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词汇 example_english_beneath

Examples of beneath

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Changes beneath the aggregate level of social welfare expenditures appear more nuanced than the earlier model had indicated.
The external surface including the fins, nostrils, beneath the operculum and under the scales was examined for ectoparasites.
They are not the 'real' driving forces of power hidden beneath the surface of discourse.
Indeed, it was misleading, a joke, beneath serious criticism, and it got none.
Photosynthesis could have continued beneath this bare ice if it was thin and clear.
In that debate one can discern common ground beneath the conflicting viewpoints.
The positioning of the muscle cell bodies beneath the longitudinal muscle layer and their connections with the muscle layers have also been determined.
Except immediately beneath the epidermal scales, ribosomes are not generally found within the outer epidermis.
The epidermal nuclei are situated beneath the basement lamina and subepidermal musculature.
Morphological changes include the coalescence of lipid droplets and the appearance of a hyaline layer beneath the cuticle.
By this means it was possible to introduce beneath the filter paper wide-mouthed bottles containing the various odoriferous substances.
The epidermal matrix 'within' the scale is characterized by the presence of a number of large mitochondria which lie immediately beneath the scale.
The result is to create an impression of forces at work and on the move - beneath the explicit musical gestures of the characters.
The interaction beam was incident on a plastic target whose thickness could be varied beneath which a layer of deuterated plastic was placed.
Exploring the language teacher's mind - helping student teachers see beneath the surface.
Beneath the board there are cells which connect with a storage system.
In this paper we derive a simple mathematical model describing the flow of micellar surfactant solution beneath a gas-liquid interface.
Consequently, when surfactant solution flows beneath a free surface, the fluid dynamics and surface chemistry are, in general, intimately coupled.
The underneath is set, deep as the sea beneath a surface skin.
Four par tial interments were found protruding from beneath the rubble.
As we reached bedrock at 210 cm below sur face, however, we encountered a depression cut into the bedrock beneath the structure.
Virtually all the older employees beneath management level had been offered redundancy, and the majority took it.
The mask has been described as a disguise which, layer after layer, increasingly conceals the ' timeless ' personality beneath.
Local peculiarities, however, survived mostly beneath the cognizance of the center.
Beneath the sealed floor, dry-core fill was exposed.
The cell bodies were seen to lie beneath the 2 main muscle layers and are interspersed between the tegumental cell bodies.
As this tag suggests, many processes operating at this level lie beyond the scope of individual behaviour but beneath that of broad social structure.
Though the theoretical disagreements among judges in easy cases remain submerged, they lurk beneath the sur face.
Only two of 221 seeds (<1%) monitored beneath the study tree or in the experimental plots germinated, one after its seed coat was damaged.
All understorey plots were beneath closed canopy (>20 m height), and >20 m from any canopy opening.
A logging gap was defined as the area of ground disturbed beneath an opening in the canopy descending to within 12 m of the ground.
Meanwhile, seaside humour now appears to lie more in exposing the realities beneath the old archetypes.
Beneath the level of the head jobber were to be found an array of lesser jobbers.
The present analyses consider light trap data only for houses in which all occupants were sleeping beneath nets.
The cylinders were kept outside, beneath a shelter.
The trap interior contains an 18 cm polyethylene funnel which is suspended beneath the drainpipe by four chains.
They discovered beneath the surface of the domesticated landscape the remains of a primeval savagery and contributed to an understanding of the genesis of civilization.
The pulmonary venous connections appeared totally anomalous and were thought to be draining beneath the diaphragm.
In both cases the correct for m abbatis appears directly beneath: thus the first line of ch.
Finally, the canopy was lit up to highlight the unique form that was built, light emanating from beneath panels and through holes [19a].
Beneath this structure is a subterranean 'baptismal spring', formed by what appears as a rupture in the brick floor of the church [13].
Assisted living : the disguise and what lies beneath.
Note the right descending aorta is seen well distally and does not run beneath the esophagus.
Then suturing of the fringe was proceeded toward right hilum beneath aorta and superior vena cava, and then to left hilum.
The same abbreviations appear in reverse order beneath the characters' names and have been crossed out.
The disparate verses unite beneath the overarching theme of reconciliation.
Thus, a permanent implant is often placed beneath the flap to provide adequate volume.
