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词汇 example_english_become

Examples of become

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In such a context, income assessment becomes something of a challenge.
In the adult worm, this papilla becomes dome-shaped with a small central stoma.
The problem needs to be addressed before the situation becomes as serious as it is with other, more broadspectrum anthelmintics.
Peptides could stabilize a catalytic fold, or participate directly in catalysis ; thus the ribozyme becomes dependent on its peptide effector.
In such a picture, the major problem becomes the treatment of proparoxitones.
In this lower energy region, the stopping power enhancement of the plasma becomes large.
However, at the jet center, the reflected pressure becomes negative and therefore jet cavitation and fragmentation may occur.
Later in time, as the gas gets hotter and denser, the continuum becomes significant.
The secondary is suspended off of the tungsten wires and becomes par t of the power feed to supply current to the upper pinch.
In inhomogeneous plasma, the occurrence of the process of mode conversion becomes possible.
Both efforts were internally contradictory and externally became the basis of perpetual conflict.
The development of a sound institutional environment transcends the organisational dimension and becomes a central political issue.
In short, compliance becomes a function of the history of the interaction.
As long as liberals were unwilling to contemplate more redistributive state measures, local government became their central arena for social policy.
During the 1860s and 1870s, then, local self-government became a distinctively liberal concern.
Speculators became involved, and there was strong competition for the rights to erect lights.
Worsteds became the flavour of the year in 1622.
Shaming and humiliation then became tools of policy or a vehicle of private psychosis.
What might have been a vice became a virtue.
Advertising companies also became larger and more integrated.
With the outbreak of war, crossing the road became newly perilous.
However, the policy design became less problematic for the counties than it might have been.
More importantly the weather becomes more erratic, increasing the risk of summer droughts and harvest failures.
Measured by paid and volunteer employment together, religion becomes the second largest non-profit field.
The question thus becomes why parties in power seek the goal.
However, it became increasingly difficult to make changes to the system.
He makes reference to a case in which a chicken given in the open becomes a bank note given in half-secrecy. 20.
Estimates are based on data during the period before the child became symptomatic.
Their social network became reduced due to communication dif culties.
In short, diabetes is perceived to be more serious as it becomes more medicalized.
However, the interaction term between becoming more religious and religious coping0 practices predicted worry about recurrence reported 18 months after diagnosis.
By necessity the child becomes dependent and infantilized.
With temporary migration, pension portability clearly becomes an issue.
Market value becomes the relevant figure, so the $5 million increase in asset values is not subject to five-year averaging.
The problem then becomes self-compounding, with poor training opportunities leading to poor recruitment and retention, which further restrict the learning opportunities of the existing staff.
The prospect for the creation of cyborgs, that is part human and part machine, is rapidly becoming a reality.
By anyone's definition he became, as far as we know, the world's first cyborg.
From the figure, it can be inferred that the size of the fault function becomes non-zero at t = 10s.
597 set-point, however, in this particular situation the desired force is zero, therefore, the external force itself becomes the force error.
Moral reasoning, when personal happiness is seriously considered below the surface of moral deliberation, becomes prudential reasoning.
All fish became reproductively active within a few days.
Internalization of pr imary caretakers is a process that becomes established by the time the child is 2 or 3 years of age.
Through compassion the patient 's suffering becomes the healer 's suffer ing and the motivation f or action.
They became a system without a means of ver if ication-mere metaphysics and easy cannon f odder f or the rational sc ientif ic mind.
Also, immigrant integration became more politicized, with various politicians now openly calling for a tougher approach to immigrant integration.
Furthermore, the surface area that becomes buried from solvent exposure upon association is smaller than in more tightly packed sequence-specific complexes.
More extension educators became involved, expanding the geographic area of farmer participants.
Studies indicate that production costs are higher as the system becomes more intensive8.
As the temperature rises the cryosolvent within the crystal becomes a liquid and the water on the surface equilibrates through the crystal.
The presence of zinc in the unfolded state suppresses this local bump and the broad activation barrier becomes accessible.
