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词汇 example_english_average

Examples of average

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Moreover, the risk estimates and difference scores were separately averaged across the 14 pleasant and the 18 aversive events.
At some level, this averaging requires a memory for past events that lasts at least several minutes.
Environmental data were averaged for five crop development stages.
Means are shown as 5-year moving averages.
The results for the single selection environments were averaged.
Final totals and averages are taken in each column cells without an asterisk!.
Results of the four individual plants were averaged.
Egg survival averaged 99.5%, and survival to adulthood from the pupal stage was 100% regardless of host plant (excluding chilli) (fig. 3).
The removed reaction times were replaced by the corresponding condition averages for the participant.
Heterozygosities averaged over loci exceeded 50% in all populations.
However, the overall scores when averaged out as a class showed an increase in each of the four categories.
In the absence of interactions involving the sentence factor, the standard procedure has been to conduct analyses of ratings averaged across test sentences.
Figure 1 summarizes the averages (and standard deviations) of the gesture rate by language, for both iconic and noniconic gestures.
Tables 2 and 3 list the accuracy means for each condition, averaged across five independent simulations.
Between the atoms the interaction becomes the free energy of the representative atoms, averaging over the motion of the constituent atoms of each element.
On the other hand, the cell-centre schemes clearly provide, through their cell averages, only first-order approximations to the flow variables.
All echocardiographic measurements were made from multiple (three tofive)cardiac cycles and averaged for each subject.
The rate of controlled respiration in all subjects was determined by averaging free respiration rate for one minute while in a supine position.
The fluoroscopy time averaged 37 minutes in the standard group versus 28 minutes in the temperature controlled group.
In both cases, temperature records were averaged over hourly intervals every day.
In addition, it should be noted that the same general pattern of results were identified when analyses were conducted with medians rather than averages.
In the above experiments the variance remaining after removing the block and treatment contributions averaged 0.084 (range 0.065-0.128).
Trials with artifacts were excluded from the averages.
We also reran all the analysis using an averaged social preference score instead of the proportion of years with a rejected status.
We ignore the interest rate, as data availability is limited and village averages appear to be stable.
The age of the head of the household in the sample varies from 17 to 87 years and averaged 35.3 years (table 2).
In the past 25 years real per capita income growth has averaged 5.4 per cent per annum.
The poor are also likely to suffer larger damages than country averages because the poor do not have access to capital.
Using country averages for some variables and city averages for others introduces its own distortions.
Prices are nominal, averaged across species and grades.
The numbers in the text are averaged across the three regressions, since they are mostly similar.
The integrated likelihood is the crucial ingredient in deriving the appropriate model weight used in the model averaging process.
Since comparative advantage is a relative concept, these variables are measured relative to their corresponding world averages.
The pulmonary / systemic flow ratio ranged from 0.35 to 0.58 and pulsatility in the study group averaged 0.62 compared to 1.5 in the control children.
Answers were averaged across the three waves to gain more stable measures.
The structured interviews, conducted by highly experienced research interviewers, averaged 2 hr in length and typically took place in respondents' homes.
Use of these averages is suppor ted by correlational analyses that indicated consistent betweenadolescent differences in emotion regulation across the 3 years of the study.
The three items that assessed illicit drug use were averaged and used here as a measure of association with deviant peers.
The percentage of competent response generation score (averaged across stories) was computed.
506 were averaged across the multiple measurement occasions in which parents par ticipated.
Ratings were averaged to create a measure of the overall impression each study member made.
Factor scores were computed based on unit weighting of item averages.
The length of this attenuated margin averaged 4.7 mm (range 1.3-12.2 mm).
Scores were averaged across the counselors to obtain the three subscale scores for individual children.
Scores were created by averaging children's responses over the five items.
Rather, a composite variable was created by averaging four components.
The items were averaged to form maternal and paternal consistency scores for each respondent.
All data were determined at least in triplicate and all were averaged.
Life events during this time frame were exceptionally low averaging one out of 37 with 79% of the sample scoring two events or fewer.
Subscales were converted to z scores and averaged together to form the higher order academic competence scales.
