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词汇 example_english_auxiliary

Examples of auxiliary

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Low to moderate levels of burnout were reported, with the registered nurses scoring higher on burnout scales than the auxiliaries.
The general shape of strong auxiliaries is as in (18).
An eojeol is the smallest meaningful unit consisting of content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) and functional words (postpositions, auxiliaries, etc.).
Throughout the occupation, as during the year-long pro-democracy movement that preceded it, women par ticipated directly as activists and auxiliaries.
In fact, most of the variability occurs with the present-tense forms of the auxiliaries be and have and the modal will.
The children's preintervention performance and their spontaneous speech suggest that they had fragmentary knowledge of auxiliaries and inversion.
Children do produce occasionally agreement errors with copulas, auxiliaries and 3sg agreement.
The verbs haben ' have ' and sein ' be ' are highly frequent auxiliaries and are both conjugated in highly irregular ways.
The authors note on page 61 that the marker -ok attaches to finite main verbs in synthetic constructions and to finite auxiliaries in analytic constructions.
A broad typological study reveals five formal mechanisms for marking causatives : morphological, lexical, periphrastic, using two verbs in the predicate, and exchange of auxiliaries.
They also observed that, at this stage, the learners had not yet produced modals, auxiliaries, subject-verb agreement, or tense marking.
Because of this, e-mail writers start using abbreviations, omitting subject pronouns and auxiliaries, and decapitalizing the initial letters in sentences or proper nouns.
All three groups improved on inversion with questions containing the trained auxiliaries, but only the two experimental groups improved on questions with untrained auxiliaries.
In contrast, there were group differences for untrained auxiliaries.
Session 1 established the children's baseline ability to ask whquestions with 4 different auxiliaries and 2 different wh-words.
The same type of explanation could be applied to the three wh-words and auxiliaries used in both inverted and uninverted wh-questions.
Thirdly, the child hears some wh-words with uninverted auxiliaries in subject (especially who) wh-questions and how come questions.
All matrix object questions were coded for inverted, uninverted or missing auxiliaries.
Inversion errors occur when the child has not yet learned to correctly apply this rule to particular wh-words or particular auxiliaries.
The other auxiliaries either do not occur in contracted form, or have a contracted form deemed not be reliably distinguishable from the full form.
To remain loyal to his class, the organic intellectual must willingly forfeit the economic and social advantages of becoming one of the ruling class's auxiliaries.
Although the ratio seems low, it still differs from the findings on infinitival auxiliaries and modals.
Curme 1935, for example, recognises ' expanded ' verb forms, consisting of auxiliaries and main verbs, along with ' compound ' verbs, comprising verbs and separable particles.
Analyses of the learner's spontaneous speech suggest that this was the case, at least for articles, modal auxiliaries, and nonfinite subordinate clauses.
The within-group analyses on inflectional tense morphemes and auxiliaries provide further support for predictions (a) and (b).
There are two great auxiliaries in this country which seldom fail to promote the success of any scheme - fashion and a high example.
Clinically urinalysis is performed in a largely unsupervised fashion by untrained doctors, midwives, nurses, auxiliaries and medical students.
Poorhouse superintendents were some of the first to be employed in municipal poor-relief, and little by little they were also allowed to appoint auxiliaries.
Progressiveness in verbclass gramaticalization was shown in the similar gradual appearance of auxiliaries and modals following preverbal fillers.
Further, auxiliaries are frequently contracted, as here, making them hard to perceive.
In this section we shall examine alternative theories of how multiple fronted auxiliaries are derived.
As we have already stated, we assume that true auxiliaries are heads of projections intermediate between that headed by the lexical verb and the subject.
The two classes of auxiliaries differ in terms of whether they undergo optional fronting to a presubject position in yes/no questions.
The situation is clouded by the common confusion, as ' auxiliaries', of operatives with periphrastic (or analytic) elements associated with the expression of verbal categories.
The evidential mood is principally expressed by using active participles without auxiliaries.
The first of these concerns the fact that to can be stranded, like auxiliaries, and must then not be stressed.
The organisation of auxiliaries and verbs or particles and verbs into single predicates is not in itself particularly novel.
Eve produced both copulas and auxiliaries quite infrequently (in 18 % and 6 % of obligatory contexts respectively).
Most children (three quarters) provided auxiliaries for the novel verb that was introduced with a particle (umbaffen).
A number of verbs can be used with both auxiliaries when they are used in different contexts.
The semantics of the choice of auxiliaries is thus a subtle one.
The experimental groups extended what they knew about inversion to untrained auxiliaries ; the quasicontrol group did not.
Only bona fide auxiliaries were permitted : the modals can/could, will/would, shall/should, may/might, or be, do, or have.
Retention is reflected in differences in the main verb types with which the two auxiliaries are used.
Significantly, the order of the moved auxiliaries is always the same as the order in their unmoved position.
There are several aspects of auxiliaries with strong and weak forms which are problematic, and which a polysystemic analysis can explain.
Between them they had last served on no fewer than 41 different vessels, 23 of which were warships, the rest auxiliaries.
The prediction regarding modal auxiliaries is also supported, as 84 % of these auxiliaries occur in non-inverted wh-questions.