As the mantle churns away beneath us, it is worth reflecting on the complexities that this process actually involves on the grain scale.
With continuing subduction the pelagic sediments might have been dragged beneath the accretionary prism leading to compaction and expulsion of large amounts of pore fluids.
Such an invertebrate may have been feeding on the tissue beneath the skull roof immediately after the fossil was buried in sediment.
The effect of transverse curvature on the structure of turbulence in the boundary layer and on the pressure fluctuations beneath it have not been studied.
Inch by inch the disturbance rises as if the desert were rising in obedience to some upthrusting force beneath.
Only around and beneath the shock-foot area does baroclinic production reach an appreciable magnitude.
The removal patterns beneath the jet serve as contours of constant shear stress and can aid in determining the complete shear stress distribution.
Getting beneath the geometry: a systematic approach to modeling spatial relations.
Widely circulating stories of covered young women wearing tight jeans beneath their modest outer garments is perhaps the most common version of this juxtaposition.
The crinolined women clustered beneath her seem handmaidens flocking to attend her entrance: even a greyhound follows her queenly progress.
However, during the 4-6 mo nesting season, large numbers of seeds accumulate beneath hornbill nest cavities.
We observed ants collecting fruits from both the canopy and from fallen infructescences beneath the crown.
Most urban historians uncover the ®elds beneath after peeling back layers of urban development.
Fencing material was buried at least 15 cm into the soil to deter crabs burrowing beneath.
On one occasion we saw three individuals roosting together about 10 m above the ground beneath a disused bird's nest.
There was thus a total of 48 quadrats, 24 beneath and 24 away from the crowns of previously remnant trees.
Trees accounted for larger proportions of species and stems beneath remnant trees.
We know that much with certitude, because the label "sensus communis" appears beneath.
The college students, who only wanted the title of engineer, did not want to work on the farm; they saw that as beneath them.
The tape is passed beneath the urethra to restore it to its normal position.
Thus, we focused on tracing labeled dendrites through serial sections using electron microscopy to determine their precise ultrastructural localization beneath the cone pedicle.
Steric potentials beneath a plane defined by the three putative binding sites plays a key role in determining agonist activity.
She always leaves something unexplained and unexplainable beneath the surfaces and hidden in the fires and machines of the factory system.
As we have already mentioned, the convection velocity is the same as that found beneath a plane boundary layer.
Class + structures are those whose streamwise vortices have the same sign as the mean streamwise vorticity beneath the peak crossflow location.
I n order for itself to change sign, the area beneath a cospectral curve must change sign.
Consider the contours of constant pressure correlation of figure 18 which are compared with those beneath a plane boundary layer in figure 19.
Deep lesions are usually less defined, located beneath the skin in subcutaneous fat, and may possess a blue tint.
The operator places an upturned hand beneath the acromion of the posterior shoulder.
Shielding fails when the thermal boundary layer finally advances into the yielded region beneath the pseudo-plug.
The numbers refer to the ratio o f wave height (trough to crest) to wavelength for the points beneath them.
Almost 200 alveoli are present beneath the anterior half of the orbit.
Beneath the apparent stability there was considerable insecurity.
Beneath this gaze the child comes to himself.
Speckled and striped marbles were individually placed beneath the hide.
In painful circumstances, we must put them - with their achievements, prestige, and claims - in their proper place, beneath morality and its principles.
There are very few undercuts (spaces beneath or behind details) found on granite carvings.
Beneath the calm appearance of civilized life is a struggle as deadly as that of the jungle.
He walks in lonely gloom beneath the noonday sun.
How has the project of the common understanding come to seem so utterly beneath the intellectual dignity of serious thought about literature?
How much of a more traditional sense lies beneath the surface of this?
Occasionally he would descend to the students' common room immediately beneath and beg them to make less noise so that he could write.
A few algae, however, produced hard calcareous skeletons, and were abundant enough to produce small gardens beneath the sea.
Rapid movement in cephalopods is achieved by expulsion of water from a muscular funnel beneath the head.
Beneath the law of involuntary manslaughter lie some deep issues of general principle.
In the enlightenment of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, scientific medicine finally struggled out from beneath the dead hand of classical authority.
Beneath their opposition there was often an undercurrent of admiration and fellow-feeling.
The headmen now made responsible thought police work beneath their dignity.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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