Correlations across codes averaged 71%, and ranged from 86% to 60%.
Three and 4-yearold children provided a surprising amount of information about their experience, averaging over 100 propositions.
One point was given for each item endorsed; maternal and paternal scores were averaged to obtain a single estimate of events per family.
To reduce the number of variables in analysis, scores were averaged across reporters.
In order not to place a disproportionate weight on ratings of behavior in the home the scores of the two parents were averaged.
In all of the results reported here, the data presented are averaged over 10 replications involving different random initial weight settings.
Thus, this notion of stability really means that time averages of continuous functions are only slightly affected when the system is perturbed.
Let ci be a fixed non-trivial summable sequence which will serve as the coefficients of the moving averages.
On the other hand, near the origin, ensemble averages from as many as 150-200 samples were determined.
Eater, the digitally sampled data were averaged over 10 see intervals.
We prove that these averages of entropies always converge.
The last statement, about the ergodic averages, follows from the prior statements and standard transfer methods.
The up-estuary, tidally averaged salinity increases with increasing tidal range and decreasing run-off.
Averages are obtained as spatial averages of a single realization.
The various averages of the lateral mean velocity are shown in figure 41 -_ together with the bulk convection velocity (v'q2/q2).
Another entirely different type of sampling and averaging can be constructed based on the instants when the interface passes over the detector probe.
The main feature is that feedback between the zonally averaged flow [u] and eddy-topography interactions is allowed.
Here therefore it is the out-of-phase component of the dipole that gives a contribution to the force that averages to zero.
However, spanwise averages obtained from five profiles appear to represent the physics adequately.
The pairs of dashed lines delimit time intervals over which the z-averaged velocity profiles were time averaged.
We note that the inclusion of viscosity induces a net current, when averaged over the inertial period.
In the contrast method, contrasts between the phenotypic averages of haplotypes or offspring groups are calculated which correspond to marker intervals within the original interval.
Multivariate tests were also used to test the hypothesis that each regression parameter differed from zero when averaged across environments.
Table 4 also shows the mean number of markers placed in each linkage group, averaging over the simulations with no extra markers.
The fact that under migration-selection balance the invasion criterion is averaged over populations leads to the following interesting observation.
Six panicles for each plant of the two populations were observed and averaged for the spikelet fertility score.
The thresholds in the graphs are averaged over all models that are represented in a graph.
The distribution for one family can be found by enumerating all cases and averaging over family types weighted by their frequency in the study.
Females from two randomly chosen litters from each line\\replicate combination were averaged in the present study.
The intermediate-rank cycles vary from 0.3 m up to 5.6 m thick (averaging 1.7 m thick), and contain the lower-rank cycles.
However, if rates vary on the scale of a couple of megabases, rates averaged over longer distances may not be informative locally.
Doesn't the inequality of time averages and phase averages depend on ergodicity?
In the subsections we use averaging methods inspired from [3] to localize the asymptotic set.
The ratio of the first to the second, averaged throughout the channel, is about 0.85.
Lastly, for the air sampling in 1999, we averaged the data from the 10 plates.
We averaged fungal measures from two vegetation samples for each of the three media.
Therefore, for the vegetation sampling, we averaged data from the three media types to obtain one value for the abundance and richness at each site.
Women who got nicotine averaged a pain score of five.
Data were collected from three independent experiments and were averaged to cells/section to normalize for potential growth differences between litters.
Since then, the personal saving rate has steadily declined and averaged only 5.9 percent over the 1990s.
They averaged 10,902 miles per year and 14.6 years with a full driving licence.
The analyses were performed within each time-period and were also averaged across the three balance periods.
The number of different visitors they were reported to have had during the last twelve months averaged 5.0.
The expression data for array elements representing the same gene were averaged.
A unique set of distances was obtained by averaging the 24 sets and used as an additional measure of divergence between species.
The ethanol data that was modeled are the mean values, averaged over a number of individuals.
The counts were combined for all the animals in each group, averaged and a standard error computed.
To assess the degree of similarity among the different methods, correlation coefficients were calculated in pair-wise comparisons of these averaged datasets.
Data from at least three experiments were collected and averaged.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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