Similarly, children in the experimental study who previously produced auxiliaries were likely to do so again, while those who omitted auxiliaries continued to do so.
Questions with missing auxiliaries were not included in the individual analyses.
Only 10 of these questions contained wh-words and auxiliaries that had been modelled together in the input sample (30n3 %).
Auxiliaries attached to a stem also inflect and form more complex stems to which other auxiliaries may further attach.
In both spontaneous and elicited statements, it is impossible to determine how many of the children's auxiliaries were contracted and how many were full forms.
During this time, children might begin to build the more abstract representations necessary to use auxiliaries correctly in all obligatory contexts.
Similarly, other researchers working within the generativist framework allow for differences in patterns of use between auxiliaries.
As for degree of grammaticalization, get lies in between lexical verbs and genuine auxiliaries.
On the other hand, no resetting is required for quanti®cation at a distance and inverted questions, but only where auxiliaries are concerned.
One has been, as we have just mentioned, for fewer verbs to behave like auxiliaries.
Sentential negation, relativized minimality and the aspectual status of auxiliaries.
The singularity of modal and temporal auxiliaries is therefore explained.
Chapter 3 discusses the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century prescriptivists' treatment of the auxiliaries shall and will.
The most interesting discussion could have been the one on stacked auxiliaries (might have been being).
We, like those studies that focused on auxiliaries, did not find development in movement of auxiliaries.
In our experiment, hearing a target question twice led children to generalize to untrained auxiliaries, but hearing it once did not.
Only experimental children generalized to auxiliaries on which they had not been trained.
By data point 7 and then from there on wh-questions with inverted auxiliaries occur more often than the other two types.
The findings so far imply that many verbs that appear in verb-second position in child-directed utterances are auxiliaries.
The semantics of the choice of auxiliaries is thus exactly the kind of lexical choice that should take much experience to master.
Chapter 3 focuses on the linear order of agglutinating and inflectional verbal suffixes, auxiliaries, and functional particles in a number of languages.
Second, the auxiliaries can be used in isolation, typically appearing as the answer to a question involving a wordjauxiliary combination, as in (36b).
There are two classes of auxiliaries, movable and non-movable.
Two auxiliaries cannot be fronted simultaneously because the target of attraction must be a constituent and the two auxiliaries do not constitute a constituent.
In contrast, the remnant movement analysis (and the raising analysis) predict that the analogous sentence with fronted auxiliaries will be grammatical.
However, head movement predicts that adverbials should not be found in between fronted auxiliaries.
Firstly, which auxiliaries have weak forms alongside strong ones ?
More generally, finite forms of ' functional verbs ' such as auxiliaries and copulas are predominant among the most frequently used verbs in the input speech.
Finally, he uses approaches of handling auxiliaries for passives, considering passive auxiliaries as some kind of raising verbs.
In contrast, the unprefixed version of the change of state class showed no significant difference between auxiliaries in either dialect.
While the morphological evidence is suggestive of a structural or categorial distinction between auxiliaries and main verbs, it is not conclusive.
In (12) the child receives clear information demonstrating that moved auxiliaries derive from the main clause and not the relative clause.
They will learn similar frames for each of the other fronted auxiliaries.
Both contracted and uncontracted copulas and auxiliaries were counted.
Their chapter contains very helpful tables summarizing the studies on the grammar of conversation, from relative clause markers to degree adverbs, to passive auxiliaries.
In addition, those who participate in the epistolary work of seeking patronage do not deploy modal auxiliaries in identical ways or with identical frequency.
Comparisons are harder to make within the categories of quantifiers and articles, and modals and auxiliaries, but there are similarities here as well.
The large expansion of the public force and its volunteer auxiliaries probably did reduce at least the visibility if not the frequency of crime.
Pidgins characteristically have little or no morphology, and creoles often acquire markers of tense, mood, and aspect in the form of new auxiliaries.
The verbal gerund, by contrast, can combine with adverbs, auxiliaries, ordinary objects, and common-case subjects.
A verb phrase is a group of words the head of which is a verb, accompanied by adverbs, auxiliaries, and complements.
In fact, their analysis is suspect because they present a formal grammar in which meanings of auxiliaries, and generalizations across such meanings, play no role.
When both auxiliaries front, the order of the auxiliaries must be the same as the order of the auxiliaries when no fronting has occurred.
According to, apparent auxiliaries differ in position from main verbs.
First, the analysis provides no obvious account of the distinction between movable and non-movable auxiliaries.
However, present indicative forms of auxiliaries are frequently omitted anyway in periphrastic formations.
In fact, auxiliaries, subject-to-subject raising verbs and control verbs also occur with non-finite verbs.
Similarly, the existence of state class failed to show a significant difference between the two auxiliaries, both in the animate and the inanimate variant.
However, as there were no effects of verb type frequency on the children's use of auxiliaries in declaratives, the data were combined.
As the absence of these special verbs does little to change the results, copulas and auxiliaries do not carry the correlations.
Of the 36 why questions in the data, 33 are noninverted, and all three of the inverted ones involve tensed auxiliaries.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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