The productivity of stress in this environment was demonstrated by words like argumentation, in which a stressless syllable in the stem becomes stressed.
In odd-parity forms, footing directionality also becomes an issue.
The typology also becomes more complicated when markedness constraints are included, as in the vowel-raising case discussed below.
In words: rabh before ta becomes rab ; ta after rabh becomes dha.
If a stressed syllable is underlying light, it becomes heavy on the surface, so that stress can avoid the foot-final mora.
At the same time, at low gas density the electron free path length becomes large compared with the device scale.
With decreasing source rate and increasing background density, the fast-particle density decreases and the ion velocity distribution becomes less anisotropic.
Diffusion is initially slow and becomes faster as energy increases.
The grain charge becomes a new self-consistent dynamical variable and represents an additional degree of freedom.
The diffusion in the reversed case becomes lower than that in the normal case.
We should point out that the influence of viscosity dissipation outside the boundary layer becomes negligible.
Also, note that the pressure becomes a flux function.
Also, the impact of the variation of the flow parameters is stronger as the aspect ratio becomes smaller.
A critical driving initial perturbation exists at which the end point of the compressive phase becomes sonic and the waveform develops a cusp.
Such distinctions appear and increase when the harmonic number s becomes greater.
Then it becomes not only temporally disper sive, but spatially disper sive as well.
Note that becomes a complex number in the case of instabilities.
The first treatment was tolerable, but predictably each treatment became more difficult.
Patients may fear becoming addicted to pain medication.
I was scared, and became tearful, looking at my wife.
However, as we analyzed the interviews, it became clear that coping strategies were an important component of the cancer journey.
The concept of an age group thus becomes identical with a cohort, where age t is measured by time since birth.
If pensions prove to be simply a substitute for other kinds of saving, it becomes harder to justify the tax preferences given to pensions.
As expected, there was a systematic decline in the willingness of individuals to assume risk as the stakes involved became progressively higher.
All you have been has readied you for this becoming.
The inadequacy becomes more severe when medical expense is set at higher growth rates.
She developed good anxiety management skills and, most importantly, she became able to talk with family about the cancer.
When the eggs or larvae were crushed and inoculated into a monkey the latter became infected.
Most noticeable was the beginning of the formation of the median bulb; the nucleus of the dorsal oesophageal gland also became pronounced.
In one instance the person became worried after seeing someone holding a mobile telephone looking in her general direction.
Is the world music of today perhaps in its first stage of becoming a new concept of music like classic music?
Lyrically and musically, the lament became an important juxtaposition to the upbeat anger or desire of rock.
Such visions, however, had no way of becoming realized while the nation grew steadily divided.
Where food becomes punishment, where fathers corrupt daughters, where illness is a cultural norm, doctors are the source of disease, not the servants of health.
Increasingly, 12-24 hours sustained-release formulations of the opioids are becoming widely available for routine usage, either as tablets or granules.
As grants management becomes more electronic, there can be a direct link between original research proposals and the research outputs.
Thus, improvement of microarray data analysis by false positive reduction becomes necessary.
Nonetheless, becoming more efficient is not enough to remain competitive.
With the first step of describing the distributions complete, the challenge becomes to select a precise transition point.
The individual will becomes an abstraction which is isolated from the social and cultural context.
Similarly, once the idea of chronological series comes into play, it becomes in principle possible to order all sixty-odd descriptions into overlapping temporal groups.
They called for resolutions passed at their conferences to go directly onto the national agenda where they would have a chance of becoming party policy.
Through idealization the lover bestows perfection upon his beloved, and he can only love her because she in this way becomes perfect in his eyes.
Essentially, the us-object corresponds to the subject who is looked at by another subject and thus becomes an object for the other.
From the perspective of eros this is clear; from that of agape our neighbourly love becomes groundless.
Countries in which this pattern has been seen are evidence of the pitfalls of failing to adapt prevention efforts once life-extending treatment becomes widely available.
As it becomes marked as a non-word, "bill(s)" is accordingly (dis)inhabited by a series of bars that also suggests repetition and anteriority.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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