting national savings rates.
Our findings indicate that programme usage induced a cognitive response that boosted users' participation in politics in the immediate post-war era.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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